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2008 tOSU Defense discussion (official thread)

They also lost Rachel their starting gaurd to early departure to the NFL. They lost 4 of their 6 lineman (included fred davis), they lost 2 of 4 on the Defensive lines as well... IMO the bucks better win at the point of attack or I'll question what our coaches are doing considering we return 8 of the possible 10 lineman postions where as they only return 4 of the 10. It starts up front and we shoudl win that battle... USC will have the talent no doubt, but it'll be young talent.

on a downside even if our defense comes out and goes nuts as does our offense the Media will say "but USC was young" and then when USC starts gettin som wins they'll say "IF OSU/USC were to play today"

this defense of ours better realize that we gata do SOMETHING this year in terms of closing the year out or we'll be in trouble from a national standpoint
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MuckFich06;1072868; said:
While I think there is some truth to that, I think it all starts up front. That system depends on getting pressure on the QB from the line or via the blitz. I think the biggest problem is that they don't change up their schemes very well sometimes. In the game against UF, my was recognizing the soft spots in the zone. If my mom can figure out the D, than you need to mix it up a bit. I think it is a fine base D, but they need to man up a little more often, disguise the coverage a little better, and jam guys at the line more... and of course, get more pressure on the QB with the DTs especially.

we've been 100% content with forcing teams to beat us by taking it the LENGTH of the field. We don't give up the big play, but will give up 4-7 yards at a time and make you earn it.

That doesn't mean we don't throw in a blitz here or there, but we also don't step up to the line of scrimmage, jam the receiver and dare the QB/WR to make a play while we send the house.

Great defenses let their playmakers make plays. It's time to let Donald and Malcolm show their abilties on an island playing press coverage. I think it'd make our defense better from a schematic POV, but also light a fuse under these guys. I can't imagine how jacked these guys would be sending 6-7 guys at the QB like LSU did a few times to us.
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billmac91;1072891; said:
we've been 100% content with forcing teams to beat us by taking it the LENGTH of the field. We don't give up the big play, but will give up 4-7 yards at a time and make you earn it.

That doesn't mean we don't throw in a blitz here or there, but we also don't step up to the line of scrimmage, jam the receiver and dare the QB/WR to make a play while we send the house.

Great defenses let their playmakers make plays. It's time to let Donald and Malcolm show their abilties on an island playing press coverage. I think it'd make our defense better from a schematic POV, but also light a fuse under these guys. I can't imagine how jacked these guys would be sending 6-7 guys at the QB like LSU did a few times to us.

I agree, you have to keep them honest. That's pretty much what I meant by mixing it up more. I'm surprised by how seldom they jam the receivers. The book is out on how to attack this D and they have to show more looks or good teams will continue to exploit.
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You know what else our coaches need to start to do???? This pissed me off why they would do this in the first place too. LEAVE MALCOM JENKINS ALONE. Let him play his natural position as a CB. I know that they think by putthin him in the middle of the field teams can't avoid him, but it also makes both WR's a possibility (especially if they're not going across Malcoms' way). If you leave Jenkins at CB like he's suppose to it totally shuts down one side of the field, and it takes whoever he's lined up on out of the equation. The only times I've seen jenkins get beat for a TD have come with him as a saftey not as a corner... Washington, Illinois, and LSU had recievers beat Jenkins for TD's but on all of those cases he was lined up as a saftey!

IMO, he's 208 pounds and probably will be 212 by the time season starts at 6'1". He is a great man to man DB, and if Jenkins was aloud to jam his recievers man I feel bad for those WR's. The talent is there next year. We have a d-line that by itself should be good at getting to the QB, we have linebackers who can run and hit, and we have DB's to burn. If we dont' become more aggressive and start whipping some ass then someting is the matter. Especially considering you have 2-5 first round draft picks in the back 7 (Jenkins, Animal for sure, and Freeman/washington/Homan possibly)

If I remember correctly we didn't really run a lot of man in 02' because we were thin at DB. Thats why gamble had to shift from WR
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bukIpower;1072919; said:
You know what else our coaches need to start to do???? This pissed me off why they would do this in the first place too. LEAVE MALCOM JENKINS ALONE. Let him play his natural position as a CB. I know that they think by putthin him in the middle of the field teams can't avoid him, but it also makes both WR's a possibility (especially if they're not going across Malcoms' way). If you leave Jenkins at CB like he's suppose to it totally shuts down one side of the field, and it takes whoever he's lined up on out of the equation. The only times I've seen jenkins get beat for a TD have come with him as a saftey not as a corner... Washington, Illinois, and LSU had recievers beat Jenkins for TD's but on all of those cases he was lined up as a saftey!

