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2009 Rivals/Scout/etc. National & Regional Rankings

I never saw anybody say they weren't happy with our recruits anywhere (I'm assuming I'm included as well)? All I see is a debate on the rankings and assessing what Lugintool said. I'm happy with this entire class and whoever JT offers. The staff always has their reasons and they are better than my own. I am in no way complaining, as the talent and competitors in this class is sick. All I was debating is that a recruiting service can't rate all of our guys at 4 and 5 stars, and in the top 100 or so. Other teams get good talent as well and there are many good players out there across the country. I don't know how that is so hard for some to accept. Even if other teams do indeed get better talent, I think we develop it better or as good as any other team in the country.

Btw, if you don't care about the rankings, why do you pay any attention to them? Your not excited when we land a 5 star or top 100 guy? Rankings aren't the end all, and are nothing near 100%, but they usually give a good barometer on talent. They are fun to debate and assess, and add to the run in following recruiting. They will hit and miss but that is the fun in it. I guess you are a selective reader if you missed me saying:

"With all that said, I still think we are going to end up with the #2 class in the country, only behind USC. Also keep in mind that is just right now, before our staff makes some diamonds from the rough. I really like this class so far with it's of speed and athleticism, size, and players from winning teams that are warriors on the field."

"Fields, Klein, and Whiting are all top 100 guys...not having them on that list is ridiculous. ESPin has their own agenda and will always rank our guys low, and they are idiots. For once, Luginbill made a couple semi-valid points, but he is still a tool."

"Now don't take this post as "these guys aren't OSU material" and as a disclaimer, I "trust the coaches." However, we have to view this as objectively as possible."
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Good points Rb07. Most of the knowledgable contributors at BP undoubtably read this stuff for the entertainment value and as a barometer for how we are doing in recruiting. Still I think it is natural to feel slighted or disrespected when things are said that don't fit our own perceptions as Buckeye fans. But that's where the drama should end. Everyone should keep in mind that the objective is to win football games, and ultimately national championships, and not mythical recruiting titles.

Coach Tressel has been here long enough to more than prove himself as an expert at building and rebuilding a roster. Moves are made to benefit the football team, not impress Tom Luginbill. I think it is actually beneficial to have a Homan or Boren at fullback. Guys who will consider it an honor to pull on the uniform, relish the roll of smacking a LB in the hole, and overall make the unglamourous contributions to our team that are needed. A 5-star recruit that ends up at FB because he couldn't win a Rb spot wouldn't necessarily help you win more, and could be damaging to team chemistry. The recruiting services always seem to love TE's that are really Glorified receivers, but in our offense may not turn out to be adequate blockers. Recruiting services will never do cartwheels over the Ballard, Fragel types, but to staff this type of player is indespensable. Same with DT's. In the Recruiting publication world the top 2-3 guys that get fawned over always seem to be penetrators that could be "the next Warren Sapp". Solid guys that can control the middle don't get any love. I for one feel great about the Bellamy pickup. The fact that he earned his offer first-hand early in the process, under tight scholarship parameters, and with other options still out there, to me speaks volumes. Who cares if some 2-bit calls him a low 3-star.

To me it is really about building a complete roster, which is something that I feel Coach Tressel is as great as any in football in doing. In 4 years when some of the class of 08 are seniors, and many of this years class are juniors, we could likely be playing for another national championship. If Shaq Rowell and Adam Bellamy are holding the point of attack and winning the battle against some LSU type that is playing power football, then we will all be glad that we have a couple of big immovable run-stuffer types on the roster. No one will be worried that these guys were low 3-stars, or that some recruitnik thought we were bottom fishing. It's about winning real games.
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MONTbigBuck;1184225; said:
Good points Rb07. Most of the knowledgable contributors at BP undoubtably read this stuff for the entertainment value and as a barometer for how we are doing in recruiting. Still I think it is natural to feel slighted or disrespected when things are said that don't fit our own perceptions as Buckeye fans. But that's where the drama should end. Everyone should keep in mind that the objective is to win football games, and ultimately national championships, and not mythical recruiting titles.

Coach Tressel has been here long enough to more than prove himself as an expert at building and rebuilding a roster. Moves are made to benefit the football team, not impress Tom Luginbill. I think it is actually beneficial to have a Homan or Boren at fullback. Guys who will consider it an honor to pull on the uniform, relish the roll of smacking a LB in the hole, and overall make the unglamourous contributions to our team that are needed. A 5-star recruit that ends up at FB because he couldn't win a Rb spot wouldn't necessarily help you win more, and could be damaging to team chemistry. The recruiting services always seem to love TE's that are really Glorified receivers, but in our offense may not turn out to be adequate blockers. Recruiting services will never do cartwheels over the Ballard, Fragel types, but to staff this type of player is indespensable. Same with DT's. In the Recruiting publication world the top 2-3 guys that get fawned over always seem to be penetrators that could be "the next Warren Sapp". Solid guys that can control the middle don't get any love. I for one feel great about the Bellamy pickup. The fact that he earned his offer first-hand early in the process, under tight scholarship parameters, and with other options still out there, to me speaks volumes. Who cares if some 2-bit calls him a low 3-star.

