I did a quick comparison on the comp ranks for the top 20. I added avg victory total of teams beat(quality of wins), how many losses, and who beat them. There were only a couple of gripes according to what I saw.
1-Auburn- 4.88 (undefeated)
2-Oregon- 3 (undefeated)
3-TCU- 3.55 (undefeated)
4-Mizz- 5 (1 loss(Neb-6)
5-Boise- 3.42 (undefeated)
6-Neb- 4.8 (1 loss(Tex-NR)
6-LSU- 4.14 (1 loss(Aub-1)
8-Okla- 4 (1 loss(Mizz-4)
9-Utah- 3.375 (undefeated)
10-MSU- 4.25(1 loss(Iowa-17)
11-Wisc- 3.28(1 loss(MSU-10)
12-Stan- 3.14(1 loss(Oreg-2)
13-Ariz- 3.57(1 loss(Oreg St-NR)
13-Ok St- 3.71(1 loss(Neb-6)
15-Bama- 3.42(1 loss(SCar-NR)
16-Ohio St- 3.5(1 loss(Wisc-11)
17-Iowa- 4.33(2 loss(Ariz-13,Wisc-11)
18-Miss St- 3.71(2 loss(Aub-1,LSU-6)
19-Ark- 3.66(2 loss(ALA-15,Aub-1)
20-Bay- 3.14(2 loss(TCU-3,TTU-NR)
Oregon is getting a bit too much love even though they have won big. The quality of team they are playing is worse than anyone in the top 20. They could be considered the worst undefeated left. OSU should be higher than Ariz and Ala per quality of loss and that their scheds have similar caliber of teams. An argument could be put on Neb being lower due to the loss being to a NR team but their quality of victories is the 2nd of the 1 loss teams and they beat the top team in that regard. Everything else seems to match up. Undefeateds in order by quality of opp victories. 1 loss teams by the same + quality of loss. Then the 2 loss teams by the quality of opp victories. Seems pretty fair looking at it that way.