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2009 Big Twelve discussion (Dez Bryant)

That's why this stinks. There's enough real shit going on out there where kids can make a bad decision and jeopardize their eligibility - stuff that the NCAA looks the other way on or gives a mulligan for.

In this situation, they put a kid in a position to lose his eligibility. He lied about something that wasn't even a violation in and of itself and that's what he's being busted for. I'm not excusing Bryant's decision, but the NCAA should be trying to prevent situations where student-athletes make bad decisions, not creating them.
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jlb1705;1560523; said:
That's why this stinks. There's enough real shit going on out there where kids can make a bad decision and jeopardize their eligibility - stuff that the NCAA looks the other way on or gives a mulligan for.

In this situation, they put a kid in a position to lose his eligibility. He lied about something that wasn't even a violation in and of itself and that's what he's being busted for. I'm not excusing Bryant's decision, but the NCAA should be trying to prevent situations where student-athletes make bad decisions, not creating them.

Agreed...this looks more like entrapment to me than anything else.
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jlb1705;1560523; said:
In this situation, they put a kid in a position to lose his eligibility.

I think they were investigating whether he made contact with an agent. He had the option to lie or tell the truth. He lied. They did not put him in that situation. I would question where Oklahoma State was during this process. Were they aware that the NCAA was investigating him? If they were, then they should have told Dez that there was nothing to lie about.
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Buckeyefrankmp;1560587; said:
I think they were investigating whether he made contact with an agent. He had the option to lie or tell the truth. He lied. They did not put him in that situation. I would question where Oklahoma State was during this process. Were they aware that the NCAA was investigating him? If they were, then they should have told Dez that there was nothing to lie about.

Correct, but I think the punishment is a little harsh in this instance. A game or two suspension should have been in order not this Draconian action. Agreed I would have asked the NCAA to give a list of questions that they wanted to ask my player and then counseled him as to what his answer were and should be.....

Having said this "screw the NCAA"......
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Buckeyefrankmp;1560587; said:
I think they were investigating whether he made contact with an agent. He had the option to lie or tell the truth. He lied. They did not put him in that situation. I would question where Oklahoma State was during this process. Were they aware that the NCAA was investigating him? If they were, then they should have told Dez that there was nothing to lie about.

The NCAA was able to corroborate the lie, so it's not as if they were taking him for his word on whether or not he met with an agent. They found their answer independent of what he said. Like I said, it's not and excuse for lying, but the NCAA helped put him in the position to make the mistake and that's not the kind of thing they should be engaging in.
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This is from the conspiracy theorist at Okie State who thinks this may have something to do with the D. Bryant deal......

NCAA, former Oklahoma State pitcher settle lawsuit - USATODAY.com

Former Oklahoma State pitcher Andrew Oliver has settled his lawsuit against the NCAA two weeks before a jury trial was scheduled to begin in Ohio.
The NCAA declared Oliver ineligible on the eve of the 2008 Division I playoffs because he had legal representation when he considered signing a pro contract out of high school. Oliver sued for reinstatement, which Erie County (Ohio) Judge Tygh Tone granted in February.
Oliver, an Erie County native, also sued the NCAA for breach of contract and damages, and those were the complaints settled out of court. Oliver's attorney, Richard Johnson, said Tuesday that the terms are confidential.
"I believe we would have tried and won a very large judgment, the NCAA would have appealed and this would have dragged on for three to five more years," he said. " ? This was all about the right to counsel. (The NCAA) punished this kid because he had a lawyer. It was absurd from the beginning, and it should never have come to this."
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Wingate1217;1560619; said:
This is from the conspiracy theorist at Okie State who thinks this may have something to do with the D. Bryant deal......

