Here's a quick back of the envelope breakdown of what happened both for us and against us this week:
Previous opponents -
Ohio, W
Miami, W
Marshall, W
E. Mich, BYE
Illinois, L
Indiana, L
Purdue, L
Wisconsin, W
Minn, L
So, our SOS got help from our OOC wins. Most of the B10 games cancelled, except for Minn-MSU.
Teams ahead of us in Coach and Harris:
Oregon, W (blowout)
Auburn, W (FCS blowout)
Boise State, W (WAC blowout)
TCU, W (MWC blowout)
Alabama, L
Utah, L (u ded mon?)
Wisconsin, W
Figure that Harris and Coaches' looks like this tomorrow:
1. Oregon
2. Auburn
3. TCU
4. Boise
5. Wisconsin
6. OSU
7. LSU/Nebraska
Teams also ahead of OSU in various computer polls:
Nebraska, W
Oklahoma, Currently losing, likely loss
Arizona, Currently losing, likely loss
Stanford, Currently winning, likely win
Missouri, Currently losing by 7
Iowa, W
Oklahoma State, W
Based on teams that lost, where OSU possibly might be in computer rankings:
AH - 11 (15)
RB - 12 (15)
CM - 11 (15)
KM - 14 (18)
JS - 13 (16)
PW - 12 (14)
So we'd move from an average rank of 15.25 to an average rank of 12. If Missouri loses, move all of those rankings up by one, probably.
Estimating on the math, my best guess is that's good for a #8 BCS ranking. I don't think a Missouri loss moves us up at all, it just helps keep anyone from leapfrogging us and possibly gets us a touch closer to Wisconsin, who I think now gets passed by LSU.
What I think the BCS will look like tomorrow:
1 Oregon
2 Auburn
6 Nebraska
7 Wisconsin
8 Ohio State
As things play out, our computer and human numbers will get closer, but the computers are going to hurt us all the way to the end. We have no computer advantage over any team ahead of us in the BCS rankings, and are only beating Wisconsin in one computer poll that counts (ie. isn't dropped).