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2009 TSUN arguments, shenanigans (not football)

Some great M*ch*g*n Week humor from Tony Gerdeman at the o-zone.net.

He writes an open letter to Lloyd Carr. This particular paragraph is priceless:

And then maybe one day many years down the road, you [Lloyd Carr] will be invited back to the university as a special guest of Coach Rodriguez and he will give you a tour of everything that has happened since you stopped obstructing championships. And on that tour you will see such things as the Insight Bowl Trophy for "Participant", as well as many other wonderful awards that can only be imagined through imagination.


The-Ozone, Ohio State Football, Wrestling, Softball, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball and More
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NFBuck;1597842; said:
Beaver's latest spin is that DickRod has been sabotaged.

Well, lets think about it for a second. As we all learned from a Star Trek movie the word "sabotage" comes from pissed off workers shoving their wooden shoes, "sabot's", into machines.

Rich Rod has had college footballs collective foot shoved up his ass for 2 years running.

So yeah, I can kinda see how its sabotage.
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NFBuck;1597842; said:
Beaver's latest spin is that DickRod has been sabotaged. What a shit stain. :lol:
Things that were apparently someone else's fault:

  • Giving away prestigious #1 WR jersey to high schooler
  • Not recording practice logs
  • Hiring former DC Shafer, given bad advice
  • Not landing Pryor, Daniels, because opponents bought them
  • A program that talks bad about him to press, even though he frequently trashes his predecessors and current players talent level
  • Bad weather that derailed an offense that otherwise is guaranteed 30+ pts
  • Unprovoked frat boys picking on football players every time there's a fight
  • Vast majority of recruiting losses were actually wins because they weren't that high on their board
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GBW tries to add Roy Roundtree to the mix, albeit with typical Tom Beaver prose
Question: Those moments were quite a few years ago, Ohio State has been the dominate in this rivalry lately; what are you guys thinking to try and get this back, get this swinging your way or at least 50/50?
on to the interview
Question: Did you grow up an Ohio State fan?
Roy Roundtree: “Naw. I was never an Ohio State fan. Growing up watching Ohio State and Michigan, it was just like always giving me chills and my whole family because we always just used to sit in the living room and just watch the game. I don’t know why I was never an Ohio State fan, but I’m a Michigan man that’s all I worry about right now.”

Question: What team did you like growing up?
Roy Roundtree: “I was born where Martavious (Odoms) is from in Pahokee, FL, so being down south, I was a Miami, Florida fan.”
Question: Do you remember any of the Miami-Florida State games?
Roy Roundtree: “Yeah. I remember Miami-Ohio State game. It came down to a clutch. I watched Willis McGahee breaking his leg and all that by Will Allen. Will Allen was from Trotwood, Ohio, so I was watching that game a lot.”
Question: Tate is not having as much success on the field right now as he did at the start of the year but in what ways do you see him being a better quarterback?
Roy Roundtree: “Like I said, Tate is going to have to come in more. He’s the leader of the team. He is the quarterback. He, Denard (Robinson), Nick Sheridan, David Cone, they all got to come in and work each other, give them strengths up and down. Tate is just going to have to do more if he want to succeed in this game on Saturday. We’ll see what they all put in this week.”
This was an interesting quote. Is Roy unhappy with the QB rotation? Is Tate not doing more off the field? Overall, this was a pretty ho-hum interview. They went fishing for lines like below, but really only caught themselves.
David Moosman: says that Ohio State has solid guys on defense and nobody that's far and away better than anyone they've faced this year. They'll be ready. *
David Moosman: "I don't talk to him, I don't think about him. He doesn't come up in my daily life. I don't have to play against him on defense. I wish I could."

Tate Forcier: "If I have to spend 10 hours this week watching film, I'm going to do that," Forcier said. "We're going to get the seniors to a bowl game. We're going to come out and do what we need to do to beat Ohio State."Brandon Graham: "We will beat them... sooner or later. Hopefully it's this Saturday."

Brandon Graham: Couldn't send his kids to Ohio State "I'm not Justin Boren." He's got a lot of words for Boren. "Just somebody who shouldn't have been here in the first place... We'll see him Saturday." Our front four can get the job done. Boren's got to prove he's still got it. He was good here, but isn't as good there because it's O-State. Family values thing was just an excuse for Boren because he wanted to leave. Never gave the new coaches a chance. "Some people just leave because they feel like they're better than what they is. Not trying to put that much work into it.... a lot of people get lazy and feel like it's supposed to come to them."
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This thread. Is AWESOME!
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Question: Do you remember any of the Miami-Florida State games?
Roy Roundtree: “Yeah. I remember Miami-Ohio State game.

:lol: Nice answer Roy. Do you remember any of the games between Miami and Florida State? YEP! That one that Ohio State played in.
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