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2010 TSUN News offseason (football)

MililaniBuckeye;1734135; said:
He never guaranteed a win, so I don't no why outsiders call that a ballsy statement.

Many Ohio State fans call it a ballsy statement, myself included.

It may not have been explicitly stated as a victory guarantee, but, come on, no Ohio State fan is going to be proud of a loss to Michigan.

At the least, it put a spotlight on that game, which was a marked difference from the predecessor's approach.
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DontHateOState;1734136; said:
Many Ohio State fans call it a ballsy statement, myself included.

It may not have been explicitly stated as a victory guarantee, but, come on, no Ohio State fan is going to be proud of a loss to Michigan.
After many of the recent performances in The Game at the time, playing them tough in Ann Arbor would make fans proud. Even in a loss, playing them tough would have been indicative of a change in attitude and a turning of the tide.

DontHateOState;1734136; said:
At the least, it put a spotlight on that game, which was a marked difference from the predecessor's approach.
Could not agree more...
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he may not have guaranteed it, but it plays perfect into his personality. It was the perfect way of saying we're going to go up there and win without actually saying it.

Tress doesn't have the nickname "politician" because he wears nice suits........LOL
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Didn't see this article posted yet for discussion.
From the UM Rivals site,

Rather interesting spin, after failing at his prediction that the 2009 TSUN defense would be improved from 2008's performance, Jonathon Chait now shocks us with a bold prophesy--the 2010 version could be much better than 2009. Here's some excerpts.

The number one question of the 2010 season is: will the defense improve? After the 2008 defense turned out to be the worst in school history, I argued that the 2009 version had to improve. It actually got worse. Now I'm telling you that the 2010 defense will probably be better. . .
To begin, we need to establish why the 2009 defense played so badly. First, it was desperately short of numbers. . .
The other problems Chait notes were the 2009 secondary, linebackers, and defensive line. But other than those three minor areas of defensive vulnerability and underfunctioning, hope is on the way. . . except for this revelation--

Now, what will change in 2010? First, as happens nearly any year, you lose some players. Brandon Graham, Donovan Warren, and Steve Brown all depart. Those losses are low in quantity but high in quality. Then you have a bunch of returning players, many of whom likely improve. How exactly that tradeoff works itself out is not very clear. What's more clear is that the defense will be much less vulnerable to the weaknesses that proved so damaging in 2009. . .
i. e. his argument is the secondary minus Warren, won't be as vulnerable, linebackers minus Brown will be stronger, and DL without Graham will improve.
Michigan has enough high-level talent at the top that it simply needs its weakest links to play non-terribly.
An Ohio State-like defense is, sadly, out of the question for this year. But bringing the scoring average down from nearly thirty points a game into the low twenties is attainable.
If raising the bar only makes it easier to go under then by all means set it as low as you can go. Oh how the victor's valiant glory has faded.:(
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An Ohio State-like defense is, sadly, out of the question for this year. But bringing the scoring average down from nearly thirty points a game into the low twenties is attainable.
I know they aren't going to be dissuaded with facts or anything but I just have to point out that the "low twenties" defensive goal A) is farther away than he thinks and B) would still not equate to a lot more wins once they play BCS conference teams (like the one they play in).

Real quick;

scUM vs WMU/EMU/Delaware State
scored 139 points (46.3 ppg) and gave up 30 (10 ppg)

scUM vs ND and the B10
outscored 215 (23.8 ppg) to 300 (33.3 ppg)
* its also worth noting that they played exactly 4 teams that had a defense in the top half of the nation in scoring D (60th or better) and averaged 18ppg against them (OSU, PSU, Iowa, Wisky).

So even if they somehow turn the loss of the two best players from last year into a 10-13 ppg defensive improvement they are nowhere near the 30+ppg offensive juggernaut the fanbase seems to think they are.
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gracelhink;1734285; said:
Didn't see this article posted yet for discussion.
From the UM Rivals site,

Rather interesting spin, after failing at his prediction that the 2009 TSUN defense would be improved from 2008's performance, Jonathon Chait now shocks us with a bold prophesy--the 2010 version could be much better than 2009. Here's some excerpts.

The other problems Chait notes were the 2009 secondary, linebackers, and defensive line. But other than those three minor areas of defensive vulnerability and underfunctioning, hope is on the way. . . except for this revelation--

i. e. his argument is the secondary minus Warren, won't be as vulnerable, linebackers minus Brown will be stronger, and DL without Graham will improve.

If raising the bar only makes it easier to go under then by all means set it as low as you can go. Oh how the victor's valiant glory has faded.:(
He's a ritard...

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NFBuck;1734319; said:
MI OT Jake Fisher commits...he's a scout 4* (#25 OT)/Rivals 3*...best non-scUM/MSU offers? The MAC...BGSU, CMU, EMU, WMU, Toledo and Cinci...

they were already calling him "The Next Jake Long" a few weeks ago when I was reading the scout forum
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