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2009 TSUN arguments, shenanigans (not football)

osu is in a reload year ,and they will not have the senior leadership that UM has overall.
Yes, OSU doesn't have the senior leadership, because the juniors were actually good enough to turn pro. :wink2:

Ah well. At least U-M has some returning vets to teach those young incoming slot receivers how to prepare for the grind of a 3-9 season.
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Posted: 8/7/2009 12:09 PM


Guys I'm new on this board but i wanted to share this with you all and get your thoughts/ideas on what I personally have been doing and discussing with other Michigan fans to show my loyalty and support of the University.
1: Its not just about football season - - We all need to show our support of UofM 365 days a year, with our apareal, our vehicles, our social discussions.

2: Gift Giving - If we know that someone is atleast 1/2 interested in Michigan, why not give a gift in regards to UofM for holidays or birthdays. This will just broaden the shown support in our communities.

3: Not going to the opening game??? Have a Michigan Kickoff Party as we are doing, all Michigan all day from dawn to dusk, bring your Michigan brothers and sisters together to celebrate our favorite time of the year.

Which picture do you think best shows the outcome of the party...



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Let's see... Unit ranks according to CFN

UM vs osu

QB= slight adv. Osu
- Ohio State 6, Mich 73 (behind every other team with "mich" in their name) "slight advantage" indeed.... In the same way throwing the ball in to the dug out is "just a bit outside"

RB= adv. UM
Ohio State 27, Michigan 24 I disagree, but, hey, it's CFN's opinion not mine.

Ohio State 15 Michigan 37. Hmmm... 1 out of 3 aint bad... if you're a major league hitter... I guess.

Ohio State 11 Michigan 21... well... OK... 1 out of 4 makes you a steroid lacking MLB hitter...

No CFN rating...

DT= slight adv. osu,only because of depth.
DE= even 1string, depth Osu
CFN takes DT and DE's together... Ohio State 14 Michigan 60. Of course, CFN probably over-emphasizes depth since the 1st string DEs are "even" and all....

Ohio State 30 Michigan 50.

Ohio State 13 Michigan 45

No CFN rating (other than DB ratings above)

Overall O - Ohio State 7, Michigan 28
Overall D - Ohio State 11, Michigan 53

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