NCAA, former Oklahoma State pitcher settle lawsuit - USATODAY.com

Former Oklahoma State pitcher Andrew Oliver has settled his lawsuit against the NCAA two weeks before a jury trial was scheduled to begin in Ohio.
The NCAA declared Oliver ineligible on the eve of the 2008 Division I playoffs because he had legal representation when he considered signing a pro contract out of high school. Oliver sued for reinstatement, which Erie County (Ohio) Judge Tygh Tone granted in February.
Oliver, an Erie County native, also sued the NCAA for breach of contract and damages, and those were the complaints settled out of court. Oliver's attorney, Richard Johnson, said Tuesday that the terms are confidential.
"I believe we would have tried and won a very large judgment, the NCAA would have appealed and this would have dragged on for three to five more years," he said. " ? This was all about the right to counsel. (The NCAA) punished this kid because he had a lawyer. It was absurd from the beginning, and it should never have come to this."

I hadn't heard of that case. It looks like a raw deal too. I don't know if it's a conspiracy - that would require a plan. I just think the NCAA is up to its eyeballs in bull[censored].

It's a separate issue, but would we really want these guys running a playoff to determine the national champion? I'll gladly stick with the BCS if that's the case.
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Woof, keep hoping for that forfeit.

It appears that Okie State asked the NCAA to investigate Bryant's contact with Deion Sanders. If they did that, they were foolish to not have somebody talk to Bryant about what was within NCAA rules, what was not, and instruct him to never lie to the NCAA. It's also indicated that the NCAA was talking to Bryant before the season started, so if he lied to them before he played in some games, there's a possibilty of him being declared ineligible for those games, which could result in some forfeits.


Oklahoma State WR Bryant played during investigation

OKLAHOMA CITY -- All-America receiver Dez Bryant played in Oklahoma State's first three games of the season while compliance officials were investigating an apparent meeting with former NFL players Deion Sanders and Omar Stoutmire that he later lied about to the NCAA.

Documents released by the university Thursday in response to an open records request from the Associated Press show OSU suggested to the NCAA that it should interview Sanders and Stoutmire because they were "purported to work out" with Bryant.

The documents also show questions were raised about Bryant's account of events -- before the start of the season. That calls into question whether his participation in the first three games could cause Oklahoma State to forfeit, if the NCAA rules he should have been ineligible from the start.

In an Aug. 26 e-mail, associate athletic director for compliance Scott Williams mentions that Oklahoma State's season opener was approaching -- at that point 10 days away -- and the school would need to make "a determination on Dez's playing status."

Five days later, still before a season-opening win against Georgia, Marcus M. Wilson, the NCAA's assistant director of agent, gambling and amateurism activities, asks Williams about Bryant: "Why does his story keep changing?"

Oklahoma State ruled Bryant ineligible Wednesday because he "failed to openly disclose to the NCAA the full details of his interaction with a former NFL player not affiliated with OSU."

The school has said it already has begun the process of asking the NCAA to reinstate Bryant, and released documents show Bryant is tentatively scheduled for a follow-up interview with the NCAA on Tuesday in Indianapolis.

Cont'd ...
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jlb1705;1560523; said:
That's why this stinks. There's enough real shit going on out there where kids can make a bad decision and jeopardize their eligibility - stuff that the NCAA looks the other way on or gives a mulligan for.

In this situation, they put a kid in a position to lose his eligibility. He lied about something that wasn't even a violation in and of itself and that's what he's being busted for. I'm not excusing Bryant's decision, but the NCAA should be trying to prevent situations where student-athletes make bad decisions, not creating them.

They are, though. The NCAA is on to Deion Sanders as a runner for agent Eugene Parker. They suspected it last year with Crabtree. Deion gets his hooks into the kid, and swings him to Eugene Parker. Eugene Parker sends the kid to Sanders Prime U to train for the combine. $$$$
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Wingate1217;1560614; said:
Found this on the Okie State site.....

Re: Dez BryantReply
Boy the NCAA sure moved fast on that one. Meanwhile USC sits in their ivory tower with impunity

Look at the TV market share for Stillwater then look at the market share for LA. Without USC there's no story on the West Coast for the NCAA to sell.

Coincidence? I think not.
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cincibuck;1561866; said:
Look at the TV market share for Stillwater then look at the market share for LA. Without USC there's no story on the West Coast for the NCAA to sell.

Coincidence? I think not.

I wish this conspiracy existed when the NCAA banned mike williams for trying to follow moc into the draft
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