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2010 TSUN News (in-season)

WolverineMike;1846856; said:
After watching the Rose Bowl, my #1 target would be Patterson at TCU. Probably a huge long shot, but what's the worst he could say? If not him, I guess if they were to go with a younger hot shot, a la what osu did with Tress, maybe Patterson D-coordinator, Bumpas.

If we want to try and utilize the players we have right now most effectively, I don't see the harm in making a run at Peterson at Boise. While I think he's a bit overrated because of the schedules he's played, his teams still seem to be defensively sound year in and year out. His offense probably doesn't fit Denard the best because it seems more of a pass first type, but overall, with what we have on the roster I think it would be fairly seemless. I also think Peterson at some point is going to have to get out of the BSU shadow and into a major program.

Going by that logic, even Mike Belotti would be worth a look

Long shot would be Fitzgerald from Northwestern. Doubt he would leave his Alma Matter, but you never know. He's definitely the second best coach in the conference.

Even Mizzous coach is worth a look and the DC from VaTech.

Those are some of the guys that I personally would like to have a run at. Probably in the order of Patterson, Peterson, Fitzgerald, Bumpas, then Belotti.

I won't shake a stick at Harbaugh either, i'm just listing guys outside of what everyone else wants.

Interesting list, especially in that order, if I only had those to choose from it would be: Belotti, Patterson, Fitzgerald, Peterson not so sure about Bumpas so he'd be last. I'm sorta surprised you weren't thinking of bigger name coaches and went with those...I'll throw a bunch of names out there and would any of them be on a long list? or what you'd think of them as the next tsun HC.

Les Miles
Mark Richt
Steve Sarkisian
Rick Neuheisel
Greg Schiano
Mike Price
Frank Solich
Mike Stoops
George O'Leary
Pat Hill
Mike Sherman

Bill Stewart... I kid, I kid.

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I suppose Les would be on the list from the Michigan Man standpoint, but he scares the crap out of me to the point where I just don't know

Other than Schiano and Neuheisel, all those listed are great coaches who would be welcome additions.

Never been a fan of Neuheisel and after Schiano turned us down three years ago and watching Rutgers struggle since I can't say he'd be on my list.
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heisman;1847157; said:
Brandon would not have totally gashed their recruiting efforts if he was going to retain RR.

How did DB gash their recruiting efforts? Last I heard he was talking up UM bigtime to that DE they just lost out on, and Dee Hart was probably headed to Bama with his buddy anyway IMO.
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buxfan4life;1847171; said:
How did DB gash their recruiting efforts? Last I heard he was talking up UM bigtime to that DE they just lost out on, and Dee Hart was probably headed to Bama with his buddy anyway IMO.

And lets not forget, they weren't that good anyway.
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Mike, Meyer talks about leaving Florida to spend time with family, but it is very much the backstory of recurrent and severe pain (angina? reflux?) that has motivated him to leave. Stress is cumulative and, after decades of it, he's very clearly had enough for a while. I don't think you'll find Meyer talking about coming out of retirement to coach at TSUN. I know that he had TSUN as one of the three teams mentioned in his contract at one time, but think about one time he has spoken about TSUN with the warmth he speaks of Ohio State, or to a lesser extent, Notre Dame. I would be pretty hard to believe that he would come out of retirement to try to fix the mess in Ann Arbor.

No, it's gonna take a "Michigan man" who isn't worried about two or three down seasons on the way to fixing that mess. It's gonna take someone who loves that place so much that it doesn't matter what shape it's in.

I am one person on this board who wants TSUN to return to it's former position as a top team, if for no other reason because Ohio State is defined in many people's eyes by its rival. That said, I wonder how many top coaches at smaller schools would consider TSUN to be a top 5 coaching job anymore.


It's a world-class university stuck in the middle of an economic region that has imploded.

Nearby Detroit is a cesspool of drugs and violence that has reached world-renowned proportion. Murder, arson, and car theft about five times the national average and overall violent crime about four times as high. Compare that to San Francisco (which is similar to Columbus), where overall violent crime is less than 1,5 times the national average. In Detroit, there's a violent crime for every 54 people. In San Francisco and Columbus, there's one for every + 125 people.

Crime in Detroit
Crime in San Francisco
Crime in Columbus

Make no mistake, this is one helluva mess for your university. TSUN fans need to consider these realities. There are parts of Detroit that make Soweto look upmarket, for goodness sakes. Would you like to go home to your wife and try to sell going to leave San Francisco to go live in Detroit with the crummy winters and Rustbelt gloom? For a fixer-upper like TSUN is right now?

In the end, unless reports about Harbaugh are wrong and he is just taking TSUN to the brink for a larger remuneration package, this is no longer about getting the coach you want--it's about getting the best coach you can get. When they do get a guy lined up, there is going to be a conversation taking place in which he is going to be telling your AD to "open your wallet and repeat after me."

It's going to be a very humbling lesson to your sports administrators and university administrators about the way that they treated VLLLoyd Carr after so many years of service.

One thing is for sure. This is a critical decision facing your AD. If he gets the next hire wrong, it may be decades before the football program rejoins the elite, if ever. As it is, this isn't going to get fixed in a year or two.
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I agree with everything Steve19 just wrote wholeheartedly.

Watching the Razorbacks wander the wilderness for nearly 30 years after a coaching choice that didn't work out is an awful, horrible, no-good thing.

And the hell of it is, once it started going south on us, it just kept getting worse.

From Ken Hatfield to Jack Crowe to Danny Ford to Houston Nutt.

Three of those guys are decent coaches. Hell, Danny Ford won a NC at Clemson, but none of them were the right fit for Arkansas.

I am also not a big fan of the "hire from the family" school of though, even though I think Harbaugh is the guy for Michigan.

Our former Head Dipshit, Houston Nutt, was a 'family' guy and he was a disaster. He was thoroughly mediocre, which in a very real way is worse than being bad. He won just enough, had just enough upsets to keep hope alive for some of the power brokers on The Hill because of personal relationships. It was a self-sucking lollypop.

It took someone from outside, with no connections to Arkansas whatsoever to come in and completely change the culture on The Hill before Arkansas had a chance to become relevant again.

There are still a few holdovers from the old school Razorbacks who would happily shiv Petrino if given the chance. But that's more about losing their perceived standing in the program than about winning and losing, and that's why Houston Nutt was able to cling to his job for so long.

Petrino has changed everything about how the Razorbacks go about their business. We're pretty pleased with the results.
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