IMO, he's 208 pounds and probably will be 212 by the time season starts at 6'1". He is a great man to man DB, and if Jenkins was aloud to jam his recievers man I feel bad for those WR's. The talent is there next year. We have a d-line that by itself should be good at getting to the QB, we have linebackers who can run and hit, and we have DB's to burn. If we dont' become more aggressive and start whipping some ass then someting is the matter. Especially considering you have 2-5 first round draft picks in the back 7 (Jenkins, Animal for sure, and Freeman/washington/Homan possibly)

If I remember correctly we didn't really run a lot of man in 02' because we were thin at DB. Thats why gamble had to shift from WR


LEAVE MALCOLM ALONE!!!! Let him play his natural position. He doesn't need to play safety!!!! He's listed as a CB!!!! LEAVE MALCOLM ALONE!!!!
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BIP, I agree completely. I applaud MJ as a corner, but as stated in the past, I don't agree with his safety move in situational capacity. He makes some questionable reads and takes bad angles at times. As a corner, he's lock-down, IMHO. Why not leave him be- providing a shut down protection on one side with a solid run-support impact, as opposed to a mediocre safety role? Of course, as always, I do defer to the coaches as they know best. Just for discussion...
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leaving Malcom ALONE at his CB position allows our defense to make the opponents Offense become predictable. Teams go away from Malcom so we'll know who and where they're going to go with the ball if Malcom is at CB. If they take shots at Malcom 3 things could happen.. 1 he'll break it up, 2 he'll INT it, or 3 he'll have the pass completed on him and then he'll destory the WR.

Malcom DOES take bad angles as a saftey.. We saw/noticed him at our camp because of his cover abilities as a CORNER.. We didn't look at him and say that'd be sweet to put him all over the field.

On a side note I didn't wanna make a video labeled "LEAVE MY BUCKEYES ALONE!!!" when the media's always bashing us but figured it wouldn't be all that great
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IYE2;1072742; said:
To me, the senior leadership aspect is a little overrated. The positions in '06/'07 and '05/'06 were similar enough. They knew what they had to do, what was expected. Also, I think I read how many ever articles talking about how Malcolm and JL would lead the group b4 games, w/e..who are our leaders this year? The same guys. Imo, it really has nothing to do w/ seniors.

Not to sound like a downer...

I see where you are coming from but a fire is lit from underneath you senior year. Knowing my senior year was upcoming, I just pushed myself that much harder in the off-season and played each game like it was my last. I always gave it everything but senior year you just pay attention to detail, which is what wins championships (I believe that is a JT quote). These guys know what is on the line and they are coming back with an attitude for their senior year.
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I agree about Jenkins.. put him on a WR and tell him to lock the man down... u stick Malcolm at safety and he makes questionable reads, and takes bad angles..

You put him at corner, he can rough up nearly anyone put across from him, and he's closer to the LOS to come up and help out the run defense..
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HELL yeah thats also something I forgot to mention! Remember in 05' and 06' when Jenkins was always in the thick of things? he was always roughing people up and throwing WR's out of pounds after like 3-4 yard gains... Now they moved him to saftey..... His stats went down, his tackles, his break ups, his INT's, and his GAME CHANGING ABILITIES went right out the window when they put him at saftey... We have great safties so why not leave our best CB at his natural position...
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bukIpower;1072887; said:
on a downside even if our defense comes out and goes nuts as does our offense the Media will say "but USC was young" and then when USC starts gettin som wins they'll say "IF OSU/USC were to play today"
Ask me if I give a fuck what the media thinks...

Sportsbuck28;1072913; said:
IIRC, didn't we play a lot of man in '02?
We also had a killer DL that applied serious pressure nearly every down...
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Mili- What do you think of the media??? lol jp

Yeah we can drop into zones and play a little more soft when our dline could dominate without blitzing and the such like was the case in 02'

I just think we have tremendous Safties so why are we taking one of them off the field?? Sure I get it so we can put Chikwa on the field but It still doesn't make sense why they would put a saftey as the nickle man and move a CB to saftey? it'd be a much more smooth transition if the CB's played the CB positions and the safties played the safty position.. Only questionable personnel call I've had the whole season..
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