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2009 tOSU Running Backs discussion (official thread)

Buckrock;1555771; said:
Are you suggesting the Saine era has finally begun or the Hall era? Boom will be back. He's a stud!

The former. The way Saine's been running, I wouldn't be surprised to see him get the starts from here on out. I'm a huge fan of Boom. I don't want it to happen...just think there's a strong chance.
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BUCKYLE;1555774; said:

The former. The way Saine's been running, I wouldn't be surprised to see him get the starts from here on out. I'm a huge fan of Boom. I don't want it to happen...just think there's a strong chance.

O.K. I hear you. Two different running styles though. B Saine has to stay healthy. He's a sprinter (aka Ferrari) and is in need of high maintenance. Hall looks good but is only a Freshman. Berry could still play this year. He's a different runner as well. We are in great shape. Awesome depth.
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Well, if Saine is going to get a bulk of the carries, I'd look for him to go for 130+. Could be a breakout game for Hall too. I really like Hall...has vision, shiftiness and that extra gear...wouldn't be surprised to see him get 70-75 yards as well.
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BUCKYLE;1555774; said:

The former. The way Saine's been running, I wouldn't be surprised to see him get the starts from here on out. I'm a huge fan of Boom. I don't want it to happen...just think there's a strong chance.

Highly doubt that. I think they'll still split carries once Boom is back.
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OregonBuckeye;1555837; said:
Highly doubt that. I think they'll still split carries once Boom is back.

Well, obviously, I don't highly doubt it.

I never said they wouldn't split carries...just that if Saine has the kind of game he's shown glimpses of this season, I'd look for him to supplant Boom as the starter sooner rather than later. I'll say it again. I'm a fan of Saine...but Boom is my favorite RB on this team. I don't want it to happen. I just think it might.
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Buckeneye;1555740; said:
So with Berry not making the trip, and Boom most likely out, that leaves us with Saine, Hall and Martin.

Thank god for depth.

Even with walk-on Marcus Williams out, we can also count on Joe Gantz for some carries if needed (Gantz had some carries last year and actually looked more than serviceable).
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MililaniBuckeye;1555998; said:
Even with walk-on Marcus Williams out, we can also count on Joe Gantz for some carries if needed (Gantz had some carries last year and actually looked more than serviceable).

Gantz impressed me as well. In the spring game he performed very well, he's a very strong and hard nosed runner.
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Running back depth: Neither Dan Herron (ankle) nor Jaamal Berry (hamstring) will make the trip to Purdue, and special teamer Marcus Williams, a fifth-year senior who could always play in a pinch, is out for the year with a knee injury. That leaves the Buckeyes with three tailbacks in Saine, freshman Jordan Hall and redshirt freshman Jermil Martin, a converted fullback. Saine battled injuries the previous two seasons, and Hall missed two days early this week with the flu, though he was back at practice Wednesday.

"We feel as if Jordan is a veteran," Tressel said of a player with 25 carries for 103 yards in his career. "He's a smart football player, so we don't have much trepidation with Brandon and Jordan. After that, we're young."

Saine had career highs with 17 carries and 113 yards against Indiana two weeks ago when Herron was out and could be asked to do more than that against Purdue.

Ohio State Buckeyes coach Jim Tressel says team can't afford any misses on offensive line | Ohio State Buckeyes - cleveland.com - - cleveland.com
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