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2010 TSUN News offseason (football)

For some reason I find this funny:

Rodriguez declined comment through an athletic department spokesman Tuesday, citing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

I can just imagine Rodriguez being like a kid on Christmas morning, "holy shit! you mean all I have to do is say these words and I don't have to answer any more questions from those meanies in the press!? why don't we do that every time!?"

What an idiot.
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WolverineMike;1735660; said:
why didn't he just do the three days when he was originally sentenced? Doing three days sure sounds a lot easier than all that other stuff he had to do while on probation......LMAO.

wonder if he'll get any more punishment..
Oh, don't you wonder any more. He'll be punished. November 27, 2010 in Columbus, Ohio.
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Beaver;1735797; said:
Maybe he's that desperate to get some balls sent his way.

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NFBuck;1736458; said:
Word on gbw is no less than four of this year's true frosh are expected to see significant action on defense. FOUR....TRUE FRESHMAN...SIGNIFICANT playing time. Awesome. Simply awesome.

4 true freshman + loss of 2 best players from last year (including only real difference maker) = better defense in 2010.

Book it.
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Jaxbuck;1736488; said:
4 true freshman + loss of 2 best players from last year (including only real difference maker) = better defense in 2010.

2009 scUM defensive rankings:

Scoring: 77th (27.50 ppg)
Rushing: 91st (171.92 ypg)
Passing: 67th (221.42 ypg)
Total: 82nd (393.33 ypg)

We are about to witness a defensive implosion of an intergalactic scale. Our current string of scoring 37+ points at home in The Game should reach four without much problem...
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muffler dragon;1736545; said:
Serious question: how's Vlad doing Up North? Is he healthy yet? Going to be a productive member this year?
He's still not been particularly healthy and hasn't cracked the two deep yet as far as I know. They screwed up not RS'ing him last year. IMO, if he's seeing significant playing time, they're in even more trouble that we thought because that means multiple others are hurt or have failed...also, the much ballyhooed JT Turner isn't exactly wowing anybody. He may just be a late bloomer, but after all the crowing about him as a recruiting "win" over tOSU and the hype that followed him, he's gotta be looked at as a disappointment thus far. Probably doesn't help that rr and his genius staff continue to try to play him at CB when he's clearly a safety...
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