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2010 TSUN News offseason (football)

but yes, back to the season. I'm really interested to see what or if the NCAA adds anything to the self imposed sanctions UM put on themselves. We'll find out sometime in August. That could go a long way into the decision to keep him around if say he has a mediocre 6-7 win season.
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WolverineMike;1731792; said:
i guess i shouldn't call him a deadbeat dad, at least he's paying. i didn't read the article, but 70k a month seems pretty ridiculous. how many kids is he supporting, 40?......LOL
That was my reaction. $70,000 a MONTH? Sweet Lord!!

"Cold and calculated"?? Hardly.
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eightpointbuck;1731781; said:
Back to the 2010 season discussion. I personally think that RR makes it through next season unless they completely implode on the order of 3 or 4 wins.

If Michigan goes 7-5 or worse, he's gone. Although 7-5 or even 6-6, would be an "improvement", taking three full seasons just to go 7-5 at a program like Michigan is not acceptable, especially if their conference record is 4-4 or worse.
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But do they have a solid option to replace him? I think that is what I was getting at- 3-4 win season = no choice but to jettison him. 6 wins and a bowl game buys the administration some (but not much) breathing room. You can at least point to positive momentum.

If no one solid is available, making another poor choice would have serious repercussions on that program (see South Bend). Plus unless they bring in another spread guru, you are looking at 2-3 seasons minimum of added suckage until new players can start having any kind of impact. The pizza man would not fare well if 4 seasons like that are strung together.
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eightpointbuck;1731817; said:
But do they have a solid option to replace him? I think that is what I was getting at- 3-4 win season = no choice but to jettison him. 6 wins and a bowl game buys the administration some (but not much) breathing room. You can at least point to positive momentum.

If no one solid is available, making another poor choice would have serious repercussions on that program (see South Bend). Plus unless they bring in another spread guru, you are looking at 2-3 seasons minimum of added suckage until new players can start having any kind of impact. The pizza man would not fare well if 4 seasons like that are strung together.

I totally agree. Call it breathing room if you like. 3, 4, 5, 6 wins. Who cares?! All I know is they should keep RichRod around forever.
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eightpointbuck;1731817; said:
But do they have a solid option to replace him? I think that is what I was getting at- 3-4 win season = no choice but to jettison him. 6 wins and a bowl game buys the administration some (but not much) breathing room. You can at least point to positive momentum.

If no one solid is available, making another poor choice would have serious repercussions on that program (see South Bend). Plus unless they bring in another spread guru, you are looking at 2-3 seasons minimum of added suckage until new players can start having any kind of impact. The pizza man would not fare well if 4 seasons like that are strung together.

Is there anyone who would want to replace him that scum would deem worthy?
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Oh8ch;1731772; said:
Not to defend Braylon, but when it comes to the world of lawyers, custody and child support you fight for the best deal you can get within the law and then do what is best for your kids as you see it.

They are not remotely the same thing.

For some people, it's and/or, not "and then".
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Michigan's football director moves on

Brad Labadie, director of Michigan football operations, who was involved in the Countable Athletically-Related Activity (CARA) forms that were mishandled and a focus of the NCAA investigation, has resigned.
Labadie informed the staff of his decision Monday and has taken a job with Blue Cross/Blue Shield, beginning at the end of the month.
"I wish Brad well," Michigan athletic director Dave Brandon said. "He has worked hard and worked incredible hours.
"He's been in a punishing job in terms of hours, and to get into a traditional position with more normal hours and a young family is what works for him now. He's moving out of athletics at this stage."
Brandon added: "I absolutely don't think people should" think his departure has anything to do with the NCAA investigation.
Labadie told the football staff in an e-mail on Monday that the decision was made for his family. He said he met with coach Rich Rodriguez that morning.
"I am very excited about the new position and the opportunities that it will bring in the future," Labadie wrote.
He did such a great job supposedly mishandling the CARA forms that a major health insurer hired him to mishandle insurance forms. Right!
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MililaniBuckeye;1731808; said:
Although 7-5 or even 6-6, would be an "improvement", taking three full seasons just to go 7-5 at a program like Michigan is not acceptable, especially if their conference record is 4-4 or worse.

[censored], at this point, beating his average number of wins in October and November combined (0.5) would be an improvement. :tongue2:
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