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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Being new to this discussion, I hope Todd improves from last yr. Mainly his reads of Defenses ( talented defenses at that). Week 3 will be the big test if he has improved. I think he will do fine against Youngstown and Ohio U.

Todd I hope has improved his deep ball. And his release needs to be quicker. Something that was noticed of Joe B. was his quick release, and arm strength. Tessel will not let Todd throw too many picks this yr, because if he does.........Joe will be in there. Tressel has shown in the past , that he will not put up with consistant turnovers.

I know Pryor doesn't get to Columbus til mid June , so he will have some catching up to do . 2 1/2 to 3 months should be enough time to get him enough reps for how Tressel and company will utilize him on short situations this yr. But who knows , Sept. is awhile away.
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martinss01;1166337; said:
dear god i hope not!!! have you actually gone back and rewatched those games early in the year where he "looked so good"? i keep hearing people talk about how well boeckman played in the begining of the year and how it kind of got away from him to the end of the year. that really isn't the case. boeckman was pretty much the same guy with the same skill set throughout the year. the way he played against washington wasn't all that different than the way he played against illi. the only difference? the illi defenders can catch where as washington's can't.

boeckman's issues last season were pretty apparent. he lacked arm strength which cause his passes to float on occasion and be "please pick 6 me" on the deep pass, he threw behind receivers, and did not handle pressure well.

while i expect limited progression from him this year. because of his lack of progression last year im not expecting a lights out season. im just not sold that he is that type of talent. he's a solid qb that will fill the position well, but he isn't going to redefine the way you look at the position. he can absolutely lead this team to a nc. but he can't do it alone. the d absolutely without question has to step it up in a very very big way.

I'm curious...when was the last time an Ohio State QB threw a pick 6?
I know Todd didn't, since most of them were long balls. Troy only threw like 6 picks in 2006.
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Poe McKnoe;1166820; said:
I'm curious...when was the last time an Ohio State QB threw a pick 6?
I know Todd didn't, since most of them were long balls. Troy only threw like 6 picks in 2006.

Sorry to break it to you first. :(

Todd last year 2007, 3rd Qtr MSU:

Scoring Summary
Jake Ballard 14 Yd Pass From Todd Boeckman (Ryan Pretorius Kick)
Drive: 7 plays, 86 yds, 3:10
Ryan Pretorius 42 Yd
Drive: 8 plays, 74 yds, 3:55

TD10:15Chris Wells 5 Yd Run (Ryan Pretorius Kick)
Drive: 6 plays, 29 yds, 3:10

TD06:52Brian Robiskie 50 Yd Pass From Todd Boeckman (Ryan Pretorius Kick)
Drive: 3 plays, 70 yds, 2:12

TD03:52Otis Wiley 54 Yd Interception Return (Brett Swenson Kick)
TD02:56Sir Darean Adams 25 Yd Fumble Return (Brett Swenson Kick)

FG03:42Brett Swenson 43 Yd
Drive: 8 plays, 56 yds, 2:491724
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I have to say, I'm getting tired of all the TB bashing. Let's not forget that all of the skill players last year were first year starters. How many of TB's INTs could have been broken up by the WRs? There were a few, including one in the NC. I thought Todd did better than expected, considering the overall situation. Granted, his worst games all came right at the end. The UM game I can attribute mostly to the field. Tressel decided pretty early on that the passing game wasn't worth the risk. Illinois game, remember, he was forced to play from behind more due to the ref's incompetence than anything else. I would also sat the D did not hold up their end of the bargain. I won't name names, but a certain LB was assigned to Juice on most of the option plays and would freeze on the handoff. If you've got the QB on an option play and you're not sure if he made the handoff, hit him! He's an RB at that point. LSU you can't dump all on his shoulders either. He didn't take any personal fouls or blow coverage. I also thought that the flying clothes-line that forced the fumble should have been flagged. Definitely a player safety concern there. Of course it would have been great if Todd would have carried his team to victory, but for a first year starter, he still overachieved. He had the second best season for a QB under Tressel, the best was good enough for a Heisman.

