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2009 Rivals/Scout/etc. National & Regional Rankings

Muck;1193454; said:
- There are actually some players that averaged out with the same ranking, by default they are currently listed in alphabetical order (for example Chris Davenport & Dorian Bell both had an average of 14.33 so technically they are actually tied at #10).

News flash: "Bell" comes before "Davenport" alphabetically...

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Magua;1193641; said:
perhaps it was by first name! C comes before D!

...while I doubt thats the reason I'm just trying to defend the guy for the generous and appreciatated work he put in :biggrin:

Well yeah it's the reason. It's a spreadsheet, it doesn't know to alphabatize by last names it just goes with the first letter in the cell.

And Mili knows, he's just giving me a hard time cuz he can. :)
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Added Emfinger's Top 100:

1 Matt Barkley
2 Russell Shepard
3 Manti Te'o
4 Devon Kennard
5 Jamarkus McFarland
6 Jaccobi McDaniel
7 Reuben Randle
8 Vontaze Burfict
9 Dorian Bell
10 Garrett Gilbert
11 Chris Davenport
12 Marlon Brown
13 Bryce Brown
14 William Campbell
15 Cierre Wood
16 Craig Loston
17 Dre Kirkpatrick
18 Xavier Nixon
19 Nico Johnson
20 Jelani Jenkins
21 Mason Walters
22 Donte Moss
23 Jarvis Jones
24 Aaron Murray
25 Shaquelle Evans
26 Eric Shrive
27 Corey Adams
28 Sam Montgomery
29 Randall Carroll
30 Lamar Miller
31 Logan Heastie
32 Tana Patrick
33 Darius Winston
34 Kevin Brent
35 Melvin Fellows
36 Patrick Hall
37 Devonte Holloman
38 Chris Whaley
39 Rolando Jefferson
40 David Oku
41 Jaamal Berry
42 Gabe Lynn
43 Nick Alajajian
44 Johnny Simon
45 D.J. Fluker
46 Craig Drummond
47 John Martinez
48 Marcus Hall
49 Malliciah Goodman
50 Michael Philipp
51 Andre Debose
52 Je'Ron Stokes
53 Washaun Ealey
54 Dexter Pratt
55 Logan Thomas
56 Kevin Graf
57 Alex Okafor
58 Ronnie Wingo Jr.
59 Abry Jones
60 Chris Watt
61 Kendall Kelly
62 Bryce McNeal
63 Morgan Moses
64 Chris Bonds
65 Trent Richardson
66 Donovan Tate
67 Jawanza Starling
68 C.J. Barnett
69 Nick Kasa
70 Justin Turner
71 Ryne Giddins
72 Christine Michael
73 C.J. Mizell
74 Darrell Givens
75 Jheranie Boyd
76 Morrell Presley
77 Cliff Harris
78 Kevin Newsome
79 Michael Ford
80 Willie Downs
81 Damario Jeffery
82 Branden Smith
83 Edwin Baker
84 T.J. McDonald
85 Justin Chaisson
86 Gary Brown
87 Cody Green
88 Xavier Su'a Filo
89 Marcus Davis
90 Kraig Appleton
91 Tom Savage
92 Rodney Smith
93 Patrick Patterson
94 Janzen Jackson
95 Jon Bostic
96 Tom Wort
97 Corey Brown
98 Tajh Boyd
99 Garrett Porter
100 Frankie Telfort

Dorian Bell is now alone at #9 (+2)
Fellows drops from 25 to 35 (-10)
Johnny Simon drops one spot to 44 (-1)
C.J. Barnett falls to 68 (-19)
Corey Brown plummets to 97 (-23)
Jamie Wood falls out of the top 100 to 111 (-23)

Other Buckeyes:
112 Chris Fields (+45)
130 Jordan Whiting (-16)
141 Justin Green (-12)
155 Storm Klein (-9)
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smithlabs;1194042; said:
No highlighting on Berry



crazybuckfan40;1194055; said:
Surprised that brandon McGee isn't on the list somewhere, unless I missed him...

Scout: 61
Rivals: N/R
Emfinger: 100

I've just plugged in a straight 150 from the services that don't rank a player in their top 100. That gives McGee an average ranking of 115.25 which places him at 107 on the list.

BTW Fvsports, has a new list out, but it is on the message board...Not sure if that is the one you used or not...

FVSports Forums

I just used the one in the main article. I'll check out the one on the board.

