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2009 tOSU Running Backs discussion (official thread)

Camp preview: QBs and RBs

Quarterbacks/running backs


Tailback: I debated calling this spot locked up, as well, because everyone would be shocked if Dan Herron is not the opening-day starter. He got enough playing time last year while Beanie Wells was hurt to prove that he is a tough runner with enough wiggle to be an every-down back. But Brandon Saine, who disappeared in 2008, was a pleasant surprise in the spring. He?s more than a No. 2 right now ? call him a 1B ? and you can?t completely discount the possibility that he could push Herron for the starting spot.

Fullback: Don?t expect OSU to use a fullback more than about 30 percent of the time, so it?s marginal to call this a starting spot. But it should be a good competition between walk-on James Georgiades (no, he?s not hurt) and two freshmen, Adam Homan and Zach Boren. Homan looked good in spring, while Boren was hurt.


TB: It gets interesting behind Herron and Saine, although we?re talking about a player who may get 4-6 touches a game, so it?s not THAT interesting. Jaamal Berry, a highly touted freshman, has survived legal trouble and could contend for the No. 3 spot. The staff moved Jermil Martin over from fullback, which signals that he will get a serious look, at least in short-yardage or goal-line situations. The coaches keep mentioning veteran walk-on Marcus Williams. Freshman Jordan Hall also could be in the mix.

Camp preview: QBs and RBs (Blogging the Buckeyes)
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Article published August 23, 2009
Herron, Saine looking to be next great Buckeye back


Brandon Saine's career at Ohio State has been slowed by injuries after being Ohio's Mr. Football in 2006 at Piqua.

COLUMBUS - Dan Herron and Brandon Saine are on the run. They are hot-footing it, trying to move beyond one significant Ohio State legacy, while in fast pursuit of their own.

That's life when you play tailback for the Buckeyes.

The list of great players who have stood upright with hands on hips at the back end of the Ohio State offense is a long and heavily gilded one, and before Herron and Saine can make a play for a place on that storied roll call, they first have to make a lot of folks just move on.

Chris "Beanie" Wells has dominated the landscape here for the last two seasons, and even at 6-2 and 245 pounds, Beanie was larger than life as a personality and a punishing presence carrying the football.

Herron and Saine won't make people forget Wells, but as they compete for the starting job Wells vacated, they just seem anxious to end all of the talk about the Akron native who left the Buckeyes a year early for the NFL.

"We were both here and we got to see what kind of impact Beanie had and how important he was to the offense," Herron said as the Buckeyes continue their preseason camp in preparation for their opener against Navy Sept. 5 in Ohio Stadium.

"Beanie - he was a great player at Ohio State, but I think Brandon and I both are working to show people that we can do it without Beanie. The coaches - they wouldn't have brought us here if they didn't think we could get the job done."

toledoblade.com --
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Don't get me wrong...losing Wells hurts any offense tremendously, but I believe he was much better out of the I formation. The shift that is prevalent to have mostly 3 WR and shotgun formations wouldn't match up well with his style. I think Herron and especially Saine could have big years with the mobility that Pryor brings. With them coming out of the backfield, they both turn into recievers that have proven their strength in that area. Saine was used alot in that regard when not hurt. Pryor can draw in the LB that gaurds them and hit them over the top. Plus it opens the option-read offense a bit more with 2 backs that aren't seen as power backs.
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Ohio State Buckeyes confident they can run ball despite unsettled offensive line
Monday, August 24, 2009

Columbus- Though there isn't a No. 1 left tackle yet and starting left guard Justin Boren won't be back in practice until sometime at the end of this week - at least that's what coach Jim Tressel is hoping - Ohio State offensive line coach Jim Bollman had one facet of the Buckeyes' line he wasn't worried about after Saturday's scrimmage.

"He said, 'I'm not worried about running the ball. We'll be fine running the ball,' " senior right tackle Jim Cordle said.

In fact, the Buckeyes in general don't seem very concerned about their running game, even though they're replacing first-round draft pick Beanie Wells. Though nobody was pleased with the offense as a whole Saturday, the run half of the offense seems to be categorized as been-there, can-do-that.

From Dan "Boom" Her ron and Brandon Saine, ex pected to share the load as the primary tail backs, to freshmen Jordan Hall and Jaamal Berry to fullbacks James Georgiades, Adam Homan and Zach Boren, Ohio State likes what it has.

