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2009 TSUN arguments, shenanigans (not football)

NFBuck;1594726; said:
Has there ever been a bigger FAIL from up north than all the Barwis!!!!!11!!!11!!!1!! hype? No more 2nd half collapses. They'll "outcondition" every team on their schedule. They'll be faster, stronger and hungrier than every team on their schedule. Barwis (!!!!!11!!!11!!!1!!) is scUM's equivalent to the "decided schematic advantage". Have you ever seen an interview with the guy, you cannot convince me he's not running to the bathroom every ten or fifteen minutes for another bump of coke.

So you're saying it's Ty Willingham's fault?
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NFBuck;1594726; said:
Has there ever been a bigger FAIL from up north than all the Barwis!!!!!11!!!11!!!1!! hype? No more 2nd half collapses. They'll "outcondition" every team on their schedule. They'll be faster, stronger and hungrier than every team on their schedule. Barwis (!!!!!11!!!11!!!1!!) is scUM's equivalent to the "decided schematic advantage". Have you ever seen an interview with the guy, you cannot convince me he's not running to the bathroom every ten or fifteen minutes for another bump of coke.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5Gj164mexU]YouTube - Barwis "Atmosphere"[/ame]

Coke? Shit try Coke, meth and non-filtered cigarettes.

I'm waiting for him to put on some Macho Man glasses and start beginning and ending sentences with OOOOO YEAH....
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BuckeyeMike80;1594999; said:
YouTube - Barwis "Atmosphere"

Coke? Shit try Coke, meth and non-filtered cigarettes.

I'm waiting for him to put on some Macho Man glasses and start beginning and ending sentences with OOOOO YEAH....
Don't insult Randy like that.

Boy, BARWIS!!!!111!!!11ELEVENTY!!!11! really has these kids in shape. His chocolate milk training regimen really took this team to a whole other level in fitness and conditioning. This guy is a workout GOD!!!! These 4th Qtr comebacks where their opponent is sucking wind and scUM is fresh and ready to go........wait.......oh, right. Heh heh!:biggrin:
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anyone else think Barwis!!!!11!!! sounds (and acts) exactly like Rowdy Roddy Piper's character from the Always Sunny episode a few weeks ago? I bet he has a bucket of chestnuts in the back of his car

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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1596132; said:
Exactlywhat I thought too.

Found this tidbit in the same article:

As far as the importance of this week, the seniors were planning a meeting for later this afternoon, spurred by defensive end Brandon Graham and offensive lineman Mark Ortmann.

It will be the first non-coach team meeting this season, Ortmann said, and was spurred by Rodriguez's postgame locker-room address to the team at Wisconsin.
You've lost every Big Ten game but Indiana and now you think its time for a players only?

Time to man up...


Midget style! :slappy:
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So THAT is the great Barwis? Are you kidding me? He really attributes training success to keeping people hyperactive in the gym? What a clown. He reminds me of that guy you see in every gym that thinks he's helping people get ripped to shreds by screaming at them while they bench.

Training requires consistency, not emotion. Show up, work your workout plan, eat properly, rest, repeat. Jumping up and down like a maniac on crack doesn't train world class athletes or anyone else, as Michigan's on field performance shows. He's a huckster, pure and simple.
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BrutusBobcat;1596219; said:
So THAT is the great Barwis? Are you kidding me? He really attributes training success to keeping people hyperactive in the gym? What a clown. He reminds me of that guy you see in every gym that thinks he's helping people get ripped to shreds by screaming at them while they bench.

Training requires consistency, not emotion. Show up, work your workout plan, eat properly, rest, repeat. Jumping up and down like a maniac on crack doesn't train world class athletes or anyone else, as Michigan's on field performance shows. He's a huckster, pure and simple.

A huckster? Working for this guy:


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NFBuck;1596140; said:
Piling all this on top of a man that looks like he really struggles to handle pressure could lead to an absolutely glorious game on Saturday...for us. All these distractions? Geeze. They just ran footage of his Monday presser on e!spn and he looks like a totally defeated man.

I wonder what the over/under would be for how many quarters it takes Dickrod to cry? :biggrin:
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