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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

MililaniBuckeye;1163345; said:
As many supporters of Boeckman have pointed out, he has been here for over four years...if he was going to be developed, you'd think he would've been by now.

I'm sure his knowledge of the game is developed but you don't develop very much as a player when you're 3rd string or worse for your first 4 years. I really don't understand your "doom and gloom" outlook on Boeckman. You say you're rooting for him as much as the next guy yet you're so down on him at the same time.
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OregonBuckeye;1163397; said:
I'm sure his knowledge of the game is developed but you don't develop very much as a player when you're 3rd string or worse for your first 4 years. I really don't understand your "doom and gloom" outlook on Boeckman. You say you're rooting for him as much as the next guy yet you're so down on him at the same time.

Maybe he's trying to be realistic? I really don't see why people aren't allowed to think in realistic terms sometimes. It doesn't make him any less of a fan. I'd love to see TB light it up,but he just didn't come to play in some critical times last year. He may have put the time in this offseason to be something great,but we can only judge by how he played last year.
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You develop by taking snaps on the field of play not running the scout team. Last year was TB's first year and he had a pretty good season. He has now seen a lot of action in "live fire" sitiuations and I think he will respond well.
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TB got his first starts at his junior year, now I realize alot of college QB's take over during their junior season. However would we have been analyzing him this much if he had this type of season has a sophmore?
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While I see reasons to be concerned about TB's less than stellar performances against tOSU's toughest opponents, the fact remains that last year was his first real action. It is easy to say "yeah but he is 35 years old and has been there in that system for 17 years running the best scout teams in the nation and doing his best to prepare the defense for Otto Graham, Sonny Jorgenson and MIke Vick, so he should be further along."

The errors in the Spring game also give me pause about his development since last year, but the O-line was severely depleted and the skill position group was split. Let's give him a chance to show that he has developed and is ready to take tOSU to the next level (there aren't many levels above runner-up in the NC game :biggrin:)

The good, or bad thing about it is that I think we'll know early how it will turn out, lose to SC and the Bucks chances at even making it back to the NC game go in the dumper. SC will bring the kitchen sink at TB and the atmosphere should be electric out in LA, so Todd will have a chance to show not only Buckeye nation, but the remainder of the nation what he is made of.
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powerlifter;1163588; said:
Maybe he's trying to be realistic? I really don't see why people aren't allowed to think in realistic terms sometimes. It doesn't make him any less of a fan. I'd love to see TB light it up,but he just didn't come to play in some critical times last year. He may have put the time in this offseason to be something great,but we can only judge by how he played last year.

We can also use common sense. Every other QB that has been with JT for two or more seasons progressed nicely. My faith lies not in Todd improving by himself, but rather Jim Tressel improving him.
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Coaching courage

I think Tressel has the courage to make a change when warranted. I would not be surprised to see a split QB right at the start. I would be surprised if TB does not start the first game BUT IT'S POSSIBLE.

If TB or his backers think he didn't get his chance, just roll film... from MSU on, he had lost his (mental) grip.

How many NC games are you allowed to lose??

If someone else steps up, so be it. If no one else steps up, then yes, he has it by default.

Rod Gerald was moved for Schlichter. Mo gave way to Beanie. Bam Childress never became a #1 even though he has had some success on NFL scout teams and special teams.

Todd himself would probably have to admit that the Buckeyes do not "owe" him the right to start.

Todd's choke set our offense back 4 years. I didn't like it.

I'm a putz, sure, but I'm not hoping that Todd loses his job --- I'm hoping someone emerges from the muck to be the clear #1 QB. It's the law of the jungle.
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UpNorthBuckeye;1163749; said:
Todd himself would probably have to admit that the Buckeyes do not "owe" him the right to start.

I've never heard anyone suggest that OSU owes it to Todd.

Todd's choke set our offense back 4 years. I didn't like it.

Please explain. I really have no idea what that means.

I'm hoping someone emerges from the muck to be the clear #1 QB. It's the law of the jungle.

A lot of articles suggest that Todd has distanced himself from the rest. The fact that nuts like us argue about a QB controversy doesn't mean there really is one. :biggrin:
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OregonBuckeye;1163397; said:
I'm sure his knowledge of the game is developed but you don't develop very much as a player when you're 3rd string or worse for your first 4 years. I really don't understand your "doom and gloom" outlook on Boeckman. You say you're rooting for him as much as the next guy yet you're so down on him at the same time.

So, I can't be objectively critical of someone's recent performance and pull for him at the same time? And it really doesn't matter if a QB has been in the system one year or five years, you'd think he'd progress enough during the course of the season to least maintain his level of play, and not regress, against the top opposition at the end of the year.
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For the most part agreed, Mili.

If you look at how TS progressed in his first 1/2 season as starter, capped by the monster game against scUM, then you have a good yardstick for TB, and he's not measuring up to that one.

If there ever was an "easy" year for an OSU QB, then you would think this would be it.
He's going to have a great O-line, the best running back in the country, and plenty of weapons to throw to.

If we see the same kind of game against USC that we did the last 4 or so games of the season, then that is a problem. (I don't count the scUM game, by the way, due to the conditions)

If he progresses as much as TS did from his first to second season, then we will be fine. If he progresses as much as Schlichter did between his first two seasons, then Katie bar the door. If he continues his Zwick-like lack of progression, then he will probably be replaced.

Honestly, I look for him to have a big year, as well as the offense in general. But this year I don't think it's imperative he have great numbers due to the running game we will have.
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Buckeye86;1163324; said:
You give him too much credit.

Schlichter threw 21 in '78
Greg Frey threw 16 in '90

Boeckman's 14 ties Hoying's 14 in '94 for third place.

Well I did hear Kirk speak about Matt Ryan before the draft. "Don't worry about those 19 interceptions"...There's some positive thinking.
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NightmaresDad;1164029; said:
For the most part agreed, Mili.

If you look at how TS progressed in his first 1/2 season as starter, capped by the monster game against scUM, then you have a good yardstick for TB, and he's not measuring up to that one.

If there ever was an "easy" year for an OSU QB, then you would think this would be it.
He's going to have a great O-line, the best running back in the country, and plenty of weapons to throw to.

If we see the same kind of game against USC that we did the last 4 or so games of the season, then that is a problem. (I don't count the scUM game, by the way, due to the conditions)

If he progresses as much as TS did from his first to second season, then we will be fine. If he progresses as much as Schlichter did between his first two seasons, then Katie bar the door. If he continues his Zwick-like lack of progression, then he will probably be replaced.

Honestly, I look for him to have a big year, as well as the offense in general. But this year I don't think it's imperative he have great numbers due to the running game we will have.

I think that's a lot of the debate here. TB is the only question,and if something wrong happens people will be pointing fingers fast. We all know what the rest of the offense should be able to do.
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I think we would be stupid not to put Pryor is on 3rd and short. I mean come on Beanie & Pryor in the backfeild. Nothing else could possibly strike as much fear into a Defenses eyes then 2 #1 recruits(and Army All American MVP's) in the same backfield on 3rd down.

That would completly take the will out of the defense. Not to mention a redzone option would be very nice.

I'll kind of be mad if we don't utilize Pryors ability's to the fullest this season.
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mercer_buckeye;1164073; said:
Kind of fucking stupid to make a decision without all the information isn't it?

What f****** decision did powerlifter make exactly? I didn't go back and read through this entire topic nor am I going to. However, I'm fairly certain that powerlifter, like any unbiased OSU fan would, is merely expressing concern about the possibility of TB performing poorly.
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