You have to believe that TB's INTs will go down this year. This is college football. Players are expected to improve each year. I really liked what I saw in the spring game. With spotty protection, he was a lot quicker in going thru his progressions and made several short passes with accuracy and good pace. He did tend to look for BH too much, but when Robo comes back, that will change. Hopefully he will look to the TEs more, as both have great hands. I'm sure that TB and his receivers will be working together as much as the rules allow up until training camp. We all know that he will be the starter come 8/30. Tressel is fiercely loyal to his upperclassmen and, moreover, has an obligation to prepare his athletes to succeed at the next level. You all saw what it took to give TS a shot over JZ. Even if TB gets injured, TP will not be named starter. Whether it would be JB or AH, Tress will not hand over the team to a true frosh. He has to give his team the best chance to win every game, no matter how impressive TP may be. TP will see the field if he earns it. But not as a starter.

Most of the posters on this and other sites do not seem to have much confidence in Boeckman going into '08. The QB is the most high profile position on the team. It's easy to heap all the blame on one guy. Do you remember when Troy used to spread credit to all his teammates after a win, no matter how spectacular his performance was? You win as a team. You lose as a team. When the team takes the field against YSU, they will be behind Boecks %100. He is our quarterback and he deserves our support. Let's stop talking about what might go wrong and trust our student athletes to go out and get the job done. If Boecks goes out and puts up a season for the ages, everyone will say they never doubted him for a minute. Why not just start now? Here, I'll start.

Do Ohio proud Todd! We're all behind you!

Go Buckeyes!!!

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Great post General! But I personally don't think there is any bashing or too low of confidence it TB. I think most of us are really excited and proud to have such a amazing athlete coming to play for the Bucks. That takes nothing away from TB, you are right, he very well did overachieve last year. He did pretty well for a first year starter, but he has been in the program and in that offense for a while. I don't think his game should have slid that bad during the last half of the season, being around for that long. I also think that having that great first half of the season contributed to his picks, his receivers bailed him out, or made catches to poorly thrown balls that didn't seem to go his way during the second half of the season. Regardless, he DID get us to the NCG, he DID get is a Big10 championship. His expectations are already set very high this year, he has all the tools to be something special, and I think he will do just that. It's also great knowing we have TP as well...!:biggrin:
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generaladm;1180725; said:
blah, blah, (really good post) blah



Good post general'

You've had one of the most impressive starts for a new poster that I've seen in a long time. I agree with the points that you make about TB completely.

Some of the people who have expressed concern about the late season interceptions were not bashing in my opinion; and I do consider it a legitimate topic of discussion. But as the guy who set up 10,000:1 odds that Todd will keep his job (just to make a point); it is safe to say that I am with you. Todd Boeckman will perform well enough to hoist crystal next January, as will the rest of the Buckeyes. This team is so loaded that the only enemy is complacency. This team's, and more to the point Todd's, experience of the recent past is tailor made to fight complacency.
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generaladm;1180725; said:
I have to say, I'm getting tired of all the TB bashing. Let's not forget that all of the skill players last year were first year starters. How many of TB's INTs could have been broken up by the WRs? There were a few, including one in the NC. I thought Todd did better than expected, considering the overall situation. Granted, his worst games all came right at the end. The UM game I can attribute mostly to the field. Tressel decided pretty early on that the passing game wasn't worth the risk. Illinois game, remember, he was forced to play from behind more due to the ref's incompetence than anything else. I would also sat the D did not hold up their end of the bargain. I won't name names, but a certain LB was assigned to Juice on most of the option plays and would freeze on the handoff. If you've got the QB on an option play and you're not sure if he made the handoff, hit him! He's an RB at that point. LSU you can't dump all on his shoulders either. He didn't take any personal fouls or blow coverage. I also thought that the flying clothes-line that forced the fumble should have been flagged. Definitely a player safety concern there. Of course it would have been great if Todd would have carried his team to victory, but for a first year starter, he still overachieved. He had the second best season for a QB under Tressel, the best was good enough for a Heisman.
I agree that Todd is taking way too much heat than he should, but attempting to deflect the blame on the defense or the officiating won't change anything, nor will it make him better.
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I haven't felt like most people are "throwing Todd under the bus" at all. I think most are just expressing concern about the way he finished last year and just saying that there are certain aspects of Todd's game that simply must improve to win it all.

