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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

MililaniBuckeye;1161391; said:
Every QB has an off game or two during the season, even Heisman Trophy winners. However, when your QB clearly regresses at the end of the season, against the most important competition, then there is cause for concern.

Boeckman's last three games:

13-23 156 yds 3 INT 0 TD
Clearly just a bad game.

7-13 50 yds 1 INT 0 TD
Weather clearly a factor. Shut down the offense and pounded it with Beanie. I hardly consider this a bad game for Boeckman.

15-26 208 yds 2 INT 2 TD
Bad game, turnovers were a problem, but Boeckman was sacked 5 times, just as many times as Smith was against Florida in '06, and Boeckman's stat line here is infinitely superior to Troy's abysmal showing in '06.

So, two out of three of those games can be explained away in exactly the same way you explained away Smith's poor showings, leaving Illinois as a bad game, plain and simple. I would hardly call that a clear regression.
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mercer_buckeye;1161418; said:
I was just giving you shit. But I'm not expecting anything even remotely close to an easy game for Todd or the rest of the team for than matter.

I agree.

I think it is best for us if they give us a good test, and I think they will. A tough game early in the year is exactly what we need to sharpen the axe. Let's hope some of the conference foes can step up and KEEP it sharp.
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DaddyBigBucks;1161407; said:
What I'm most concerned about is that USC will have a typical slow start to the season and we'll end up not giving Boeckman a serious test until the NC game again. I'm hoping that SOMEONE in the Big Ten will step up and contend this year.

At Wisconsin, at Illinois, and at MSU should all be good road tests to keep the team sharp. PSU at home could be another good game. I expect our schedule to be challenging.
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jwinslow;1161417; said:
Yeah, Nebraska rocked in september, needed late game miracles to overcome Ball State.

Hey Ball State was for real. :biggrin:

Actually I have a buddy who plays for Ball State. He's the long snapper. When Ball State missed the field goal at the end. I looked at a buddy of mine, who I was watching the game with, and said, "The snap was good, damn it."
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OregonBuckeye;1161426; said:
At Wisconsin, at Illinois, and at MSU should all be good road tests to keep the team sharp. PSU at home could be another good game. I expect our schedule to be challenging.

If you're right, the decorator at the WHAC needs to clear some space in the trophy case. I honestly believe that a challenging schedule is what this team and Todd Boeckman NEED to reach the pinnacle.
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I think there's too much focus on the numbers right now. DaddyBigBucks has it right; there is cause for concern, but Boeckman isn't going to lose the starting job. It's just not going to happen. Last year he threw too many picks; I don't expect him to do so again. He's got solid line to hide behind and a running game that should be lights out. Remember last year when the plan was Run-Run-Run-Run-Run-Play Action Bomb? Expect that again, except with a healthier Beanie that forces defenses to respect the run even more. A healthy Beanie will help Boeckman tremendously. If Washington or Small continue to emerge as a reliable 3rd guy, there's no reason to think that Boeckman won't be happy to throw the short stuff (as he did in the spring game) and eschew the interception-prone bomb.
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TheIronColonel;1161431; said:
I think there's too much focus on the numbers right now.

But stats are all I've got in the offseason. Please! Don't take them away from me!

TheIronColonel;1161431; said:
If Washington or Small continue to emerge as a reliable 3rd guy, there's no reason to think that Boeckman won't be happy to throw the short stuff (as he did in the spring game) and eschew the interception-prone bomb.

I think the interception-prone long bomb was Tressel's version of a punt last year. You're either going to have a long gain or the equivalent to a punt (like I said earlier). They obviously felt comfortable having Boeckman throw them despite the interceptions all year, leading me to believe that they were okay with INT on the long bombs.

That being said, if they decided not to do that so much this year I think that would be great, but I don't think you can pin all of the INT on Boeckman's shoulder since the coaches clearly gave him the green light to throw those bombs, even after it became apparent that a lot of them might be intercepted.
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Buckeye86;1161420; said:
Boeckman's last three games:

13-23 156 yds 3 INT 0 TD
Clearly just a bad game.

7-13 50 yds 1 INT 0 TD
Weather clearly a factor. Shut down the offense and pounded it with Beanie. I hardly consider this a bad game for Boeckman.

15-26 208 yds 2 INT 2 TD
Bad game, turnovers were a problem, but Boeckman was sacked 5 times, just as many times as Smith was against Florida in '06, and Boeckman's stat line here is infinitely superior to Troy's abysmal showing in '06.

So, two out of three of those games can be explained away in exactly the same way you explained away Smith's poor showings, leaving Illinois as a bad game, plain and simple. I would hardly call that a clear regression.

Did you even watch The Game? Seriously. Todd fumbled the ball--twice--and in consecutive possesions no less. He was clearly rattled after that. His INT was a wounded condor. No one on Michigan fumbled the ball despite the conditions.

As for "Boeckman's stat line here is infinitely superior to Troy's abysmal showing in '06", try watching the games next time. LSU put no where near the pressure on Boeckman that Florida did on Troy...not even close.
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DaddyBigBucks;1161177; said:
If you like, I can start a vBookie event on whether TB will be replaced for any reason other than injury. I will make the odds 10,000 to one for those of you betting that he will be supplanted.

If you really want to make that bet, let me know and I'll give you that opportunity to throw your v$ away. It's not like it will buy you a gallon of gas anyway.
I'll take those odds just because I can see it happening.. likely, no. possible, yes.

Buckeye86;1161225; said:
I know, Troy's funk was at the beginning of the year like I pointed out. Which is why no one remembers it.
Err.. thats called progressing. You are supposed to be better at the end of the year.. thats been a staple (IMO) of JTs teams at tOSU.

For example, Coopers teams continually lost to scUM and their bowl game.

Tressels teams seem to peak against scUM and carry the momentum into bowling.

I rather TB have a slow start and continually get better than start off blazing and then struggle the final 3 games.
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Buckeye86;1161453; said:
I think the interception-prone long bomb was Tressel's version of a punt last year.
Couldn't disagree more. Thats not Tressel.

They obviously felt comfortable having Boeckman throw them despite the interceptions all year, leading me to believe that they were okay with INT on the long bombs.
Yeah that's it. The coaches were trying to punt against Illinois and LSU :(
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Oh8ch;1161277; said:
The question is not how did Boeckman perform in big games - it is how have Bauserman and Henton performed in big games. The answer of course is - they haven't.

Therein lies your answer to when JT will bench a healthy Boeckman in favor of either.

The question also is, will Boeckman perform like he did in the latest big games? If Boeckman plays as skittish during the first few games as he did his last three games, I think JT will do what he did in 2004, ala Zwick. If Boeckman chucks up some INTs against the likes of YSU and Ohio, don't be surprised if he gives Bauserman or Henton a shot at USC. "Healthy" means squat if you're ineffective.
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MililaniBuckeye;1161476; said:
The question also is, will Boeckman perform like he did in the latest big games? If Boeckman plays as skittish during the first few games as he did his last three games, I think JT will do what he did in 2004, ala Zwick. If Boeckman chucks up some INTs against the likes of YSU and Ohio, don't be surprised if he gives Bauserman or Henton a shot at USC. "Healthy" means squat if you're ineffective.

I disagree only on one point Zwick was not a sixth year senior. Boeckman knows this offense better than anyone outside the coaching staff. You spend the better part of a decade with a guy, your gonna have a sense of loyalty. On top of that we all know how Tressel loves his seniors.
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