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2009 Rivals/Scout/etc. National & Regional Rankings

Rivals did a pretty big update to their positional rankings (adding a lot of kids compared to what they previously listed).

Here's a breakdown of OSU commits as well as some other targets and other Ohio kids.

OSU Commits
Chris Fields - No. 13 WR ****
James Jackson - No. 28 WR ****
Reid Fragel - No. 14 TE ***
Corey Linsley - No. 8 OG ****
Jack Mewhort - No. 3 OC ****
Melvin Fellows - No. 3 SDE ****
John Simon - No. 10 DT ****
Adam Bellamy - No. 37 DT ***
Jordan Whiting - No. 4 ILB ****
Adam Homan - No. 38 ILB ***
Dorian Bell - No. 2 OLB *****
CJ Barnett - No. 5 CB ****
Dominic Clarke - No. 24 CB ****
Jamie Wood - No. 2 S ****
Storm Klein - No. 14 ATH ****
Jordan Hall - No. 31 ATH ****
Zach Boren - No. 64 ATH ***

Patrick Nicely - No. 18 pro-style QB ***
Jaamal Berry - No. 4 RB ****
Bud Golden - No. 15 RB ****
Fitz Toussaint - No. 11 All-purpose RB **** (Michigan)
Carlos Hyde - No. 2 FB ****
Marlon Brown - No. 2 WR *****
J. Boyd - No. 7 WR ****
Kraig Appleton - No. 10 WR ****
Terence Davis - No. 31 WR ****
Patrick White - No. 53 WR *** (Sparty)
Bryan Underwood - No. 56 WR ***
Duron Carter - No. 73 WR ***
Dion Sims - No. 7 TE ****
Rasheded Hageman - No. 11 TE ***
Marcus Hall - No. 4 OT ****
Sam Longo - No. 20 OT ***
Hugh Thornton - No. 27 OT ***
John Prior - No. 38 OT ***
Chris Freeman - No. 42 OT ***
Chris Watt - No. 2 OG ****
Ryan Spiker - No. 31 OG ***
Nate Klatt - No. 4 OC ****
Ricky Harris - NR OC ***
Tank Carradine - No. 14 WDE ***
Jonathan Newsome - No. 18 WDE ***
Pat Muldoon - No. 26 WDE ***
DeOnte Arnett - No. 11 SDE ****
Davon Custis - No. 26 SDE ***
Corey Adams - No. 8 DT ****
Tyron Ezell - No. 35 DT ***
Quan Fletcher - No. 45 ILB ***
Frankie Telfort - No. 6 OLB ****
Dan Fox - No. 13 OLB **** (Domers)
Denicos Allen - No. 32 OLB ***
Chris Snook - No. 41 OLB *** (WVU)
Justin Green - No. 6 CB ****
Brandon McGee - No. 9 CB ****
DJ Hunter - No. 14 CB ****
Chris Williams - No. 18 CB ****
Darrell Givens - No. 20 CB **** (Penn State)
Mike Edwards - No. 50 CB ***
Roderick Sweeting - No. 59 CB ***
Justin Turner - No. 3 S **** (Michigan)
Bradley McDougald - No. 10 S ****
Vlad Emilien - No. 15 S ****
Isaiah Bell - No. 32 S *** (Michigan)
Corey Brown - No. 5 ATH ****
Victor Marc - No. 36 ATH ***
EJ Banks - No. 42 ATH ***
Darrell Mason - No. 56 ATH ***
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B-town Buckeye;1182430; said:
Rivals did a pretty big update to their positional rankings (adding a lot of kids compared to what they previously listed).

Here's a breakdown of OSU commits as well as some other targets and other Ohio kids.

OSU Commits

Zach Boren - No. 64 ATH ***

Rivals has Zack Boren listed under ATH position? He's athletic for his position I suppose, but I wouldn't classify him as an Athlete per se.
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akgoel77;1182458; said:
Rivals has Zack Boren listed under ATH position? He's athletic for his position I suppose, but I wouldn't classify him as an Athlete per se.

every kid with a D1 college football scholarship offer is an athlete.

athlete is a category used for kids that can play more than one position, usually on either side of the ball.

for example, boren is considered a lb/fb, so he's listed as an athlete.
kids like corey brown that are considered a wr/cb fall into this category as well.

generally rivals puts kids in the athlete category when they have offers from schools for each of those positions.
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tsteele316;1182460; said:
every kid with a D1 college football scholarship offer is an athlete.

athlete is a category used for kids that can play more than one position, usually on either side of the ball.

for example, boren is considered a lb/fb, so he's listed as an athlete.
kids like corey brown that are considered a wr/cb fall into this category as well.

generally rivals puts kids in the athlete category when they have offers from schools for each of those positions.

I see...thanks...that's good info. I assumed the Athlete position was reserved for guys like Teddy, Harvin, and Debose for this year. But I see what you are saying...I guess that makes sense.
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Didn't ask this but here

Pappy: Las Vegas, NV: Tom, in your most recent recruiting class rankings you placed Ohio State at #4, and you went on to justify the ranking by saying quote "Yes, the Buckeyes have 16 commitments and this class is very strong, but we cannot put Ohio State ahead of LSU and Georgia until these prospects prove their worth on the field." Please, please, please, explain what you mean by that. Isn't kind of hard to prove your worth until ANY of these kids see the field? Why are the Ohio St. recruits any different from the SEC school recruits at this stage in the game?

