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2010 tOSU Recruiting Discussion

cdiddy70;1654093; said:
Bringing in 1 OL most certainly has an impact when 3 years ago we also brought in 1 (Blankenship) who has not proven at this level.

There is no way to put lipstick on this pig.

1 OL inn this class is an abortion.

The staff wanted 3.

We are 300% short of that goal.

Not saying only getting one lineman is a good thing, cuz it ain't, but the O-line situation is better than it's been. We were able to redshirt Longo, Linsley and Mewhort. Only landing one this year does make landing 3-4 kids pretty important next year.

Not trying to apply any lipstick, maybe the pig just doesn't need it.
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cdiddy70;1654093; said:
Bringing in 1 OL most certainly has an impact when 3 years ago we also brought in 1 (Blankenship) who has not proven at this level.

There is no way to put lipstick on this pig.

1 OL inn this class is an abortion.

The staff wanted 3.

We are 300% short of that goal.

Wrong. The problem was that the classes around that class had low OL numbers as well, and lacked top end talent. As I said, if they bring in 1-2 OL next year get back to me. Until then i'm not ready to jump. While you;re at it, learn simple math for me.

Now, shouldn't you be over at the Scout forums beating your chest or something?
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We lose Cordle and signed Norwell. Next year we need 2-3 OL. We will be fine. The lack of late OL offers shows the staff is comfortble with a high risk high reward strategy. They are also pretty comfortable with Hall, Mewhort and Linsey.
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Buckrock;1654119; said:
We lose Cordle and signed Norwell. Next year we need 2-3 OL. We will be fine. The lack of late OL offers shows the staff is comfortble with a high risk high reward strategy. They are also pretty comfortable with Hall, Mewhort and Linsey.

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Whoa, really stumbled into a mensa convention here. :wink2: If the goal is 3, we're 66.66% short of the goal at this point. If we somehow land 4, we would exceed our goal by 33.33%. In order to exceed our goal by 100%, we'd need to sign 6. In order to fall 300% short of the goal, we'd need to sign none and lose 6 more already in hand.

I'm 100% sure, I just wasted about 45 seconds of my life typing this all out...:biggrin:
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cdiddy70;1654093; said:
Bringing in 1 OL most certainly has an impact when 3 years ago we also brought in 1 (Blankenship) who has not proven at this level.

There is no way to put lipstick on this pig.

1 OL inn this class is an abortion.

The staff wanted 3.

We are 300% short of that goal.
I'll tell you what's an abortion...the chicken littles that have to throw temper tantrums every single signing day. Stop following recruiting if you can't handle it. Geeze.
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Buckrock;1654119; said:
We lose Cordle and signed Norwell. Next year we need 2-3 OL. We will be fine. The lack of late OL offers shows the staff is comfortble with a high risk high reward strategy. They are also pretty comfortable with Hall, Mewhort and Linsey.

If Deety hadn't gotten up in the middle of the night and stumbled around before hitting the rep light switch, you'd be swimming in greenies...
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Only having 1 OL does hurt if it comes to pass. It's obvious the staff wanted 3, as they were/are seriously in the game for James, Henderson and Moses. Now there is Henderson to go but being completely honest, I just don't see Henderson coming here now despite what I've been told. The only reason I trusted TP would come to OSU in '08 was because of the momentum, which is non existent in this class. Now if we miss Henderson then yes, the number is too low and it could come back to haunt us...I thought 2 should be the bare minimum. I agree getting the 4 we got last year helps, but I wouldn't be entirely surprised to see one or even two of the Block O leave early if we win it all next year (and I'm not throwing a shot in the dark). Plus with potential injuries considered, 1 OL is just not enough.
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LT fragel sr, Longo rs jr
LG Linsley rs Jr, __________
OC mewhort rs junior rs
RG norwell rs so, bellamy rs jr
RT hall senior, ___________

There aren't many teams out there who have upperclassmen at all 10 spots. That hardly is an abortion, but this post certainly is. Get one very good OL & a depth guy or two, and the two deep is just fine.
cdiddy70;1654140; said:
Her is a fun little exercise
if by fun you mean comically incoherent, then yes.
Construct a 2 deep OL for the year 2012.

Here is a hint - a decent OL should rely on kids who currently have another year of hs ball to play.
here's another hint, try to type sentences that actually support your stance, not your opponent's.
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