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2010 TSUN News offseason (football)

goblue15;1734334; said:
Good player, I like his upside.

I would agree. HS TEs often have the potential to become very good college OL.

But, since this is an OSU board I am obligated to trash all things Michigan. His offer list indicates he may also have a downside. This is a good get to fill out a class. Not to become one of its headliners - which right now he is.

Of course, it is a long time to February.

This is something we tend to forget since we should be putting our class to bed shortly after the HS season gets started. Then after we are done selecting from what is on our platter and scrape the remains onto the floor, your recruiting can begin in earnest. :)
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MililaniBuckeye;1734361; said:
And got jail-raped by Vernon Gholston...

Yeah but it's not like we have anymore future 1st rounders on the defensive line to terrorize scUM.

oh wait...

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buckeyemania11;1734348; said:
they were already calling him "The Next Jake Long" a few weeks ago when I was reading the scout forum

Hey, better than the umgoblue forum. Here's their take on the 2011 recruiting class...in a thread that one of their moderators has updated multiple times this month.


Hey, reasonable Wolverine fans (of which there are a couple on here)...you think you might want to inform your fanbase that it's pretty idiotic and unspeakably disrespectful to continue to throw around the name (and, by the way, before I mention the name, it's also used as a tag on a number of other pages on umgoblue and umgoblog) Rico Butler.

Rico was a young man from Central Ohio who, unfortunately, passed away in May.

High School Football Player Drowns In Quarry | WBNS-10TV, Central Ohio News

To keep him on the umgoblue website as a 2011 recruit shows either a lack of knowledge or complete tackiness.

RIP Rico.
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BuckeyeNation27;1735154; said:
Somebody should also tell the people who run that site that Michigan has cooled on Doran Grant. He isn't good enough for them.

Sure he is good enough.

I just think that Michigan never really had a shot with him. He is locked up with Ohio St. unless Michigan St. pulls out miracle.

He probably could have started as a freshman for Michigan.
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zwem;1735400; said:
Sure he is good enough.

I just think that Michigan never really had a shot with him. He is locked up with Ohio St. unless Michigan St. pulls out miracle.

He probably could have started as a freshman for Michigan.
BN27 is just taking a shot at Tom Beaver who recently has said Grant is "overrated"...as he tends to do with every player m*ch*g*n has no real shot with.
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Wolverines' WR Darryl Stonum spent 3 days in jail

Darryl Stonum, a projected starting receiver and U-M's primary kickoff returner, spent three nights in jail last month, according to Washtenaw County court records.
The junior from Stafford, Texas, was sentenced in 15th District Court in Ann Arbor and spent June 4-7 in Washtenaw County jail for probation violations.
The violations stemmed from an early-morning incident Sept. 28, 2008, when he was ticketed and later charged for operating a vehicle while visibly impaired. At the time, the Michigan Daily cited a police report stating that Stonum, then 18, blew a 0.10 on a Breathalyzer, above the 0.02 limit for a minor to drive.
After the arrest, Stonum was suspended for one game by coach Rich Rodriguez. Stonum was arraigned Nov. 19, 2008, and pleaded guilty Feb. 17, 2009. Sentencing was scheduled for April 8, 2009.
Washtenaw County prosecutor Steve Hiller said Tuesday that it was a normal, if not quick, time line.
According to court documents, Stonum was sentenced at the April 8 hearing to a fine, community service and probation. The terms of probation included substance-abuse education and submitting to random drug and alcohol testing.
However, he landed back in the Ann Arbor court last month.
From May 15, 2009, through June 1, 2010, according to court records, he committed probation violations such as leaving the state without consent, failing to submit to random alcohol testing nine times in a 63-day span, failing to complete additional alcohol testing and failing to report for probation on multiple occasions.
At his June 2 review, according to court documents, 15th District Court Judge Julie Creal sentenced Stonum to enter jail at 1 p.m. June 4 and be released at 7 a.m. June 7.
His jail term closed his case June 8.
Rodriguez declined comment through an athletic department spokesman Tuesday, citing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Stonum was not made available by the university, and his attorney did not return a request for comment.
In two seasons, Stonum has caught 27 passes for 375 yards and two touchdowns and returned 40 kickoffs for 1,025 yards and one touchdown. Last season, he set U-M's single-season kickoff-return record with 39 returns for 1,001 yards.
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