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2009 tOSU Running Backs discussion (official thread)

How are they more interesting? Martin is not a legitimate threat to the other three. Boom isn't playing, Brandon is out at the moment, and we already knew Jordan was reliable.

The only new development imo is that there's less of a buffer for Berry's redshirt (even if that wasn't their reason so far).
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Injuries add up at tailback
Hall, Martin get playing time after Saine suffers possible concussion
Saturday, October 24, 2009
By Tim May

Call it the power of positive thinking.

Ohio State running back Jermil Martin went into the game yesterday against Minnesota thinking that he was going to play for the first time.

Then again, "I've gone into every game thinking that," said Martin, a redshirt freshman who had been fourth on the depth chart going into the game. "I've always worked hard to be ready to play."

Not only did Martin play, but he ended the Buckeyes' 38-7 win over the Golden Gophers as the primary backup to freshman Jordan Hall, who moved up to No. 1 when starter Brandon Saine left in the second quarter because of a possible concussion.

The Buckeyes had been without Daniel Herron, who was the starter at the beginning of the season, for two straight games. Herron suffered a high ankle sprain in the fourth game against Illinois and aggravated it in the sixth, a win over Wisconsin.

So despite the win, Ohio State appears to be in critical condition at running back, with four games remaining.

"It has hurt us not having (Herron, and) we obviously weren't excited about the prospects of playing the second half or whatever without Brandon," coach Jim Tressel said. "Jordan stepped up, which we think Jordan has done well since he's been here, and Jermil did a heck of a job.

"Right now if we had a game, it would be Jordan, Jermil and probably (walk-ons) K.C. Christian and Joe Gantz. But you never have enough guys that can tote the ball."

BuckeyeXtra - Injuries add up at tailback
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jwinslow;1575775; said:
I'm not going to say he can't contribute, I just see it as a 4th back that has emerged. How many carries do you expect for Jermil if all are healthy?
After a game in which he carried 7 times for 75, I think lots of things are possible. Certainly that kind of performance represents a "threat to the others" at his position, as I think is evident in any sport; there are no guarantees of playing time. The best guy plays.

Sometimes players step to the fore in games when they have not been spectacular in practice. I guess we'll find out in the coming weeks.
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So you don't have an answer? I thought Martin was very impressive. I see him contributing if 1-2 are dinged up. I don't see him getting more than 1-3 carries otherwise in crunch time.
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jwinslow;1575783; said:
So you don't have an answer? I thought Martin was very impressive. I see him contributing if 1-2 are dinged up. I don't see him getting more than 1-3 carries otherwise in crunch time.
My answer is that I don't predict. Que sera, sera. I just don't think a bald statement that "Martin is not a legitimate threat to the other three" is supportable, especially after a performance like today's.
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Right now, Minnesota is the caliber of Indiana. I'm not sold that beating up on them changes Tressel's trust in Herron & Saine.

Hall has been more impressive than Martin in practice and games, yet he wasn't really a threat to those two. Hall has proven himself in two games now, that makes it even more unlikely imo that Martin is a threat.
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I agree with jwinslow, it was cold, raining, and windy as hell, Minnesota was down big and wanted to get the hell out of that stadium, the defense had practically given up when Martin got most of his yardage, I don't think you can take too much away from his performance today

that being said, it was really nice to see Martin rumbling, I think he emerged as a legitimate change of pace type of back who might be able to make that damn slow developing pulling guard play that we love to run so much actually work once in awhile
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jwinslow;1575795; said:
Right now, Minnesota is the caliber of Indiana. I'm not sold that beating up on them changes Tressel's trust in Herron & Saine.

Hall has been more impressive than Martin in practice and games, yet he wasn't really a threat to those two. Hall has proven himself in two games now, that makes it even more unlikely imo that Martin is a threat.

Give him carries and see what he does with it. That's all I'm suggesting.
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