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2009 Rivals/Scout/etc. National & Regional Rankings

Rivals.com Prospect Rankings

Of note:

#5 Devon Kennard
#10 Jelani Jenkins
#13 Dre Kirkpatrick
#17 Marlon Brown
#23 Dorian Bell
#24 Shaquelle Evans
#26 Jamie Wood
#28 Melvin Fellows
#31 Andre Debose
#33 Jheranie Boyd
#38 Xavier Nixon
#40 Jaamal Berry
#46 Chris Watt
#48 Kraig Appleton
#49 Justin Turner
#56 C.J. Barnett
#57 Jordan Whiting
#58 Frankie Telfort
#61 Marcus Hall
#67 Justin Green
#68 Orson Charles
#72 John Martinez
#73 Corey Brown
#85 Craig Drummond
#89 Corey Adams
#95 Chris Fields
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outside of Simon somehow being off their top 100...this is a pretty Buckeye-friendly list. Once Simon gets back in there (maybe at the expense of Fields, though) it is reasonable to think the Bucks can pull at least 9-10 of their top 100, if not more. Not too shabby....
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Is Simon going to any All-Star games? It seems like he could be someone who they are deliberately leaving low so that they can rant and rave about him (and sell subscriptions) once he gets to an all star game's practice and dominates... like Mike Adams. That would probably only work with the Army game though since that's the one that rivals sponsors.
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