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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Starting Blocks: Links and observations for Ohio sports fans

Posted by Branson Wright, Plain Dealer Reporter September 17, 2008 12:14PM

Categories: Sports Impact
SIWill Terrelle Pryor eventually become OSU's starting QB this season?
Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel appears to be in the process of making the right choice as his starting quarterback. But first, Tressel, as reported today on Cleveland.com, will split time Saturday between current starter Todd Boeckman and freshman Terrelle Pryor, who was profiled in this article by Details Magazine.
Remember the Joe Germaine/Stanley Jackson 50-50 Club under John Cooper? That was the last time an OSU coach played musical quarterbacks, but it doesn't seem that coach Jim Tressel is going to play that game, for long anyway. And the two-quarterback system rarely works.
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This is why I like hoops so much. You play based on merit. Matta got four fabulous freshmen a couple years ago, so guess what? Jamar Butler? You're no longer our point guard, I'm gonna have Mike Conley run the point.

And here's the beauty of the hoops game, at least under Matta --- Butler moved out of the way. And so we ended up in the NC game.

Next year, Conley's gone, Butler's back at the point, no biggie.

I bet all my virtual retirement fund that if Tressel asked Matta what to do (I know, not gonna happen) it would take Matta about 2 seconds to say, hand the team over to Pryor. Any athlete who comes to Ohio State knows that positions are not guaranteed, and this includes Todd B, even though he grayshirted and all of that.

I say start Pryor this week, then play Bauserman AND Boeckman. Bauserman deserves some plays, for Christmas sake!! What are we doing, saving his eligibility???

Last point -- I wouldn't expect Todd B to say this publicly but I know that if he is a Buckeye, he wants Terrelle to play if that's what the situation calls for. That's a true Buckeye, and a true teammate.
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llarry;1263007; said:
Another year down the drain! I thought Boeckman would be better but I was wrong I also thought our O line was going to be better I was wrong. It is time for Todd to become a back up player as he should be!! And the coaches on both sides of the ball need to get it together A.S.A.P.!!:osu:
I can tell by all the exclamation points that you know what you're saying! Do you have a blog I can subscribe to?

BUCKYLE;1263427; said:
If we end up having as much success as '95 Nebraska, I'd be a pig in shit.
Would '94 do? :)
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UpNorthBuckeye;1263606; said:
This is why I like hoops so much. You play based on merit.
This also happens in football.
UpNorthBuckeye;1263606; said:
Matta got four fabulous freshmen a couple years ago, so guess what? Jamar Butler? You're no longer our point guard, I'm gonna have Mike Conley run the point.
Butler still got to start and played a buttload of minutes. Different situation all together...unless you want to move Todd to TE and start him there (which will never happen).

UpNorthBuckeye;1263606; said:
Last point -- I wouldn't expect Todd B to say this publicly but I know that if he is a Buckeye, he wants Terrelle to play if that's what the situation calls for. That's a true Buckeye, and a true teammate.
I wouldn't expect him to feel it privately, but would expect him to say it publicly. I don't care how much lip service a player gives the public. If they're a competitor. They're not going to be happy about being removed from competition. Even if the situation calls for it.
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Taosman;1262746; said:
So. How would you defend a true freshman at QB? Stand back and wait for him to read your defense no matter how long it takes? And load up and make a good decision? You go after his ass. You make him make a decision. He has little experience reading defenses. He hasn't proven he can beat you with the pass. Just what has he proven? You blitz him till he beats you with a pass. And then you still go after him. Make him prove he can do it over and over again.
Yeah, go ahead and blitz... and one guy misses a tackle or doesn't contain and you have a 175-180 pound DB trying to make an open field tackle on Pryor, and even if he does manage to bring him down its a big gain..
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from what i saw, your freshman qb

will be ragging on the seniors by mid season..that kid boils over with charisma and leadership. he reminds me of tim tebow alot. you just know he is in charge...todd boeckman better start looking in his rear view.
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Pryor won't cause mutiny

By Doug Harris
Staff Writer

Thursday, September 18, 2008
In the discourse over whether Ohio State should go with senior Todd Boeckman or freshman Terrelle Pryor at quarterback, one writer suggested coach Jim Tressel needs to be cautious about making a switch because benching Boeckman could upset the other 40-some fourth- and fifth-year players on the team.
Oh, really?
As for Pryor, Jenkins said before the USC game: "He's been accepted with open arms. It's hard for a freshman to deal with the media already blowing him up as being a great player without taking a snap yet. As older guys, we wanted to make sure he was humble and able to take on that responsibility this summer. He is humble. It's been an easy transition for him. He leads guys on the field, and people respect him."
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powerlifter;1264000; said:
That specific Nebraska team is one of the greatest college football teams of all time. USC has won 2 games

OK. But I still consider the 67 - 69 Buckeyes one of the greatest teams ever and they didn't win but one NC, Same, same the 96 - 97 Rose Bowl, Cotton Bowl winning Buckeyes. And to say that the 01 - 03 Miami teams was not one of the greatest would be lessen the deeds of the 03 Champions.
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And besides, they've surely seen in losses to Southern Cal and LSU that Boeckman's limited skills can only take them so far. They've got to be as tired of the drubbings as Buckeye fans are. Don't you think they're ready for something new?

I think this is a GREAT point made by article Grad linked a couple of posts up. Everyone is down on the team for not being more fired up and ready to go when they faced adversity. I am sure many players react the same we did when we got behind 14-3 or 21-3, Dang, here we go again. We think that way because we know what we get with Todd and with the gameplan the coaches have, we have seen it for 2 years in several big games and there is nothing to get fired up about.

That is the biggest reason I support TP getting more snaps. At least it is fresh and the team can at least keep some hope alive because of that if adversity comes our away again. That coupled with the fact that defenses know how to beat the Buckeyes. Load the box, pressure the QB and make them sustain a drive by passing the ball. We can not do that vs competition that equal our talent.

I think Pryor will at least make teams bring a player or two out of the box for a while. That will do a lot of things. One, I bet our O-Line does not look nearly as bad as it has. It is hard to block 8 people with 5 or 6 people. Of course they will look bad when that happens when there is not a scheme to help counter that, and that leads to disaster.

Go Bucks!
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