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2009 TSUN arguments, shenanigans (not football)

Steve19;1516203; said:
Which picture do you think best shows the outcome of the party?


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Posted: 8/7/2009 1:09 PM

Gritz, my dad played baseball for UM in the early 70s. I was raised maize and blue through and through. If I'm not at a game, you can bet I'm having a get together on Saturdays and raising hell with fellow Wolverines. I wear the colors proud and often. I live on the west side of the state surrounded by Spartans (who seem to be coming out of the woodwork these days) and married a Buckeye. Look, I'm all in. Every year, every week, every day.

There is a storm brewing in A2. Whether it hits this year or next (like guessing the weather here in GR) makes no difference. You can't run, you can't hide. You can only show up at midfield and take your beating like a man. Get ready boys, the maize and blue is comin'...and you are warned...


"It's great to be"...you know the rest, leaders and best baby...

God, is it September yet?

From the same thread Steve linked above...

:slappy: :rofl: :slappy: :rofl: :slappy: :rofl: :slappy: :rofl::slappy: :rofl: :slappy: :rofl::slappy: :rofl: :slappy: :rofl::slappy: :rofl: :slappy: :rofl::slappy: :rofl: :slappy: :rofl::slappy: :rofl: :slappy: :rofl::slappy: :rofl: :slappy: :rofl:
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1516263; said:
Let's see... Unit ranks according to CFN

- Ohio State 6, Mich 73 (behind every other team with "mich" in their name) "slight advantage" indeed.... In the same way throwing the ball in to the dug out is "just a bit outside"

Ohio State 27, Michigan 24 I disagree, but, hey, it's CFN's opinion not mine.

Ohio State 15 Michigan 37. Hmmm... 1 out of 3 aint bad... if you're a major league hitter... I guess.

Ohio State 11 Michigan 21... well... OK... 1 out of 4 makes you a steroid lacking MLB hitter...

No CFN rating...

CFN takes DT and DE's together... Ohio State 14 Michigan 60. Of course, CFN probably over-emphasizes depth since the 1st string DEs are "even" and all....

Ohio State 30 Michigan 50.

Ohio State 13 Michigan 45

No CFN rating (other than DB ratings above)

Overall O - Ohio State 7, Michigan 28
Overall D - Ohio State 11, Michigan 53


This kind of quality football analysis has no place in the shenanigans thread:biggrin: Your weak attempt to justify by adding a "delusions" poster to the end of a otherwise well constructed and thought out Football post hardly counts as shenanigans. [/slow pitch over the plate] Have we reached the point where rational football discussions regarding U of M equates to shenanigans? [/end slow pitch]

I am going to have to go back to the football discussion page to get my fill of Turner and rectal exams conversations I guess.
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Oh8ch;1516533; said:
I get confused easily so someone please help me out.

Doesn't "UM will beat OSU because of their senior leadership" translate to "UM will beat OSU because of Carr's recruits".

I thought Carr's poor recruiting was the entire problem with the program.
I'm just surprised they didn't bring up the fact that OSU lost their All Big Ten QB...
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Oh8ch;1516533; said:
I get confused easily so someone please help me out.

Doesn't "UM will beat OSU because of their senior leadership" translate to "UM will beat OSU because of Carr's recruits".

I thought Carr's poor recruiting was the entire problem with the program.

[crickets] chirp [/crickets]
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