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2011 tOSU Recruiting Discussion

RB07OSU;1686473; said:
I tend to agree (I posted this before seeing we landed Brown). If/when we get Walker, I think one of Underwood or Brown plays DT eventually, imo Brown. After Walker, I would doubt that we take anyone unless it it a Landon Turner or McReynolds type. Agreed on Bennett too, I wouldn't be surprised to see him contend for 5 star status by the time rankings are done...top 100 bare minimum.

With the very recent offer to Joel Hale, it appears that the staff is still hunting for more "bigs".
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Predicting the class:

I'm mainly doing this for fun and hopefully to get some of the posters with more knowledge than me to do the same :wink:

1 QB - Miller
2 RB -
3 WR - Spencer
4 WR - Wynn
5 TE - ?(looks like Vannett and Koyack are both taking there time)
6 OL - Walker
7 OL - Carter
8 OL - Bobek
9 OL/DL - Underwood
10 OL/DL - Brown
11 DL/OL - Farris
12 DL/OL - Bennett
13 DL - Hale
14 DL - Miller
15 DL - Hayes
16 LB - DePriest
17 LB - ?
18 DB - Tanner
19 DB - Cash
20 DB - Grant
21 DB - Gambrell
22 ?
23 ?

OK So mine is not even complete, but just hoping to ferret out the best guesses from RB7, Wad, 21, and anyone else who want to take a stab at guessing our class come feb.

Major questions I have?

- would Jones receive an offer and still be interested in committing after Miller commits

- who is the most likely OOS LB to pull the trigger for the bucks: Shazier, Caputo, or Crowell

- understanding that we do not yet know about early departures and transfers, what is the most likely number that we take in this class

- who is more likely to commit between Koyack and Vanett?
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I think OSU is likely only going to take one QB and one TE (I know I'm parroting what Bill Greene said but I think he is right, although I don't think you pass on Koyack or Vannett if they both want in). I think my class as of right now would look nearly identical:

QB - Miller
RB - none
WR - Spencer
WR - Wynn
TE - Vannett and/or Koyack
OL - Walker
OL - Carter
OL - Bobek
OL - Underwood
OL/DL - Brown
DE - Farris
DE - Miller
DE - Hayes
DT - Hale
DT - Bennett
LB - DePriest and/or Vaughters
CB - Grant
CB - Gambrell
S - Cash
S - Tanner
DB - one of Gorman, Lyons, Hardy or someone not even on the radar...or maybe one of Sturdivant/Croswell/Poteat?

That's 20-22 right there. Of course this is all subject to massive changes...:biggrin:
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The staff will be fine with taking a light linebacker group this year because of good numbers and where they stand with next year's crop.

I think Cardale Jones finds his way into this class somehow, and if Vannett/Koyack both want in, you can't say no.

I also don't think the staff is pushing for a set number at DB. I believe they've targeted their guys and will take them if they want in or pass on more offers if they don't. Gorman will end up at UM if Shannon doesn't screw it up. Lyons, I still see at UF, but there's always a chance with a kid like him.
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QB - Miller top 50
RB - None
TE - Koyak top 50
WR - Wynn top 250
WR - Spencer top 250
OL - Carter top 250
OL - Walker top 100
OL - Bobek top 250
OL - Underwood top 250
DT - Bennet top 100
DT - Brown top 250
DT - Hale top 100
DT/DE - Farris top 100
DE- Miller top 100
DE - Hayes top 100
LB - Depreist top 100
LB - Crowell - top 100
CB - Gambrell - top 250
CB - Grant - top 50
S - Tanner - top 100
S - Cash - top 250

That's 20. 3 five star. 9 four star. 8 three star. Great class
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With the great LB haul in 09 and the versatility of the 2010 class(Hagan could slide down from star if he adds some weight. Turner staying at LB/hybrid viper role + Durham and McVey), I think the staff could be comfortable taking as few as 1 LB in this class. I'd like to be greedy and get both Depriest and Vaughters, but we'll just have to see
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armsbendback;1686990; said:
With the great LB haul in 09 and the versatility of the 2010 class(Hagan could slide down from star if he adds some weight. Turner staying at LB/hybrid viper role + Durham and McVey), I think the staff could be comfortable taking as few as 1 LB in this class. I'd like to be greedy and get both Depriest and Vaughters, but we'll just have to see

I agree but since I think Depriest and B. Miller will end up going to the same school, I would thus prefer Depriest. I really like Vaughters for the head he has on his shoulders... he would be a great team leader as a Jr. and/or Sr.
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FerrariEnzo;1686991; said:
I agree but since I think Depriest and B. Miller will end up going to the same school, I would thus prefer Depriest. I really like Vaughters for the head he has on his shoulders... he would be a great team leader as a Jr. and/or Sr.

At this point, I don't think so. Finding a person in Huber Heights that think Braxton will end up anywhere but OSU is hard to find. Vice-versa with DePriest and Alabama. If the package deal comes to fruition, I highly doubt it would be to Bama...much more likely for the good guys. I would prefer DePriest personally, I think he has a tad higher ceiling and is more versatile. However, both are guys we would make room for. We will take 2 if it is the right 2 imo...see Caputo. Plus, I haven't given up on Sturdivant.
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pharaz1;1687051; said:
I think we have a serious shot at Vaughters. I don't see how the staff wouldn't be glad to welcome both Depriest and Vaughters.

I don't think people are saying that the staff wouldn't want the both of them. But with the amount of depth we already have, it'd be difficult to see both of them coming to OSU if the other commits. I think we have a good shot at Vaughters too, but I don't know if he'd come up here if he knows he must sit 2-3yrs before seeing the field.

Btw, no one thinks we have a legit shot at Jajuan Story?
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wadc45;1687119; said:
Define "legit"...of course we have a shot but the odds are against OSU landing a kid from Florida. Simple law of averages...

I meant by legit, that he seemed to speak highly of OSU and I thought we were higher on his list than just having a regular shot(meaning I thought we were favored). And I just assumed we were making better leeway into FL with our recruiting.

And has anyone heard much about Sherrod Baltimore from Friendly HS in MD? He said that he's receiving some attention from OSU:

This past weekend's Virginia Beach Underclassmen Combine featured several NCAA football recruits who could end up at ACC schools - ESPN
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