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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

ummm, if he said anything else he would be FF'ing his chances... This is Tressels team what did u expect him to say? To me, this says nothing other than he has good manners and is a teamplayer. The coaches decide, one thing is sure; TB will start, We cannot say TB will end the season.
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HorticullyBuck;1161108; said:
ummm, if he said anything else he would be FF'ing his chances... This is Tressels team what did u expect him to say? To me, this says nothing other than he has good manners and is a teamplayer. The coaches decide, one thing is sure; TB will start, We cannot say TB will end the season.

If you like, I can start a vBookie event on whether TB will be replaced for any reason other than injury. I will make the odds 10,000 to one for those of you betting that he will be supplanted.

If you really want to make that bet, let me know and I'll give you that opportunity to throw your v$ away. It's not like it will buy you a gallon of gas anyway.
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I think it's relevant to compare Troy Smith's year in '05 with Boeckman's year in '07. First of all, Smith has the obvious advantage of significant playing time the year before, having played eight games in '04 and starting in five of those games. Despite that, their numbers are pretty similar between the two of them for what can be considered their first year as a starter.

__________________Troy Smith _____Todd Boeckman
GP __________________11______________ 13
Effic. _______________162.65 __________148.94
Cmp-Att-Int ________149-237-4 _______191-299-14
Cmp Pct _____________62.9_____________63.9
Yds _________________2282 ___________2379
TD __________________16 ______________25
Avg/G ______________207.5 ____________183.0

Troy threw much fewer interceptions, Todd threw many more TDs, other than that the two years are similar as far as I'm concerned.

Also, I think a vast majority of Todd's interceptions were on deep bombs, which seemed to me like a deliberate strategy in most cases. The thought being, we're either going to get a huge gain on this play, or have the equivalent of a punt. So that inflates the INT numbers a bit in my opinion.

To take the comparison even further, Troy had some pretty bad games in '05, Penn State being the obvious one.

The biggest difference between the two years is that Troy finished off the year huge against tsun and Notre Dame, while Todd had his two worst games in final weeks of the season, and that is the only reason people are doubting Boeckman. Put the bad games for Boeckman at the beginning of the year like Troy in '05 (who had the advantage of significant starting and playing time in '04 like I mentioned before) and would people still be doubting Boeckman like they are? I don't think so.

Last year Boeckman was a first year starter and statistically he had one of the best years in Ohio State history. Cut the guy some fucking slack. He will never be the playmaker that Troy was, and he may never be the big game player that Troy was, but if Boeckman progresses between his first and second year remotely close to the way Troy did between '05 and '06 (and is there any reason to believe he won't?) people who don't expect him to be the starter all year are delusional.

In addition to everything else, Beanie Wells will be in the backfield, making any quarterback instantly better.
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^The biggest difference is Todd played with a brand new offense while Troy played with future NFL studs like Santonio Holmes, Nick Mangold, Gonzo, Ginn, etc. There were 9 returning starters on that '05 O. If Todd played with that offense, he may very well have put up All-American stats and I think we would've won the NC.

I've watched the spring game probably 8 times or so(it's the offseason, cut me some slack) and I really only count two glaring mistakes. The late pass over the middle under pressure that was picked by Homan and him not getting rid of the ball when the pocket collapsed on him in the second quarter. The rest of his passes had tremendous accuracy, hitting his players right between the numbers, and good zip to them. Todd has some work to do still and some of the criticism he has received is warranted but I don't see why he can't be another Matt Leinart.
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Buckeye86;1161244; said:
Penn State, on the road, under the lights

19 for 26 passing for 253 yards 3 TDs and 1 INT

Holy shit, brain fart. So the point I was trying to make was that we don't know how Todd would react to a big game when not in the middle of a slump. Apparently we do, people need to get off Todd's back it's pissing Bobby Hoying off and me too. :biggrin:
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mercer_buckeye;1161241; said:
Take away the last three games, can you name a big game Todd had the chance to play in?

I'd say ranked Wisky in the shoe was a rather decent exercise...

Besides, why would I just "take away" his biggest games? That arguement makes no sense when trying to compare Troy vs Todd.

Regardless, its pointless; we know what potential Troy had after his first year, and we know what Boeckman can do the 2nd time around. That's about the only way I find them similiar, they both have very high cielings.
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The question is not how did Boeckman perform in big games - it is how have Bauserman and Henton performed in big games. The answer of course is - they haven't.

Therein lies your answer to when JT will bench a healthy Boeckman in favor of either.
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DaddyBigBucks;1161177; said:
If you like, I can start a vBookie event on whether TB will be replaced for any reason other than injury. I will make the odds 10,000 to one for those of you betting that he will be supplanted.

If you really want to make that bet, let me know and I'll give you that opportunity to throw your v$ away. It's not like it will buy you a gallon of gas anyway.

Please site where i said anything about TP replacing TB. You really shouldn't put words into other peoples mouths to justify yourself

I dont see why its so 'dilusional' to think that TB might get benched if he goes into another slump... Teams do it all the time.
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