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2009 Rivals/Scout/etc. National & Regional Rankings

I know for sure CJ Barnett is in summer school in order to graduate early.
Thanks for the intel. Always appreciate contributions here.
So, I guess camps are more important than trying to get to college earlier?
Well his stars (helped by camps) are of little use once he gets to school. Getting a jumpstart on the playbook, strength & conditioning, and most important imo, acclimating to college life (school, practice, social)... that can pay large dividends. The premiere CB school in the country wanted CJ badly, I'll take that rating everyday.
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Rivals.com Football Recruiting - Category rankings: Offensive line

Of note:

Best Run Blocker:

Linsley gets listed in the "others."

John Martinez is listed 4th.

Best Pass Blocker:

Watt is listed 4th.

Martinez is listed in the "others."

Most Agile:

Linsley is listed #1.

Martinez is listed #2.

Watt is listed in the "others."

Best Athlete:

Sam Longo is listed #1.

Linsley is listed in the "others."
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Honestly, Hall probably shouldn't fit anywhere on those lists aside from run blocker IMO. He kind of lacks fluidity in his movement IMO. That will be corrected with coaching and strength and flexibility training though. You can see that he oozes potential though.

I do think he's one of the best tackle prospects in the country, but right now he has more to work on than some of the other prospects.

With that said, it's nice to see Linsley and Longo getting praise. I've heard Longo is a freak athlete for his position. Will be interesting to see who the staff decides on between him and Prior IF they do decide to offer one of them.
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ginn421;1189166; said:
No Marcus Hall mention?

Not that these mini-lists (or any other rankings) really matter that much, but their own top 100 has Hall listed as the #61 prospect overall and states that he may be the best left tackle in the country. It's pretty pathetic when your own lists don't coincide.
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OSUBuckeye4Life;1189149; said:
Rivals.com Football Recruiting - Category rankings: Offensive line

Of note:

Best Run Blocker:

Linsley gets listed in the "others."

John Martinez is listed 4th.

Best Pass Blocker:

Watt is listed 4th.

Martinez is listed in the "others."

Most Agile:

Linsley is listed #1.

Martinez is listed #2.

Watt is listed in the "others."

Best Athlete:

Sam Longo is listed #1.

Linsley is listed in the "others."

Video of above rankings....

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I've seen a lot of rankings of the top players in Ohio but I was wondering if some of our more informed board members could maybe make a ranking of the players we have offers out to (or even just the one's that have a decent chance of ending up in our class).
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I got bored and decided to average the rankings for Rivals, Scout & FVS.
It's as meaningless as any other list but if nothing else it's something fun to play with.

I'll add in other ranking lists as they become available (ESPN) and fill out the rest of the relevant data (school, ht/wt, position etc).

Right now the "consensus" list looks like this:

1. Matt Barkley
2. Russell Shepard
3. Manti Te'o
4. Devon Kennard
5. Jaccobi McDaniel
6. Jamarkus McFarland
7. Reuben Randle
8. Bryce Brown
9. William Campbell
10. Chris Davenport
11. Dorian Bell
12. Garrett Gilbert
13. Vontaze Burfict
14. Cierre Wood
15. Marlon Brown
16. Craig Loston
17. Xavier Nixon
18. Dre Kirkpatrick
19. Donte Moss
20. Jelani Jenkins
21. Mason Walters
22. Nico Johnson
23. Lamar Miller
24. Aaron Murray
25. Melvin Fellows
26. Eric Shrive
27. Marcus Hall
28. Jarvis Jones
29. Kevin Brent
30. Devonte Holloman
31. Shaquelle Evans
32. Tana Patrick
33. Rolando Jefferson
34. Sam Montgomery
35. Kevin Graf
36. Corey Adams
37. Alex Okafor
38. Randall Carroll
39. Patrick Hall
40. Abry Jones
41. Logan Heastie
42. Nick Alajajian
43. Johnny Simon
44. David Oku
45. Gabe Lynn
46. Chris Whaley
47. Darius Winston
48. Jaamal Berry
49. C.J. Barnett
50. Nick Kasa
51. Justin Turner
52. John Martinez
53. Craig Drummond
54. Washaun Ealey
55. C.J. Mizell
56. Andre Debose
57. Ronnie Wingo Jr.
58. Morrell Presley
59. Cliff Harris
60. Michael Ford
61. Chris Watt
62. Michael Philipp
63. T.J. McDonald
64. Je'Ron Stokes
65. Xavier Su'a Filo
66. Bryce McNeal
67. Malliciah Goodman
68. Logan Thomas
69. Marcus Davis
70. Kraig Appleton
71. D.J. Fluker
72. Kendall Kelly
73. Jon Bostic
74. Corey Brown
75. Tajh Boyd
76. Chris Bonds
77. Christine Michael
78. Dexter Pratt
79. Ryne Giddins
80. Branden Smith
81. Donovan Tate
82. Darrell Givens
83. Gary Brown
84. Damario Jeffery
85. Morgan Moses
86. Anthony LaLota
87. Cody Green
88. Jamie Wood
89. Trent Richardson
90. Demonte McAllister
91. Jawanza Starling
92. Kevin Newsome
93. Janzen Jackson
94. Jheranie Boyd
95. Jajuan Harley
96. Shayne Skov
97. Jordan Hunt
98. Morgan Newton
99. Keenan Davis
100. Marquis Simmons

Red = Verbal
Gray = Target

Other Buckeyes:
114 Jordan Whiting
129 Justin Green
146 Storm Klein
157 Chris Fields


- There are actually some players that averaged out with the same ranking, by default they are currently listed in alphabetical order (for example Chris Davenport & Dorian Bell both had an average of 14.33 so technically they are actually tied at #10).

-- For players who were in one top 100 but not in another; I gave them a flat 150 for the lists that did not have them.

--- The actual spreadsheet I'm currently working from can be found HERE.
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