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2009 TSUN arguments, shenanigans (not football)



Beaver says "the first quarter will tell the story". Because, you know, scUM's game's have gone that way this year. It's not about the second half collapses, it's how they've played in the first 15 minutes that's been deciding the game.

Fucking retard.
well if they get up by 80 in the first quarter, then the inevitable 2nd half collapse won't matter. you gotta think.
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Question: Do you remember any of the Miami-Florida State games?
Roy Roundtree: ?Yeah. I remember Miami-Ohio State game. It came down to a clutch. I watched Willis McGahee breaking his leg and all that by Will Allen. Will Allen was from Trotwood, Ohio, so I was watching that game a lot.?

I'm still trying to figure this out a few things (not including the obvious failure to answer the actual question):

1."It came down to a clutch."- I'm not sure what "a clutch" is.

2. "i watched Willis McGahee breaking his leg and all that by Will allen"- He tore his knee and did not break his leg. Is he insinuating that Will Allen is a dirty player?

3. Will Allen was from Huber Heights.

4. "I was watching that game a lot.? - Did he watch the game several times, buy the dvd, tune into ESPN classic.

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Tlangs;1598032; said:
I'm still trying to figure this out a few things (not including the obvious failure to answer the actual question):

1."It came down to a clutch."- I'm not sure what "a clutch" is.

2. "i watched Willis McGahee breaking his leg and all that by Will allen"- He tore his knee and did not break his leg. Is he insinuating that Will Allen is a dirty player?

3. Will Allen was from Huber Heights.

4. "I was watching that game a lot.? - Did he watch the game several times, buy the dvd, tune into ESPN classic.


There you go, acting all better than what they is.

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Tlangs;1598032; said:
I'm still trying to figure this out a few things (not including the obvious failure to answer the actual question):

1."It came down to a clutch."- I'm not sure what "a clutch" is.

2. "i watched Willis McGahee breaking his leg and all that by Will allen"- He tore his knee and did not break his leg. Is he insinuating that Will Allen is a dirty player?

3. Will Allen was from Huber Heights.

4. "I was watching that game a lot.? - Did he watch the game several times, buy the dvd, tune into ESPN classic.


A clutch is a mechanism for transmitting rotation, which can be engaged and disengaged. Clutches are useful in devices that have two rotating shafts. In these devices, one shaft is typically driven by a motor or pulley, and the other shaft drives another device.

After that I've got nothing. He's just a retard.
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Jaxbuck;1598063; said:
A clutch is a mechanism for transmitting rotation, which can be engaged and disengaged. Clutches are useful in devices that have two rotating shafts. In these devices, one shaft is typically driven by a motor or pulley, and the other shaft drives another device.

After that I've got nothing. He's just a retard.

I think there is a band named Clutch as well.:banger:
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MaliBuckeye;1598108; said:

speaking of car terms that younger people just don't get I had a conversation with a couple of younger guys the other day. The Springsteen song that Manfred Man remade has the lyric "revved up like a deuce". Well somehow these kids thought he was saying "duche".

I tried to explain to them that a "duece" was a 2 barrel carb and the whole fuel-air mixture makes a car go faster concept but they looked at me like I had a dick growing out of my forehead.

Seriously, how the fuck does revved up like a dueche(bag) even make sense?
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Jaxbuck;1598126; said:
speaking of car terms that younger people just don't get I had a conversation with a couple of younger guys the other day. The Springsteen song that Manfred Man remade has the lyric "revved up like a deuce". Well somehow these kids thought he was saying "duche".

I tried to explain to them that a "duece" was a 2 barrel carb and the whole fuel-air mixture makes a car go faster concept but they looked at me like I had a dick growing out of my forehead.

Seriously, how the fuck does revved up like a dueche(bag) even make sense?
Sorry.... I can't get past the dick growing out of your forehead. Dude... you've got a fuckin dick.. growing out of you forehead.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1598127; said:
Sorry.... I can't get past the dick growing out of your forehead. Dude... you've got a fuckin dick.. growing out of you forehead.

I usually just do the Buffalo Bill tuck up under my hat. Just makes things easier.
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