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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

jwinslow;1149024; said:
What about PSU? I'd easily put their D up with UW & UM, and in the same ballpark as ILL. There was certainly regression from that lights out performance to the later ones.

Good thing is only a few of the 18+ future draftees will hear their names called tomorrow, so Boeckman can take that common step after year 1 and distance himself from late 07.
If anyone's guilty of premature hyperbole, it's Taos... and he's throwing all of us under the bus :p

C'Mon, Josh. You have seen the way people here have absolutely swooned over TP. And every other QB on the roster is better than the guy who won
11 games and took us to the NC game last year, right?

And , yes. I would like to throw a couple of guys here under a speeding bus! :tongue2:
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Taosman;1149063; said:
C'Mon, Josh. You have seen the way people here have absolutely swooned over TP. And every other QB on the roster is better than the guy who won
11 games and took us to the NC game last year, right?
Okay, I really don't know where your getting your info on BP. Yes, people are swooning over Pryor, but that's about his potential. Everyone has come to the concencus that he'll need to work hard and earn his playing time with Boeckman and Bauserman impressing per reports.

And would you stop your "Everyone wants to replace the guy who won 11 games and took us to the NC last year" BS. The best guy will play, past history or not.
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You completely dodged my point about PSU. Todd certainly took a huge leap forward in this game, and took steps back from that performance.

C'Mon, Josh. You have seen the way people here have absolutely swooned over TP.
There's nothing wrong with being ecstatic about landing Pryor and his potential. If Bauserman was the only backup on campus, people would still have concerns with a 6 int stretch over three games. I bet Todd is not satisfied with those performances, and would not shrug it off as a 'team loss' as you wish to do.

There are many here who love Pryor and have questioned Boeckman, but have not even come close to calling for Pryor to start... yet you rail against the mob as though we all are. That's lazy, reckless and judgmental... and guilty of many of the same things you're railing against in Boeckman's defense.

Address people and their comments. Enough with this ridiculous hyperbole and generic 'the mob says X' nonsense which talks at people and down at them, without basis in their actual words.
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I think just about every fan has the "What have you done for me lately" outlook when it comes to every aspect of football. Boeckman is no exception.
While Todd had outstanding numbers in his first 9 games, his last four were average to below average performances. Those games were against the best competition in the Big Ten and NC game.
Because his last four games were sub par it's natural that this is what people are going to remember and in turn want to see a change.
For me, the jury is still out on the kid. I saw some potential last year and also saw some things that worried me. His inability to throw the long ball accurately, especially in the latter part of the year really concerns me. He would consistantly under throw WR's by several yards.
I also don't rule out the possibilty that he was handicapped by a rather bland play calling.
I think Boeckman will win the starting job but will have a short leash. Pryor is just too special to leave on the bench if your QB is struggling. I know TP hasn't done anything in college yet, but he will. Every time I see film of this kid I come away more impressed with his speed and how easy he makes it look. He's flying around and it looks like he is barely putting forth any effort. A special talent.
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Taosman;1149008; said:
The Illinois loss was a TEAM loss. Admit it. The whole team wasn't ready to play that day and got it handed to them time and again.
Just a little more help from the defense, one critical stop would have been the difference between losing and winning.
Against LSU look at all the TEAM mistakes. Dropped touchdown passes.
Offsides. Personal fouls. WRs not finishing their routes or making a bigger effort. All those things contributed to another loss.
None of those things were Todd's fault.
Just admit you are in the "play Pryor camp" no matter how illogical that camp is. It's OK to be excited about the high school kid. :tongue2:
I'm glad your not the head coach at OSU.
Your post ignored everything I said. Read it again and learn. Teams win together and they lose together, but your posts suggest that Todd only appeared to struggle more because the competition improved. The point is, Taos, that if Todd does not play better than he played against the tougher "competition", then we're in bad shape. BTW, I'm glad I'm not coach too, but at least I don't stick my head in the sand and ignore the obvious. Todd MUST improve off of his late season performance or we will not win a championship.

I've said all along that I think he can/will do it, but I can also acknowledge an obvious deficiency at the end of the year last year. If you cannot, then you're kidding yourself and wasting our time.

BTW, you are the only person I know of who has recently said anything in this thread about Pryor playing. My wish, which no one agrees with, is that Pryor would redshirt to give us better spacing between Henton/Bauserman and Pryor and to help him learn the system, but I'm assured there's zero chance of that. Why you keep stating nonsense about people's push for Pryor is beyond me. Most of us simply want better play from the QB than what was witnessed down the stretch. I guarantee you that JT, and the current crop of QBs expect more...Todd included.
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I'snt the QB suppose to be the Team leader??
i was always taught that leadership takes the fall, but i would only consider that for the ILL game. Is it really so wrong to say that people would like to see Bauserman (after spring performance) or henton get a few series in a game along with TB???
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I still believe if you have two quarterbacks you don't have one. Unless the second brings a whole new dimension to the offense, i.e. Tebow, however Bauserman's game is very similar to Boeckman's. IMO Tressel will not send Henton out just to be a rag doll on zone reads and draw plays.
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mercer_buckeye;1149754; said:
I still believe if you have two quarterbacks you don't have one.

I have always loved this line of thinking.

So the 49ers never had a QB when they had Montana AND Young?


Sounds like the Buckeyes have a good problem, whereas most teams have a real problem.
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I'm sick and tired of losing NCs to teams with no QBs, then.

Sometimes old adages die as new realities emerge. With disparate styles and abilities coming to play in the college QB position, it's apparent that the new reality is that a dual QB system can and does work. The past two National Champions would seem to testify to the fact that it can work extremely well at the highest levels of play.

If we play both Boeckman and Pryor, then I would suggest that it means that we have two quarterbacks who are capable of effectively leading the offense, and doing so in significantly different ways.

It's painfully obvious that this has worked for both LSU and Florida, and is likely to work here as well.
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Rivals $


'Spring cram session: QB' by Brandon Castel

Talks about the expectations for the upcoming season and also possible prospects for '09 and beyond.
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BrutusBobcat;1153294; said:
I'm sick and tired of losing NCs to teams with no QBs, then.

Sometimes old adages die as new realities emerge. With disparate styles and abilities coming to play in the college QB position, it's apparent that the new reality is that a dual QB system can and does work. The past two National Champions would seem to testify to the fact that it can work extremely well at the highest levels of play.

If we play both Boeckman and Pryor, then I would suggest that it means that we have two quarterbacks who are capable of effectively leading the offense, and doing so in significantly different ways.

It's painfully obvious that this has worked for both LSU and Florida, and is likely to work here as well.

RP played in one game where he got more than 4 non garbage time(Middle Tennessee) passes. Oh yeah and was he even at the BCSNG? Not saying I disagree because if used correctly(Florida) it can be a powerful attack. I just don't think Ryan is a great example.
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In the recent Dispatch feature on Bauserman (originally posted HERE), he was quoted thus:

Joe Bauserman said:
(Todd Boeckman) is the man, nobody is going to take him, ...
If I was 18, maybe I could be patient and wait my turn, but I'm a little older. I think it's the same with everybody -- nobody wants to come to Ohio State and be a backup for five years. We'll see what happens.

Coming from a man who states plainly that he did not come here to be a backup: Calling TB "The Man" is high praise indeed.

As far as I'm concerned, this ends the debate about who the starter is or should be. More will be said about it, to be sure; but the debate is over. See my sig for clarification.
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