Tom Luginbill: We would be glad to address what we meant when we said "prove it on the field". Looking back, the statement could have been worded better, but no answer we give now will make any OSU fans happy and we understand that.

Tom Luginbill: What we meant simply is this- In our opinion despite OSU having 16 verbal commitments, we do not feel that a few of those are OSU caliber players and are a little surprised they have gone after them. Obviously, you want to recruit and win your state every year and every program takes guys for various reasons that also may not have to do with whether or not he is the best player so we feel some of those kids are going to have to prove they are OSU caliber.

Tom Luginbill: Second, it would be hard to argue that OSU, who has dominated recruiting in the Big Ten over the last five years, has recruited better athletes and players than that of the top-tier SEC programs like LSU, Florida and Georgia to name a few as evidenced by the on-the-field results over the last two years. We felt that Georgia and LSU's top guys right now are slightly ahead of OSU's top guys despite OSU having 16 verbal commitments because as mentioned above, there are a few that make OSU's class a little bigger, not necessarily better.

Tom Luginbill: Now, of course all players from all schools have to prove it on the field, we recognize that of course, but seeing what we have in the 2009 class and following recruiting trends over the last four years, we feel that the players OSU has been recruiting and is recruiting are going to have to begin winning the match-ups with top tier SEC teams on the field in order for us to feel like the pendulum has swung back OSU's way. This is our opinion, not fact, but we think there is credible evidence behind our notion of where things stand right now.

Tom Luginbill: Understand we are in a business where we are either making people angry or happy with our reports, grades, rankings, comments etc and we understand that, but we do take the time to answer your questions, put ourselves out there and respond to your inquiries. As we always say, we do not pretend to have all the answers and nobody does, but from a football standpoint our staff works from experience in this game both on the coaching side and the scouting side and in this particular instance with OSU, one of our guys Bill Conley spent 17 years on the staff there and has a pretty good feel for them. Every fan of every team wants to feel like their team is doing the best-- that is what fuels college football.

Tom Luginbill: Remember too, it is June and we have a looooong way to go until February. Recognizing it won't change any opinions, we at least hope this gives you a clearer view of our perspective.

What I don't get is how last year's results affect how you evaluate players who had nothing to do with those results.
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That's the sorriest line of thinking I've ever heard. Essentially he's claiming that Ohio State has recruited kids who can't beat SEC talent, so obviously anyone who Ohio State recruits is worse than the kids that LSU and Georgia recruit.

That's just stupid. ESPN ranked Terrelle Pryor the #2 player in the nation last year; since he choose Ohio State, he is now worse than he would have been if he chose Georgia? Get out of here with that garbage. Ranking recruits is an art, not a science, but even considering that fact it's clear why ESPN plays third fiddle to Scout and Rivals. That would be because they can't tell their...behind from a hole in the ground.

If you want to say "We don't like OSU's recruits as well as Georgia's", that's fine. People are welcome to their opinion, whether I disagree with it or not. However, justifying it with this kind of nonsense is just silly. I might as well say "OSU has the best class ever because aliens from the planet Xenu beamed messages into my brain that tell the future." It's equally ridiculous to what Luginbill is pushing.
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These guys want it both ways. Last year when we had top guys at each position our class didn"t have big enough numbers to be rated at the top. If 33 warm bodies at Alabama is a better class on paper than 20 mostly elite type players at OSU, then at least we know the thinking being used. Fast forward one year when OSU will sign a big numbers class and now you want to apply qualitative analysis to OSU, rather than quantitative.

To let this stuff influence any of our thinking, other than to be entertainment on a "slow" day in recruiting is stupid. Luginbil obviously has an agenda. To value anything he does at a deeper level than just mental candy would be following Illinidarrin off into the abyss.
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Only two things in Luginbill's blather are worth noting...

" Understand we are in a business."

"one of our guys [is] Bill Conley"

Business = money trumps all

Bill Conley = door - hit - ass

It's a shame that the... "Bill are you going to stake your reputation on this opinion much like you did your evaluation of Mike Adams last year?" ...question didn't make it through.

Or better yet "Bill which players specifically do you believe are not 'Ohio State caliber' so that we can be sure to get back to you in a couple of years about your judgement"....that of course won't happen
because being accountable for their opinions is exactly what mewling wastes of air like Luginbill want to avoid.
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My question is why are Buckeye fans even worried about this crap anyways. Don't buy their garbage magazine or subscribe to numbnuts. Don't watch their sorry channel unless you have too. I have stopped watching their station or ABC unless I have too. I'm glad theres a big10 network...I'm glad Fox is gonna be taking over soon. Hurt them where it hurts most...the wallet.
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What we meant simply is this- In our opinion despite OSU having 16 verbal commitments, we do not feel that a few of those are OSU caliber players and are a little surprised they have gone after them.
James Laurinaitis. AJ Hawk. Nick Mangold. Malcolm Jenkins. Santonio Holmes. Brian Robiskie. What do these guys have in common, other than playing for Ohio State and being 1st round/future 1st round picks?

They were all 1*-3* players. Were these guys not "OSU caliber" in high school? I've heard a lot of absolutely STUPID garbage spew from some "recruiting expert"'s mouths over the years, but Tom Laughingstock just won the "King of the Idiots" dunce cap that Lemming has been wearing for Lord knows how long.

I think he's doubting Jim Tressel's ability to evaluate talent, of which I would like to hear an argument about from his point of view (because I think it would actually be MORE laughable than that piece of garbage he just wrote). Only one way to shut the haters up: win it all, baby. And do it against the "mighty" SEC.
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