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2008 tOSU Defense discussion (official thread)

CausticMick;1072884; said:
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but obviously one of the "great" teams we'll face in '08 is USC. This is a team who lost their starting TE (Davis) as well as both OTs (Baker and Radovich), as well as a starting QB (Booty). Considering how early we play them, and their schedule which includes only one game (@ Virginia) prior to the OSU match-up, I like our chances from that side of the ball with the D we have returning.

+1!! our D will be very nice next year! hard to believe we still have a while to go. I think next year will be a more complete team than last year and the year before, a total and full D and O. very excited and cant wait!!! :biggrin:
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bukIpower;1072887; said:
on a downside even if our defense comes out and goes nuts as does our offense the Media will say "but USC was young" and then when USC starts gettin som wins they'll say "IF OSU/USC were to play today"

They won't even wait that long. Remember in '06 when we beat Texas? Just a couple weeks later they stomped Iowa St. at home and the douches at ABC(Saunders, Flutie, and James) were all claiming Texas was better than us right now.
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Well since Jax poured some water on my superlatives about this years back seven being potentially the best ever [sarcasm]still could be, if JL can put on 30lbs and get a touch faster like Big Kat, and the coaches leave Malcolm alone at CB and let him take half the field like Winfield did in '98[/sarcasm]

That '98 group was great, as six of the back seven as a group could have made a very good NFL back seven (and JRud was a very good college linebacker just lacked NFL type athleticism)

I do think that the D-line will improve to the point that they will be and asset this year instead of a slight liability (as against Illinois and LSU) and the back seven will be very talented and deep.

If this years defense underperforms in the big games again, I agree the fault would have to go right to the feet of the coaching staff.

It is my understanding that JT lets the defensive coaches coach the defense, but at what point do we get a little intervention (ala Remember the Titans in the championship game when the coaches admitted being outcoached, and shared some tips with the other side of the ball's coaches)

The DB's are fast, have good size and should have good technique (or we have other coaching problems) let them man up and let's see what we really have.

tOSU blitzes a lot, but a lot of these blitzes are zone blitzes and we're leaving too big of a cushion on the recievers, as an earlier poster said a mobile QB with a quick release and big speedy WR's, will chew you up and spit you out with that.

I am so sick and tired of waiting for the other team to make mistakes and not trying to force them. This works against less talented teams, but at best is a 50/50 proposition agaist evenly matched opponents.

I hate to admit it, but although I hate USCum, I love how both their O and D coaches attack and make you react to them instead of vice versa. They hit you in the mouth, keep hitting you and unless you hit back, they bury you.

Come on coaches, you've got a loaded gun, unleash the '08 silver bullets.

Damn it's going to be a long seven months.
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I want to know more about the formations that the Defense will be running next season. The NC game showed that we need help with our playcalling. A 4-3 versus a 4-man spread? Come on... I know we have talented LB's, but we also have talented Corners as well. Sheesh.

But what I'm really interested in is the 3-3-5 Nickle I saw us run a couple times this year. Subtract a DT and add a CB, not a Safety, leaving in those talented LB's. Well, why don't we just exploit the depth of our LB's and make use an occasional 3-4 with Terry on the outside lining up near the line or even down on the line as a third DE so to speak? You can leave in Homan to play as a MLB/OLB as he can play both, with Laurinaitis and Freeman on the other side. The versatility in my mind is excellent with this set up, especially with the speculations we have about our DT's. Now I'm not saying to leave the 4-3, but this could be a way to add speed on the rush, or more coverage while making use of talent and throwing a wrench into the opposing offenses gameplan.

The experimental trials with that strange Nickle formation makes me think this isn't something that is too farfetched to imagine.

Also, have the balls to go into a dime. Please.
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Most people have been clamoring for the 3-4 formation because of our seeming endless supply of linebackers. However, even if you have a great linebackers you still have to have the right personell on the defensive line. We actually have the defensive ends this year to pull it off with both of them being fairly heavy with Heyward/Rose Both pushing 285-300 by next year, and Wilsom being around 275. The problem we have as far as personell goes is we don't really have the DT's to run this 3-4 formation. The 3-4 alignment calls for a nose gaurd which usually are short and very very stout in the 320 range and thats something we don't really have. The 3-4 if not run with the correct/effective on the defensive line can really create some problems as far as stopping the run. You'll have 240 pound linebackers (which aren't that small) running into 300 pound lineman and that can be a problem if the defensive line aren't tying up the offensive line.
Grad can probably tell you a lot more on it than I can but thats what i know of the 3-4

