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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

I guess I can't convince some here that his big game problems were in fact,TEAM problems!
With better help from his team mates he would have been fine. But, no. It's easier to pick out one guy rather then say the whole team sucked against Illinois and LSU. :smash:
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Taosman;1162584; said:
I guess I can't convince some here that his big game problems were in fact,TEAM problems!
With better help from his team mates he would have been fine. But, no. It's easier to pick out one guy rather then say the whole team sucked against Illinois and LSU. :smash:

So it was Beanie Wells fault that TB throws interceptions?
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Was Boeckman responsible for not stopping Illinois in the fourth quarter?

Did Boeckman drop a touchdown pass in the biggest game of the year?
Did he jump off sides? Or rough the punter? Or fail to wrap up a receiver?
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Taosman;1162600; said:
Was Boeckman responsible for not stopping Illinois in the fourth quarter?

Did Boeckman drop a touchdown pass in the biggest game of the year?
Did he jump off sides? Or rough the punter? Or fail to wrap up a receiver?

Yes, Boeckman was directly responsible in that he handed the ball to them in the first place. Horrible pass.

In the MNC, Todd did throw a nice pass dropped by Robiskie, but then he proceded to play like an average QB, and not a winning performance.

Then, if you mix in his performance in The Game, you can see why people think you have your head in the sand.

Did some of the team perform poorly in those games? Sure. Todd excelled in mediocrity in those games. Please admit it.
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Taosman;1162600; said:
Was Boeckman responsible for not stopping Illinois in the fourth quarter?

Did Boeckman drop a touchdown pass in the biggest game of the year?
Did he jump off sides? Or rough the punter? Or fail to wrap up a receiver?

He was not responsible for not stopping Illinois. But who's fault was it that he threw 3 INT's that game and put the team in a position where they had to stop Illinois in the 4th quarter? (before we get any futher, I'm not saying it was entirely his fault).
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powerlifter;1162577; said:
He had ok numbers,and had real issues when the heat is on.

I'm not disputing that his last three games were not stellar performances but

the 5th most passing yards in a season
the 4th most completions in a season
the 2nd best completion percentage in a season
the 6th best passing efficiency during a season
the 3rd most touchdown passes in a season
6 200 yard passing games, the third most in a season (the same number as Smith had in '06)

in the History of Ohio State football and his numbers were only "okay"?

give me a break, stick with Mili's line of argument (that he crumbled down the stretch and his confidence may be shaken in big games) because you can back that up

the real question going into '08 is whether or not he will bounce back and put up the numbers he did all year last year minus the last three games (and minus a few interceptions hopefully)

I think he will, only time will tell.
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So Taos, you have no problem throwing Robiskie and others 'under the bus' (by your standards) for singular mistakes, but continue on your unending scoldings against others for highlighting Todd's?

The trenches were also a large reason OSU lost, as were blown coverages downfield. But the fact that Todd was not the only one to make mistakes vs ILL & LSU doesn't change the fact that he made them, and that he must play better this season. He's said as much after those games and this offseason.
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Illinois game. Does anyone believe that the TEAM was on it's best game?
Both lines got pushed around all day. If you lose in the trenches you usually lose the game. Game was on again this morning and it's so apparent
this TEAM was not ready to play.

LBers were making tackles down field all day. Very few crucial stops. Defense was confused/asleep all day. Defensive backs missed assignments all day.
Same story on offense. Very little push up front. All day.
Game was a horror show. Sickening.

Team play was much better against LSU. But, the TEAM mistakes killed any chance we had of winning.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1162619; said:
Todd's biggest problem is he's the guy who followed the legend.

Yes, he can improve his game, but TB had a damn good year for a first year starting QB.
The other problem is that the world forgot this was supposed to be a rebuilding year. The team greatly overachieved, the conference grossly underachieved, and OSU was thrust into a situation prematurely imo.

Last year's team was awarded for having the least warts, when most years those warts would've landed them in a game vs a lesser BCS opponent.

Most first year QBs aren't asked that much of that early. But expectations are high here, and probably unfair. But I bet you'd find the players expect just as much of themselves.
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jwinslow;1162626; said:
The other problem is that the world forgot this was supposed to be a rebuilding year. The team greatly overachieved, the conference grossly underachieved, and OSU was thrust into a situation prematurely imo.

Last year's team was awarded for having the least warts, when most years those warts would've landed them in a game vs a lesser BCS opponent.

I am in complete agreement here!
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Taosman;1162625; said:
Illinois game. Does anyone believe that the TEAM was on it's best game?
Both lines got pushed around all day. If you lose in the trenches you usually lose the game. Game was on again this morning and it's so apparent
this TEAM was not ready to play.

LBers were making tackles down field all day. Very few crucial stops. Defense was confused/asleep all day. Defensive backs missed assignments all day.
Same story on offense. Very little push up front. All day.
Game was a horror show. Sickening.

Team play was much better against LSU. But, the TEAM mistakes killed any chance we had of winning.
Can OSU have that kind of trench play if they want to beat USC or a NC opponent?
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jwinslow;1162626; said:
The other problem is that the world forgot this was supposed to be a rebuilding year. The team greatly overachieved, the conference grossly underachieved, and OSU was thrust into a situation prematurely imo.

Last year's team was awarded for having the least warts, when most years those warts would've landed them in a game vs a lesser BCS opponent.

Most first year QBs aren't asked that much of that early. But expectations are high here, and likely unfair

Agree. And I'm sure TB would be one of the first to tell us, if you can't stand some scrutiny, QB isn't the position for you.
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Taosman;1162625; said:
Illinois game. Does anyone believe that the TEAM was on it's best game?
Both lines got pushed around all day. If you lose in the trenches you usually lose the game. Game was on again this morning and it's so apparent
this TEAM was not ready to play.

LBers were making tackles down field all day. Very few crucial stops. Defense was confused/asleep all day. Defensive backs missed assignments all day.
Same story on offense. Very little push up front. All day.
Game was a horror show. Sickening.

Team play was much better against LSU. But, the TEAM mistakes killed any chance we had of winning.
Team....yada yada yada...

Did Todd play well or poorly? Todd....did HE play well or poorly?

He played poorly. Regardless of the team, HE played poorly.

As I will repeat again, I think he'll NOT be the same person he was at the end of the season, but do not ignore what he WAS.
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