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2009 Rivals/Scout/etc. National & Regional Rankings

Been looking at the ESPN top 150 watch list a bit recently and since it was a weekend morning...I decided to dig a little deeper and count up how each state is represented in their top 150 watch list at this time. I realize they still are evaluating and whatever else...but some of these numbers were interesting to me.

(and I may be off one or two here and there....if so, my apologies)

Top 10 states

Florida - 84
Texas - 76
Georgia - 47
California - 44
Ohio - 32
Alabama - 24
Virginia - 21
South Carolina - 18
Louisiana - 17
North Carolina - 17

Georgia ahead of California (and Cali so far behind Florida and Texas) is pretty much mind-boggling to me as I've always thought the general consensus was that Florida, Texas and California were the clear top 3 with the Georgias and Ohios etcs fighting it out behind them. But, there's people here that follow this stuff more than I do...hence the post.

Also, no Pennsylvania in the top 10? (they are 11th with 15 kids).

Also interesting...

Florida total - 84
Ohio + Pennsylvania + Michigan + Illinois + Indiana + Wisconsin + Iowa + Minnesota = 83 (32+15+8+10+6+3+5+4)

Basically all of Big 10 country = Florida according to ESPN/scouts.inc. Not trying to say Florida doesn't have a lot of talent, as the state clearly does...but their number of top guys equals the entire number of those that can be found in Big 10 country? Really? Also, all of the SEC states add up to a whopping 214. :yow1:

I also counted 528 total kids on their top 150 watch list at the moment....

Florida's 84 of the top 528 equates to roughly 15.9% of the entire Watch List being from Florida. For comparison, I counted up 40 of the scout top 300 being from Florida, for 13.3333%. Small difference but it's there. Georgia's numbers are similar...8.9% on espn and 6.6% on scout. California is more in line with what normally is conventional thinking on scout. Cali has 29 of the top 300 (9.6%) and is a good deal ahead of Georgia.

Not sure what it means, if anything. Just kind of interesting.

Also, and on a bit of a different note, since I counted 528 guys on the watch list....that means that OSU commits Whiting, Fields, Boren and Fragel...who are not on the watch list...are at this point rated as being outside of their top 500 nationally. In the case of Boren and Fragel, maybe...but Fields and Whiting, I don't know about that.

Anyway, like I said, I was looking at their list a bit, hung out with my calculator for an hour and I thought I'd throw this out there and see what people thought. Not really wanting this to sound like another bashing ESPN post...just found their take on the recruit season being somewhat oddball to what seems to generally be held as conventional wisdom.

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Yes, the Buckeyes have 16 commitments and this class is very strong, but we cannot put Ohio State ahead of LSU and Georgia until these prospects prove their worth on the field.

Any idea what this quote means? So our verbals have to prove their worth on the field, but not LSU's and Georgia's?? Haven't they done just that to obtain the high individual rankings they now have??? Afterall, the caption to the picture in the article says we have 10 commits from ESPN's top 150, wouldn't that mean they have already proved it on the field???? Is is he saying our prospects must first beat an SEC team to be placed ahead of them????
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holybuckeye33;1178824; said:
Any idea what this quote means? So our verbals have to prove their worth on the field, but not LSU's and Georgia's?? Haven't they done just that to obtain the high individual rankings they now have??? Afterall, the caption to the picture in the article says we have 10 commits from ESPN's top 150, wouldn't that mean they have already proved it on the field???? Is is he saying our prospects must first beat an SEC team to be placed ahead of them????

Blood is boiling!!
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holybuckeye33;1178824; said:
Any idea what this quote means? So our verbals have to prove their worth on the field, but not LSU's and Georgia's?? Haven't they done just that to obtain the high individual rankings they now have??? Afterall, the caption to the picture in the article says we have 10 commits from ESPN's top 150, wouldn't that mean they have already proved it on the field???? Is is he saying our prospects must first beat an SEC team to be placed ahead of them????

Yeah....it is a completely nonsensical statement. OSU should be at least #2 on that list IMO! At the end of the day, it doesn't matter much to me. We'll see these kids on the field soon enough. If I were a betting man, I know which team I would put my money on! :biggrin:
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I don't know about you guys, but I'm just happy that we have 3 Big Ten teams ranked in the top 10 of those recruiting rankings. I could care less what those numbskulls think about our recruiting class this year. I wouldn't trade our haul thus far for anyone else's in the nation.
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holybuckeye33;1178824; said:
Any idea what this quote means? So our verbals have to prove their worth on the field, but not LSU's and Georgia's?? Haven't they done just that to obtain the high individual rankings they now have??? Afterall, the caption to the picture in the article says we have 10 commits from ESPN's top 150, wouldn't that mean they have already proved it on the field???? Is is he saying our prospects must first beat an SEC team to be placed ahead of them????
Luginbull is an idiot. His bias has blinded him so bad he wouldn't know real talent if it picked up his double-wide and threw it across the trailor park. Stevie Wonder can see that there is no problem with our depth at LB. They're actually making LB's DE's for crying out loud! And of course, the "prove it on the field" remark is just ludacris. You tellin me that LSU's and UG's commits have already played a down of CFB? Gimme a break! It's alright, they'll prove who's the best soon enough.:oh:
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tonystarx;1178870; said:
Luginbull is an idiot. His bias has blinded him so bad he wouldn't know real talent if it picked up his double-wide and threw it across the trailor park. Stevie Wonder can see that there is no problem with our depth at LB. They're actually making LB's DE's for crying out loud! And of course, the "prove it on the field" remark is just ludacris. You tellin me that LSU's and UG's commits have already played a down of CFB? Gimme a break! It's alright, they'll prove who's the best soon enough.:oh:

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here are the Ohio kids listed on the ESPN/Scouts Inc. top 150 'watch list' at this point.

I'm doing this in their order, but I do not believe they have actually put the kids in any actual order at this point. But if they have....:yow1:

Ricky Harris - OC
David Lee - CB
Marcus Hall - OT
Isaiah Bell - S
Jack Mewhort - OC
Jamie Wood - S
CJ Barnett - CB
Alex Bobel - OG
Corey Linsley - OG
Justin Turner - ATH
John Simon - DT
Melvin Fellows - DE
Tank Carradine - DE
DJ Hunter - S
Mike Marrow - ILB
Blaine Burgess - FB
Joe Coyne - OG
Fitz Toussaint - RB
Skyler Roberts - K
Vince Penza - K
Korbin Smith - K
Darrell Mason - ATH
Bud Golden - ATH
Will Studlein - ILB
Jonathan Simmons - K
Terrence Davis - WR
Adam Bellamy - DT
Sam Longo - OG
Adam Homan - ILB
Jacob Green - TE
Chris Williams - ATH

and...that's it....down to 31 Ohio names on their top 150 watch list....

notables left off...

Denicos Allen
Chris Fields
Chris Freeman
Jonathan Newsome
Bradley McDougald
Chris Snook
Dan Fox
STORM KLEIN ??????? (was recently moved from watch list to '76')
Nate Klatt
Pat Muldoon (he of the 30+ offers)
Patrick White

Again, I guess they're still moving people around and changing their grades (Fields moved from 76 to 77 this week, for instance)...but at the moment it looks like ESPN/Scouts Inc does not have Storm Klein in their Ohio top 31...which is simply insane.
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