The 3-4 is a pretty complex defense as well, but IMO you will see it some this year. When we go to the 3-3-5 look this year instead of brining in a DB we'll bring in a linebacker once in a while as a rush end (Gibson). We'll also be in 4-3 a lot more this year considering we shoudl be heathier and deeper at both D-line/Linebacker. We were taking Dlineman/linebackers off the field and putting DB's on the field because we didn't have the numbers up front.
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bukIpower;1073982; said:
Most people have been clamoring for the 3-4 formation because of our seeming endless supply of linebackers. However, even if you have a great linebackers you still have to have the right personell on the defensive line. We actually have the defensive ends this year to pull it off with both of them being fairly heavy with Heyward/Rose Both pushing 285-300 by next year, and Wilsom being around 275. The problem we have as far as personell goes is we don't really have the DT's to run this 3-4 formation. The 3-4 alignment calls for a nose gaurd which usually are short and very very stout in the 320 range and thats something we don't really have. The 3-4 if not run with the correct/effective on the defensive line can really create some problems as far as stopping the run. You'll have 240 pound linebackers (which aren't that small) running into 300 pound lineman and that can be a problem if the defensive line aren't tying up the offensive line.
Grad can probably tell you a lot more on it than I can but thats what i know of the 3-4

The 3-4 is a pretty complex defense as well, but IMO you will see it some this year. When we go to the 3-3-5 look this year instead of brining in a DB we'll bring in a linebacker once in a while as a rush end (Gibson). We'll also be in 4-3 a lot more this year considering we shoudl be heathier and deeper at both D-line/Linebacker. We were taking Dlineman/linebackers off the field and putting DB's on the field because we didn't have the numbers up front.

We need to switch something up because we will be arguably worse on the line without the massive Gholston. The passing and the running up the middle has got to stop somehow, if that means going away from lineman and putting in another linebacker so be it. But our offense won't be much improved without a change at quarterback. Notice that most of our offensive players were efficient and mature which means less improvement from year to year. Without play making ability on offense our defense needs to keep us constantly in the game so that we can grind it out with Beanie without fear of running out the clock.

There is nothing to use in getting a little experimental. Just hold your breath and hope that we get a stud on the D line out of this incoming class.
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ScarletStorms;1074029; said:
We need to switch something up because we will be arguably worse on the line without the massive Gholston. The passing and the running up the middle has got to stop somehow, if that means going away from lineman and putting in another linebacker so be it. But our offense won't be much improved without a change at quarterback. Notice that most of our offensive players were efficient and mature which means less improvement from year to year. Without play making ability on offense our defense needs to keep us constantly in the game so that we can grind it out with Beanie without fear of running out the clock.


There is nothing to use in getting a little experimental. Just hold your breath and hope that we get a stud on the D line out of this incoming class.

Ohio State has studs on the D-line, but they were all freshman or injured last year.
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MililaniBuckeye;1073067; said:
Ask me if I give a fuck what the media thinks...


We also had a killer DL that applied serious pressure nearly every down...


If the guys up front can get a consistent push, everything else will fall into place.

If they can't...

Well we've already seen what'll happen the last game of the past two seasons.
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bukIpower;1073982; said:
Most people have been clamoring for the 3-4 formation because of our seeming endless supply of linebackers. However, even if you have a great linebackers you still have to have the right personell on the defensive line. We actually have the defensive ends this year to pull it off with both of them being fairly heavy with Heyward/Rose Both pushing 285-300 by next year, and Wilsom being around 275. The problem we have as far as personell goes is we don't really have the DT's to run this 3-4 formation. The 3-4 alignment calls for a nose gaurd which usually are short and very very stout in the 320 range and thats something we don't really have. The 3-4 if not run with the correct/effective on the defensive line can really create some problems as far as stopping the run. You'll have 240 pound linebackers (which aren't that small) running into 300 pound lineman and that can be a problem if the defensive line aren't tying up the offensive line.
Grad can probably tell you a lot more on it than I can but thats what i know of the 3-4

The 3-4 is a pretty complex defense as well, but IMO you will see it some this year. When we go to the 3-3-5 look this year instead of brining in a DB we'll bring in a linebacker once in a while as a rush end (Gibson). We'll also be in 4-3 a lot more this year considering we shoudl be heathier and deeper at both D-line/Linebacker. We were taking Dlineman/linebackers off the field and putting DB's on the field because we didn't have the numbers up front.

What you said about the 3-3-5 is pretty much what I'd like to see rather than completely changing to a 3-4. Think my post implied I'd like to see us use the 3-4 rather than sort of a modified form of it. Send in that LB! :biggrin:

But I don't understand the last sentence of your post. It seemed like we never went dime and rather tried to keep our LB's on the field rather than put in DB's.
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No our d-line will be a lot better than last year IMO. Wilson won't be as dominant as Gholston but if he stays healthy he has the potential to have 10 sacks! Remember he was the first pick in last years draft in the spring game OVER gholston the players gata know something there... Our DT's will be stronger, bigger, and more quipped to compete. Not to mention the mix of Heyward, and Rose also being bigger and faster (which is scary considering both players are HUGE). Next year our dline has the potential to all be over 300 pounds at one point. Rose,Larimore,Abdullah,Heyward is what i'd like to see on 3rd and 3! This line will be one of the best IMO next year as will ever section of our defense.. Great to be a buckeye! off to class I go... GO BUCKS O-H!
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