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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Taosman;1262666; said:
If I'm a coach on a team playing us I blitz Pryor till he demonstrates he can get the ball down field.

And then watch him sprint 20 yards downfield.

This sounds contradictory to what we saw Saturday but we know Boeckman is an accurate down field passer given time.
Problem is, the line is not giving him time and he's a statue back there for defenses to tee off on. Even in the 1st two games, when given time, he looked shaky. At least Pryor provides the mobility to roll outside of the pocket and dump the ball off to an outlet reciever. TP also forces defenses to creep up and respect/test his ability to pass.
And few teams will have USC's talent.
OU certainly doesn't, yet that wasn't a throwback to early '07 Boeckman. I think his confidence is shot and he's, unfortunately, lost the confidence of his teammates.
TP has not done it, yet. I gamble more on getting to Pryor before he can make a read.
...and again, TB, despite all his experience, still isn't getting the job done. For almost seven games now we've been waiting for him to snap out of it. It ain't happening. What is the breaking point when you realize that TB just isn't the QB we all hoped (and God knows, I hoped) he is? Do you wait until he gets hurt or for another loss? At least with Pryor, you have a more dynamic presence (talent and personality) in the huddle.
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osugrad21;1262669; said:
The true leaders of this team are not Seniors.

You have some Seniors trying to be leaders, but they do not have that dynamic presence.
Have our seniors tuned out the coaches? Iwonder if those players who have been here 5 yrs. think they know it all and are to "professional-bussiness like" to show emotion or lead?
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Sportsbuck28;1262710; said:
Please tell me you'll be the DC for Troy this week.
So. How would you defend a true freshman at QB? Stand back and wait for him to read your defense no matter how long it takes? And load up and make a good decision? You go after his ass. You make him make a decision. He has little experience reading defenses. He hasn't proven he can beat you with the pass. Just what has he proven? You blitz him till he beats you with a pass. And then you still go after him. Make him prove he can do it over and over again.
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Taosman;1262746; said:
So. How would you defend a true freshman at QB? Stand back and wait for him to read your defense no matter how long it takes? And load up and make a good decision? You go after his ass. You make him make a decision. He has little experience reading defenses. He hasn't proven he can beat you with the pass. Just what has he proven? You blitz him till he beats you with a pass. And then you still go after him. Make him prove he can do it over and over again.

And you believe that USC didn't try that?
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Taosman;1262746; said:
So. How would you defend a true freshman at QB? Stand back and wait for him to read your defense no matter how long it takes? And load up and make a good decision? You go after his ass. You make him make a decision. He has little experience reading defenses. He hasn't proven he can beat you with the pass. Just what has he proven? You blitz him till he beats you with a pass. And then you still go after him. Make him prove he can do it over and over again.
Remarkable how that can be applied to both TB and TP, isn't it?
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Taosman;1262746; said:
So. How would you defend a true freshman at QB? Stand back and wait for him to read your defense no matter how long it takes? And load up and make a good decision? You go after his ass. You make him make a decision. He has little experience reading defenses. He hasn't proven he can beat you with the pass. Just what has he proven? You blitz him till he beats you with a pass. And then you still go after him. Make him prove he can do it over and over again.

Drop back passer...yessir. I'm raining hell on him from all angles.

Terrelle Pryor...with the field spread wide?

Blitzing is just one less person on the 2nd level to stop a minor gain from becoming a major gain...and one more open passing lane.

Its kind of like the Wing-T/Flexbone offenses...make one mistake, and you are done.
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Drop back passer...yessir. I'm raining hell on him from all angles.

Terrelle Pryor...with the field spread wide?

Blitzing is just one less person on the 2nd level to stop a minor gain from becoming a major gain...and one more open passing lane.

Its kind of like the Wing-T/Flexbone offenses...make one mistake, and you are done.
i tend to agree, id be tempted to almost sit back and wait for the freshman mistake...
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jimotis4heisman;1262740; said:
are you calling me eric lindros? dude had some many concussion he thought concussed was normal.

Jim Kelly's very last walk towards the locker room, in Ralph Wilson Stadium, was towards the visiting team's locker room. He had to be turned around and pointed where to go. Er, I mean, legend has it 'n stuff. Word.
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jimotis4heisman;1262766; said:
i tend to agree, id be tempted to almost sit back and wait for the freshman mistake...

That was the nice thing for Terrelle in the first half....he had time to throw because of the respect USC had to show him because of his wheels. They just tee'd off on Todd.

Terrelle also made some nice reads and throws in the first half. Especially when he surveyed the field and hit Sanzenbacher for 11 or 12. He had all day to throw on that one....
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Terrelle's going to move and create his own time too. He doesnt need all day and they should maybe limit his reads to a checkdown of 2 then Adios! Until he's comfortable looking for the TE's in the pocket and backside routes I'd think he looks off the safety on his primary, then secondary then see ya. At least roll him out to shorten his reads to that side of the field, get him in rhythm a bit then unleash him fully. Nobody's catching him once he takes off, he's already proven that.
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Teams that recruit the type of talent that Ohio State recruits will frequently have "controversies" over people at skill positions. It's a long way between high school superstar and NFL standout, but when you recruit someone like Pryor, players know that they either compete or make way.

A quarterback who lacks confidence cannot lead a team. Todd took a beating against USC. I exhaled aloud when he threw the last interception, no so much for the interception but rather for the way he turned his head away to avoid the hit. He's relatively immobile. Teams know he doesn't handle pressure well. And they just keep coming.

Terrelle Pryor brings lots of free gifts to the table. Mobility. Speed. Athleticism. But let's remember that direct mail advertising also brings free gift--that you don't want.

Some of the free gifts that a freshman quarterback brings to the team--interceptions, failure to see open receivers, etc--could cost us a close game this year. If it does, we should be prepared to throw those free gifts into the trash can and accept this young man for the developing player that he is.
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Pryor competing for starting job at OSU

By Josh Langenbacher
Collegian Staff Writer

Ballyhooed freshman Terrelle Pryor, who chose Ohio State over Michigan and Penn State, will compete with incumbent starter Todd Boeckman this week, coach Jim Tressel said Tuesday.
No decision has been made on who will start Saturday against Troy, and Tressel said the snaps will likely be split 50-50.
Pryor will see about 65 percent of the snaps in practice this week as the coach sorts through the quarterback's capabilities, Tressel said.
The Jeannette prep standout completed 7-of-9 passes for 52 yards and ran for 40 yards in Saturday's 35-3 loss to USC.
"Terrelle has shown he's got an unusual moxie about him," Tressel said. "He didn't seem to be out of place in that football game. He seemed to have a good presence about him."
Boeckman, for his part, struggled against the top-ranked Trojans. He completed 14-of-21 passes, but those completions went for a combined 82 yards. Two more passes were intercepted, and USC linebacker Rey Maulauga returned one pick 48 yards to give his team a 21-3 lead.
"The thing Todd will tell you first and foremost is he can't throw the ball to the other team," Tressel said, "especially when the team is as good as USC. ... We'll have some good, lively competition."
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