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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Taosman;1162584; said:
I guess I can't convince some here that his big game problems were in fact,TEAM problems!
With better help from his team mates he would have been fine. But, no. It's easier to pick out one guy rather then say the whole team sucked against Illinois and LSU. :smash:
I'd have to agree with what Mili said.

Of course, every loss is attributed to TEAM problems. Let me remind you of the QB's who have won NC's in the past... Matt Flynn, Chris Leak, Vince Young, Matt Leinart, Matt Mauck, Craig Krenzel, and Ken Dorsey.

Virtually every single one of those guys stepped their game up for the competition and didn't back down to the pressure of the situations. That's what it takes to be a championship QB. And the last 3 games of last year, Todd didn't step up his game, and then proceeded to fold under pressure. Maybe it can be attributed to his first year on the job, or maybe it's a common theme. We'll find out next year.
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Taosman;1162648; said:
And I'm not throwing Robo under the bus.
Great players make that play. (catch and hold on to TD in BCS games)
A great player did make that play... unfortunately for us he played for LSU

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Sportsbuck28;1162652; said:
There's not a receiver in the country that would've held onto that one... that was one of the best pass breakups I've ever seen on the big stage.

I looked at that play numerous times and I still think it could have been held on to. That was probably the turning point in that game. :(
Just look at the pic in BKB's post above.
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Taosman;1162658; said:
I looked at that play numerous times and I still think it could have been held on to. That was probably the turning point in that game. :(
While I agree it was the turning point in the game, I think it would've taken amazing play at receiver to hold onto it. I'm talking a vice-like grip on the ball. Jackson had his hand perfectly placed and just knocked it out.
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Taosman;1162625; said:
Illinois game. Does anyone believe that the TEAM was on it's best game?
Both lines got pushed around all day. If you lose in the trenches you usually lose the game. Game was on again this morning and it's so apparent
this TEAM was not ready to play.

LBers were making tackles down field all day. Very few crucial stops. Defense was confused/asleep all day. Defensive backs missed assignments all day.
Same story on offense. Very little push up front. All day.
Game was a horror show. Sickening.

Team play was much better against LSU. But, the TEAM mistakes killed any chance we had of winning.
I still don't see anybody singularly blaming TB for those losses, yet you continue to argue as if it's happening. Sure, Todd is not to blame for those losses, but he didn't do a whole hell of a lot to help us win. Look back to the Fiesta Bowl in 2003. CK may not have had a statistically great game, but there were times he strapped the team on his back and willed his way to a score. He had that mental toughness Todd lacked last year. Will he develop it this year, time will tell.

Championship QB's overcome mistakes made by teammates and get the job done. TB did not do that on two occasions. The blame does not fall directly at his feet, but he was a big part of the problem. I don't see why you can't admit that instead of trying to find other places to put at fault. I'm quite sure Todd himself would admit it...

matcar;1162632; said:
Team....yada yada yada...

Did Todd play well or poorly? Todd....did HE play well or poorly?

He played poorly. Regardless of the team, HE played poorly.

As I will repeat again, I think he'll NOT be the same person he was at the end of the season, but do not ignore what he WAS.
That seems to be the trend so far...
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Taosman;1162658; said:
I looked at that play numerous times and I still think it could have been held on to. That was probably the turning point in that game. :(
Just look at the pic in BKB's post above.
In all honesty, i think the turning point was when we were driving down, looking to go up 14-0, but the offside penalty forced us to settle for a FG. That was an enormous momentum killer and I don't think we ever recovered.
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