Thought I would share a fun TSUN fan story:
About 2 weeks ago I attended a wedding with several friends, about half Buckeyes, half scummers. On the car ride down, we started discussing RR, the state of the program up north etc. I argued essentially that RR was an embarrassment to the school and program, that the team was going to struggle this year and maybe next etc. A lot of the same arguments put forth here. I got a lot of the typical responses, i.e. Big 10 hasn't seen anything like this offense, Tate= god, or at least Gardner=god if not tate etc.
After I baddgered these helpless s.o.b. for about 10 minutes one of my buddies made my day, if not my year. He said, paraphrasing"
"I can't take this shit anymore, I'm not going to argue about it anymore. The biggest insult, and they reason I know we are irrelevant and pathetic (my word) is that when we lose to Toledo, or Ohio State, you don't even bother to call and rub it it. It is so commonplace and unsuprising to Ohio State fans to win that they don't even have to brag about it now. That is the biggest insult. Until the program gets to the point where we call each other and brag about wins over your program or other top programs, I can't argue this shit."
I nearly got into an accident laughing so hard, especially because I can remeber exactly where I was standing in 2003, the last time I got one of those phone calls talking shit about TSUN victory.
Here's to many more years w/o shit talking phone calls from the "fans" up north.