I hope I speak for the majority when I say, I hope Todd has a season for the ages. I hope he improves on every aspect of his game. We have skill like I've never seen before on this team. If TB goes out and plays solid, we'll be in great shape. If we're forced to go to the #2 QB it'll probably mean our shot at another NC has flown out the door. With that in mind, I think we all know that a solid TB in 2008 is going to be key.

Plus with over 80 days still left til gametime, we're all a little bored...that means lots of speculating, analyzing and even the occasional paranoia. :biggrin:

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Todd B. has plenty of skill to deliver the ball downfield with 4.5 to 5 seconds to throw. I don't think anyone doubts that. The issues concern the instances where Todd has 3.5 seconds to read the coverage and throw the ball.

The problem is, not surprisingly, the better teams that Ohio State plays have the more intense pass rush. I don't know if we will know whether Todd is good enough under those circumstances until it is too late. Maybe the Penn State game will tell us what we need to know going into the second half of the season.
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Shivvy77;1181132; said:
Todd B. has plenty of skill to deliver the ball downfield with 4.5 to 5 seconds to throw. I don't think anyone doubts that. The issues concern the instances where Todd has 3.5 seconds to read the coverage and throw the ball.

The problem is, not surprisingly, the better teams that Ohio State plays have the more intense pass rush. I don't know if we will know whether Todd is good enough under those circumstances until it is too late. Maybe the Penn State game will tell us what we need to know going into the second half of the season.

Do we really have to wait past USC in week 3?
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The problem is, not surprisingly, the better teams that Ohio State plays have the more intense pass rush. I don't know if we will know whether Todd is good enough under those circumstances until it is too late. Maybe the Penn State game will tell us what we need to know going into the second half of the season.

I don't think folks are directly "bashing" TB. But they are certainly doing it indirectly by implying not that he may be affected by the pressure (EVERY QB is affected by pressure) but that there is somebody on the bench who should be receiving more consideration because they can do a better job.

And anyone who wants to suggest that Pryor is that person is living in a fantasy world.
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Thanks for all the great replies to my post. I know everyone is behind TB, I just think it's crazy that people would discuss benching the QB who led the Big Ten in pass efficiency and won a conference title. Yes, of course, Todd has some areas to improve. I'm sure he and his coaches know more than anyone what needs to be done. It's not like he's a lost cause (Bellisari). He's a smart kid who's dreamed of being a Buckeye all his life. Let's not forget that no matter how long you've been in a program, real experience is only gained out on the field. I'm not trying to give him a free pass for playing poorly at times, just pointing out that poor performance in the future is not a forgone conclusion. I support all of our players who stay clean, work hard, and give good effort on the field (that's %99.9!). Todd has done far above and beyond that. I respect everyone's right to criticize and analyse players, just seems a little out of perspective here. I also think it is our duty as fans to throw support behind our players even when they're not perfect. They work so hard for us and we should let them know that we appreciate it.
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mercer_buckeye;1181192; said:
Face it Buckeye fans were not really excited when they saw Todd sign with OSU as a standout Ohio high school QB. That's not gonna change. Todd is a victim of overhyped recruiting. If you don't come in with fanfare it's hard to earn.

Think about where we would have been last year without TB. We would have had two second year players in Schoenhoft and Henton, and a newbie, Bauserman. The most touted out of HS was Schoenhoft. We all saw how that turned out. Henton was relatively unknown here, but did win a state title in GA. Without TB in '07, we probably would have had a down year like everyone expected going in. Troy Smith had a lot to overcome to earn respect. TB's junior season was not that far off from Troy's '06 season.
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