"I really think our running backs have played well this entire camp," Tressel said.

Ohio State Buckeyes confident they can run ball despite unsettled offensive line - Cleveland.com
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Tressel said RB Jaamal Berry, recovering from an offseason surgery, has been practicing just once a day when the team holds two practices. As a result, he's a little behind.

It will be interesting to see if either he or Jordan Hall, the other freshman tailbackm will redshirt. Won't they have too many RBs, with Daniel Herron, Brandon Saine, and Jermil Martin around. One of the youngsters sits out the year, right?

Impressions from the open practice (Blogging the Buckeyes)
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Two seasons ago, when the Buckeyes brought in two good freshmen running backs, Brandon Saine played and Dan Herron redshirted. But during the staff's personnel meeting Wednesday, running backs coach Dick Tressel told his brother that both freshmen running backs - Jaamal Berry and Jordan Hall - are ready to play.

Jim Tressel said Berry is a very precise running back who doesn't worry about making moves, he just wants to get upfield. Tressel said some young backs are too concerned with running around guys, but Berry is actually so intent on going north that Tressel asked him if he ever uses some moves.


Tressel called Hall a natural football player and while praising the blitz pickups of both young backs, he told a story of Hall finding a blitzer coming from the opposite side he was supposed to look at during practice and "knocking Kurt Coleman upside down."

Quick hits from Jim Tressel's Ohio State news conference - cleveland.com
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More the Merrier at Tailback

With Berry out, the role of No. 3 back has fallen squarely on the shoulders of fellow freshman Jordan Hall. After rushing for 44 yards on seven carries against Toledo, Hall picked up 22 yards against Illinois in his first Big Ten experience.

Along with Hall, the Buckeyes are hoping redshirt freshman Jermil Martin can help to give them a little boost in the backfield, especially with I looking like senior walk-on Marcus Williams will be out for an extended period of time with a knee injury.

?Jordan Hall has stepped in and said, hey, I'm going to be able to add to this group. Jermil Martin is a little healthier now and showed last week against our defense that he could bang it in there and if you could bang it in against our defense, you could maybe help,? Tressel said.

Martin is coming off a week in which he was named scout team offensive player of the week, but Tressel also talked about having high hopes for Berry, although it?s unsure whether or not he would burn his redshirt this season.

?I think Jamaal Berry is going to be very good, we just need to get him healthy,? Tressel said.

?By committee doesn't bother you because we've all been in circumstances where you didn't have enough tailbacks and you had a lot of injuries or whatever the case, but the more the merrier.?

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Herron's ankle sore, Saine to start

I won't go into great detail here, because Tim May has already written a story over at BuckeyeXtra - Home Page, which you can find here.

Quick summary: Starting tailback Daniel Herron is battling a sprained ankle and Brandon Saine will get the start Saturday.

Herron suffered the injury when he scored his second touchdown against Illinois last week and did not return to the game.

Saine said Tuesday he thought Herron had just tweaked it and would be fine, and of course, he very well might be fine. Jim Tressel today said he thought Herron was about 85 percent, but that it was still only Thursday, meaning let's not write him off for the game just yet.

My feeling is that Saine will get the bulk of the carries, regardless. If it's a tight game and Herron says he's feeling fine, then maybe they try him for a series or two and see what he does.

If it's not a game that's in doubt, you might not see Herron at all. Saine certainly is capable of taking 20 carries, and freshman Jordan Hall can give OSU a few good series, maybe 10-12 carries. That's all you need, and you can let Herron rest up for what promises to be a bruiser with Wisconsin next week.

-- On a related note, fellow RB Jaamal Berry is still very iffy for this week, battling a hamstring injury. He may not make the trip. Tressel said if another game or two goes by and Berry still isn't healthy, he would consider redshirting him, but as of now, the plan is still to try and play Berry this season.

-- Also, converted fullback Jermil Martin will make the trip. He could be the third RB in....come to think of it, we did not ask Tressel about Marcus Williams, who left the Illinois game with a left leg injury. Williams, a senior and former walk-on, probably would be the third tailback if Herron is out....so if Herron and Williams are out, figure Martin as the No. 3.

Herron's ankle sore, Saine to start (Blogging the Buckeyes)
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