I might ask if they have players ranked beyond 100. If they have them to 150 or beyond I can start plugging in the data for players farthr down the list since everyone else ranks to 250 or so.
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Updated with the lastest FVSports rankings:

1 Matt Barkley
2 Russell Shepard
3 Devon Kennard
4 Manti Te'o
5 Jaccobi McDaniel
6 Jamarkus McFarland
7 Reuben Randle
8 Vontaze Burfict
9 Chris Davenport
10 Bryce Brown
11 Garrett Gilbert
12 William Campbell
13 Dorian Bell
14 Craig Loston
15 Jelani Jenkins
16 Darius Winston
17 Dre Kirkpatrick
18 Cierre Wood
19 Marlon Brown
20 Xavier Nixon
21 Nico Johnson
22 Donte Moss
23 Aaron Murray
24 Jaamal Berry
25 Mason Walters
26 Randall Carroll
27 Melvin Fellows
28 Gabe Lynn
29 Andre Debose
30 Logan Thomas
31 Jarvis Jones
32 Sam Montgomery
33 Shaquelle Evans
34 Lamar Miller
35 Kevin Brent
36 Patrick Hall
37 Tana Patrick
38 Morgan Moses
39 Trent Richardson
40 Corey Adams
41 Nick Alajajian
42 Chris Whaley
43 Kendall Kelly
44 Branden Smith
45 Alex Okafor
46 Craig Drummond
47 Chris Watt
48 Logan Heastie
49 Malliciah Goodman
50 Jheranie Boyd
51 Marcus Hall
52 Michael Philipp
53 Eric Shrive
54 Johnny Simon
55 Je'Ron Stokes
56 Ray Ray Armstrong
57 David Oku
58 Damario Jeffery
59 Gary Brown
60 Devonte Holloman
61 Patrick Patterson
62 Brandon McGee
63 Rolando Jefferson
64 Cody Green
65 D.J. Fluker
66 Rodney Smith
67 John Martinez
68 Washaun Ealey
69 Jamie Wood
70 Abry Jones
71 Tom Wort
72 Dexter Pratt
73 Christine Michael
74 Ronnell Lewis
75 Fletcher Cox
76 Kevin Newsome
77 C.J. Barnett
78 Willie Downs
79 Ronnie Wingo Jr.
80 C.J. Mizell
81 Edwin Baker
82 T.J. McDonald
83 Jawanza Starling
84 Bryce McNeal
85 Morrell Presley
86 Kevin Graf
87 Tom Savage
88 Xavier Su'a Filo
89 Jon Bostic
90 Justin Turner
91 Michael Ford
92 Sheldon Richardson
93 Darrell Givens
94 Corey Brown
95 Donovan Tate
96 Garrett Porter
97 Frankie Telfort
98 Keenan Graham
99 Nick Kasa
100 Eddie Lacy

Dorian Bell 9 to 13 (-4)
Melvin Fellows 35 to 27 (+8)
Johnny Simon 44 to 54 (-10)
C.J. Barnett 68 to 77 (-9)
Corey Brown 97 to 94 (+3)
Jamie Wood N/R to 69 (+ a bunch)

Other Buckeyes:
115 Chris Fields (-3)
132 Jordan Whiting (-2)
141 Justin Green (no change)
184 Storm Klein (Storm is one of 21 players who are now no longer on anyone's Top 100 due to FVS' revamped list)

McGee is now on the list at 62.

Wood & McGee's giant jumps are because they went from being N/R by FVS to coming in at 31 & 33 respectively on the new list (the joys of small data samples).

---For those interested the full spreadsheet can be found HERE.
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Looking at these lists and how they fluctuate without much rhyme or reason really makes you realize how flawed the recruiting-guru evaluation process really is. It is abundantly clear that the kids who are camp rats benefit immensely when it comes time to compile these lists, which is fine b/c they are demonstrating their measurables and natural abilities. On the other hand, it is also abundantly clear that kids who commit early and don't attend the camps are undervalued by these services. I recall reading a statement from someone who was actually on staff at a major university saying essentially that the guys who work for Scout, Rivals, Scout Inc., etc. are working those jobs b/c they can't cut it as actual talent evaluators for major programs (or something along those lines--I'm paraphrasing here). That may be a bit harsh, but you would think that some of these guys from major recruiting sites would take a clue and realize that if a player gets an early offer from the likes of OSU, Texas, USC, Florida, etc., there's probably something there. Some of the rankings on Chris Fields, Storm Klein, and Jordan Whitting, in particular (but also Johnny Simon, IMO) are asinine. We always talk about how well JT develops talent, and that may well be true, but I can't help but think that perhaps the comparative results are skewed by the fact that some of these guys are so undervalued by the so-called neutral observers that evaluate them coming out of high school.
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The latest Lemming list I can find is from Feb. Does he have an updated one out, and if so...LINK?

CSTV (CBS) uses Bill Hodge's Top 150 list. However if you search by ranking on the database it only gives you up to 100. Anyone know where the full 150 list can be found?

Anyone know if Parade Magazine or USA Today publishes a list of rankings?

Does Superprep still do their own rankings or have they just been rolled into Scout?

Is Blue Chip Illustrated still around?