To me it is really about building a complete roster, which is something that I feel Coach Tressel is as great as any in football in doing. In 4 years when some of the class of 08 are seniors, and many of this years class are juniors, we could likely be playing for another national championship. If Shaq Rowell and Adam Bellamy are holding the point of attack and winning the battle against some LSU type that is playing power football, then we will all be glad that we have a couple of big immovable run-stuffer types on the roster. No one will be worried that these guys were low 3-stars, or that some recruitnik thought we were bottom fishing. It's about winning real games.

Great post. I agree completely. I think your point about getting contributors, team guys, guys who will not pout if they are never starters and who will contribute on special teams is very important.

We only had 72 scholarship players last year (and a number of them redshirted) and I never felt like we were at much of a disadvantage depth wise. The truth of the matter is that with all of the camps and combines and the advances in high school weight training, these freshman are coming in way ahead of where they did just 5 years ago. Especially when you consider that they can show up in the spring or, at the latest, in June. When you add in the couple non-scholarship contributors (Boren, Bauserman, etc.) I almost feel like it makes sense to not try to load up with too many guys who are dead set on making careers in the NFL. Too many of these guys and you end up seeing a ton of transfers and infighting and what not.

You need to have some 5 star guys to compete for National Championships. Guys like Beanie, Teddy, Whitner, Mo C., etc. Hopefully Mike Adams, Terrelle Pryor, Etienne Sabino, etc. can be those guys. You need to have stars and you need to have enough talent that you have good players at every position and plenty of depth so there is competition. However, when a team like USC has 10 4-5 star RBs, it is just over kill. You also need to surround the stars with a lot of good solid players who work hard and play tough, physical football and who are willing to contribute in any way they can.
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All of Scout's position rankings are out now and the majority of Buckeye recruits are ranked around where they were before, + or - a few spots. There are a few exceptions, James Jackson dropped from #20 to #32, Chris Fields dropped from #47 to #60, and Newsome dropped from somewhere in the 30's to #59. I can't believe Fields dropped, I was pretty sure he was going to move up to a 4*.
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flybuckeye;1185840; said:
All of Scout's position rankings are out now and the majority of Buckeye recruits are ranked around where they were before, + or - a few spots. There are a few exceptions, James Jackson dropped from #20 to #32, Chris Fields dropped from #47 to #60, and Newsome dropped from somewhere in the 30's to #59. I can't believe Fields dropped, I was pretty sure he was going to move up to a 4*.

I was thinking the same thing , with him showing up at the track meet i thought for sure he would move up . Well at least we should be getting a commit from Carlos today ; lol ;
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don't have time (stupid work) to type up a more in-depth breakdown of what the new rankings did to OSU commits and targets, but on first blush it appears some of our Bucks took pretty big (and unexpected) hits...

Klein down around 80, Linsley somehow down 100ish, Jackson down 100ish, even Barnett and Wood moving down close to 30 spots each was unexpected...was nice to see Fellows get a good bump and a 5th star, though.
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5. Dorian Bell
19. Marlon Brown
21. John Simon
23. Jaamal Berry
27. Marcus Hall
33. Melvin Fellows
46. Chris Watt
47. Andre DeBose
48. Cory Adams
61. Brandon McGee
63. Corey Brown
68. John Martinez
85. Shaquelle Evans
86. C.J. Barnett
101. Kraig Appleton
106. Jamie Wood
120. Jack Mewhort
161. Carlos Hyde
180. Deonte' Arnett
200. Jordan Whiting
201. Storm Klein
213. Jheranie Boyd
227. Tyrone Ezell
240. Justin Green
248. Corey Linsley
253. James Jackson
275. Dion Sims
284. Stephon Gilmore
297. Jordan Hall
298. Pat Muldoon
299. Duron Carter

Of Interest

2. Bryce Brown
6. Xavier Nixon
7. Jelani Jenkins
18. Eric Shrive
24. Anthony LaLota
38. Morgan Newton
71. Darrell Givens
77. Craig Drummond
184. J.T. Turner
210. Frankie Telfort
224. Tank Carradine
291. Chris Snook

Kind of scratching my head over these rankings.
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I just never understand alot of these rankings...I think alot of Fields dropping has to do with him not attending any combines...

See the one guy that really jumped in Mewhort...How many combines has he been too...I think 2 or 3...

Just goes to show how much they pay attention to the kids that show up at the combines...

No Barnett, no Wood,

Brown and Bell were at a combine...

You guys draw your own conclusions...
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crazybuckfan40;1186384; said:
I just never understand alot of these rankings...I think alot of Fields dropping has to do with him not attending any combines...

See the one guy that really jumped in Mewhort...How many combines has he been too...I think 2 or 3...

Just goes to show how much they pay attention to the kids that show up at the combines...

No Barnett, no Wood,

Brown and Bell were at a combine...

You guys draw your own conclusions...
It sounds like you have a pretty good understanding of the rankings to me.
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WILLIAM6;1186915; said:
I know for sure CJ Barnett is in summer school in order to graduate early.

So, I guess camps are more important than trying to get to college earlier?:confused:
To Scout and Rivals, yes. I can guarantee you the staff will not look at some websites' rankings of C.J. when deciding if he will play early.
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