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2008 tOSU Defense discussion (official thread)

AMISH-SLAYER;1264077; said:
I was looking at someone's draft board from a year ago, and the top 5-10 DT's were all 6'4'' and shorter other than Allan Branch at 6'5''
Just wanted to ask a question regarding the height of a Defensive tackle. Some people on other boards have been questioning the size of our DT's. Saying that we need a Casey Hampton type DT to clog up the middle.
So my question is why don't we see many 6'8'' 350lbs DT in college Football? Why do players of this size end up on the offensive side of the ball?
Would some one of Steve Rehrig's frame be successful on Defense?

Probably because you have to fight like hell to get a player like that to stay low, thats why Heacock opts for those squatty wrestling type players who understand the principles of leverage and body control, but then again, sometimes, you just have to recruit a guy who is just a football player
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I'm not a subscriber but I disagree strongly if anyone thinks that defensive performance yesterday was anything but vintage 2007 stat padding against a weaker opponent.

-rush 3 drop 8 was in full effect
-the interior DL is shockingly innefective
-the back 7 miss a ton of tackles
-no one is very good at shedding blocks

The only thing that ever changes is the level of competition.
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Jaxbuck;1267322; said:
I'm not a subscriber but I disagree strongly if anyone thinks that defensive performance yesterday was anything but vintage 2007 stat padding against a weaker opponent.

-rush 3 drop 8 was in full effect
-the interior DL is shockingly innefective
-the back 7 miss a ton of tackles
-no one is very good at shedding blocks

The only thing that ever changes is the level of competition.

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Just what is our philosophy concerning our DL. Are we a one gap defense ala Tony Dungy Lovie Smith where the DT's get up the field or are we more like The old Raven defense 700lbs of ass in the middle to take up the blockers and the LB make the tackles. Then I could judge our DT's..it seems the OLs are getting to the second level against us...and our own OL rarely gets to the second level against quality teams.(Jay Leman making tackle after tackle )
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OSU Poor Linebacker Play!!!!

Marcus's better days. But it wasn't a great day for Laurinaitis" there's seem to be no chemistry with these two linebacker these past three games. Their getting pushed around and not making tackles. I hope defense coach is watching and addressing these issues. And for defending the spread offense, you need go with the five fastest D-linemen you can put out there. I am thinking aggressive style defensive line consisting of 5 on the D-line. One of the five linemen being a 4.5 guy to attack the QB and the screen passes. And 2 smaller linebackers with speed to play in space. The Defensive back field is fine and I believe we found the next Shawn Springs in Number 5.

What happen to Brandon Saine?
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grbuckeye616;1267652; said:
Marcus's better days. But it wasn't a great day for Laurinaitis" there's seem to be no chemistry with these two linebacker these past three games. Their getting pushed around and not making tackles. I hope defense coach is watching and addressing these issues. And for defending the spread offense, you need go with the five fastest D-linemen you can put out there. I am thinking aggressive style defensive line consisting of 5 on the D-line. One of the five linemen being a 4.5 guy to attack the QB and the screen passes. And 2 smaller linebackers with speed to play in space.

So you are suggesting a 5-2 defense vs. a no huddle nitro spread team?

Sorry man, that is a recipe for giving up 60+ points. The ball is gone before any of those DL make a difference and they are all worn out by halftime...that is without even addressing the absolute disadvantage you would have in the secondary.
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grbuckeye616;1267652; said:
Marcus's better days. But it wasn't a great day for Laurinaitis" there's seem to be no chemistry with these two linebacker these past three games. Their getting pushed around and not making tackles. I hope defense coach is watching and addressing these issues. And for defending the spread offense, you need go with the five fastest D-linemen you can put out there. I am thinking aggressive style defensive line consisting of 5 on the D-line. One of the five linemen being a 4.5 guy to attack the QB and the screen passes. And 2 smaller linebackers with speed to play in space. The Defensive back field is fine and I believe we found the next Shawn Springs in Number 5.

What happen to Brandon Saine?

Do you read your posts before you hit submit?? Most of that didn't make sense...
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We got "pressure" yesterday with a faster group of D lineman in and I think that makes sense against spread teams. Maybe teams in general. Troy thinks their offensive line was a team strength and we looked better this week. Keep working, guys! We beat a very good team.
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Watching so many Ohio State games, it's important to realize what real pressure from a D-line looks like.

I happened to watch the Florida-Vol game last night (jesus, were there some snoozers yesterday), and Florida's D-line gets PUSH. I'm talking about collapsing the would-be pocket, forcing whoever was playing QB to throw it immediately.

I wish we could understand how Florida and LSU get their D-lines to play with such tenacity and power. If we had that D-line, we would undoubtedly be unstoppable. I believe that our linebackers play very well in space, and our back seven can shut down quick, forced passes.

But damn as I was watching those games, I really felt a strange sense of... jealousy? But then I realized I am not a Gator or a Tiger. I'm a Buckeye. Whew.
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Oneshot;1267682; said:
Watching so many Ohio State games, it's important to realize what real pressure from a D-line looks like.

I happened to watch the Florida-Vol game last night (jesus, were there some snoozers yesterday), and Florida's D-line gets PUSH. I'm talking about collapsing the would-be pocket, forcing whoever was playing QB to throw it immediately.

I wish we could understand how Florida and LSU get their D-lines to play with such tenacity and power. If we had that D-line, we would undoubtedly be unstoppable. I believe that our linebackers play very well in space, and our back seven can shut down quick, forced passes.

But damn as I was watching those games, I really felt a strange sense of... jealousy? But then I realized I am not a Gator or a Tiger. I'm a Buckeye. Whew.

Its not teaching them to play that way, its recruiting ditch digging, nasty monsters like the SEC has....we don't have those
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osugrad21;1267686; said:
Its not teaching them to play that way, its recruiting ditch digging, nasty monsters like the SEC has....we don't have those
Which would explain the statement I heard; "When our lines push off I don't heard the sound of helmets clanging , I hear Marshmellows. "
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