Does anyone have access to the various subscription based rankings (G&W Recruiting Advisor, PrepStar, National Recruiting Advisor etc)? If so shoot me a PM. :biggrin:

---FYI If I do end up using data from any pay sites I will not make their raw data available on the spreadsheet.

Any suggestions for changing how I should do the rankings (like going with a total points model instead etc etc)?

All comments are welcome!


Looking at the Hodge & Lemming list they are almost identical except for:

46 Lendell Buckner & 47 Clayton Moore are switched (Moore 46 & Bucker 47 for Lemming)


Hodge has Aaron Murray at 100 while Lemming has Deandre Coleman, Jamil Merrell & Pat Patterson tied at 100 (no Aaron Murray).


I'm guessing the Buckner & Moore switch is probably a typo (on which list though?).

So for now I'll just use the Hodge version until Lemming updates (mainly because it's the one I typed in first lol ).

Edit: Giving Coleman, Merrell & Patterson the tie at 100 would move Coleman up to 101 (from 119) & Patterson up to 61 (from 70). Merrell wouldn't really be affected since it would be the first list he made.

Conversely removing Murray would have him fall from 20 to 30 overall.

PS - Hate Rivals all you want but they do have Buckeye commits ranked higher on average than the other services (except for Johnny Simon that is).

Edit: Just adding a note that ESPN/Scouts Inc (Luginbill's co.) will release their top 150 on Aug 5th.
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The current list with the Hodge/Lemming addition:

1 Matt Barkley
2 Devon Kennard
3 Manti Te'o
4 Russell Shepard
5 Jamarkus McFarland
6 Reuben Randle
7 Bryce Brown
8 Jaccobi McDaniel
9 Garrett Gilbert
10 Craig Loston
11 Chris Davenport
12 Dorian Bell
13 Cierre Wood
14 William Campbell
15 Marlon Brown
16 Dre Kirkpatrick
17 Xavier Nixon
18 Vontaze Burfict
19 Mason Walters
20 Aaron Murray
21 Darius Winston
22 Jelani Jenkins
23 Lamar Miller
24 Randall Carroll
25 Nico Johnson
26 Chris Whaley
27 Donte Moss
28 Gabe Lynn
29 Tana Patrick
30 Jaamal Berry
31 Shaq Evans
32 Logan Heastie
33 Craig Drummond
34 Corey Adams
35 Melvin Fellows
36 Patrick Hall
37 Andre Debose
38 Alex Okafor
39 Johnny Simon
40 Devonte Holloman
41 Logan Thomas
42 Jarvis Jones
43 Eric Shrive
44 Sam Montgomery
45 D.J. Fluker
46 Marcus Hall
47 Kevin Brent
48 Kevin Graf
49 Morgan Moses
50 Je'Ron Stokes
51 Trent Richardson
52 David Oku
53 Dexter Pratt
54 John Martinez
55 Nick Alajajian
56 Kendall Kelly
57 Branden Smith
58 Willie Downs
59 Tom Savage
60 Kevin Newsome
61 Chris Watt
62 Jheranie Boyd
63 Malliciah Goodman
64 Michael Philipp
65 Ronnie Wingo Jr.
66 Ray Ray Armstrong
67 Eddie Lacy
68 Fletcher Cox
69 Damario Jeffery
70 Gary Brown
71 Patrick Patterson
72 Michael Ford
73 Nick Kasa
74 Brandon McGee
75 Rolando Jefferson
76 Cody Green
77 Cliff Harris
78 Chris Bonds
79 Ryne Giddins
80 Rodney Smith
81 Josh Boyd
82 Washaun Ealey
83 Sheldon Richardson
84 Jamie Wood
85 Donovan Tate
86 Abry Jones
87 Morrell Presley
88 Tom Wort
89 Justin Chaisson
90 Christine Michael
91 Ronnell Lewis
92 Tajh Boyd
93 Morgan Newton
94 C.J. Barnett
95 Eugene Smith
96 De'Von Flournoy
97 C.J. Mizell
98 Edwin Baker
99 T.J. McDonald
100 Jawanza Starling

Dorian Bell (+1)
Melvin Fellows (+/- 0)
Johnny Simon (+15)
Jamie Wood (-15)
C.J. Barnett (-17)

Other Buckeyes:
106 Corey Brown (-12)
123 Chris Fields (-8)
148 Jordan Whiting (-16)
164 Justin Green (-23)
188 Storm Klein (-4) (His average is actually higher than before but some players highly ranked by Hodge/Lemming leapfrogged him)

---Kevin Graf's massive jump to 48 is because I had previously entered him twice, splitting his rankings which dropped him.

---Currently USC has the most consensus top 100 verbals with 7, Ohio State is second with 5 & Georgia is third with 4.

Current version online HERE.
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