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2008 tOSU Defense discussion (official thread)

Taosman;1263697; said:
With Jenkins and Chekwa, can we please now play some man coverage and go after people? Pretty please? :biggrin:
Chekwa's interception in the SC game sure was a thing of beauty. D. Wash, good luck in getting your job back this year. Not gonna happen.

Taos, do you have any clue about how much man coverage we have been playing this year?

I understand the "soft zone" argument is a staple of fan complaints, but you are way off base.
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osugrad21;1263705; said:
Taos, do you have any clue about how much man coverage we have been playing this year?

I understand the "soft zone" argument is a staple of fan complaints, but you are way off base.

I don't have a big screen tv like you so the players look like ants running across a picnic table! :tongue2:
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One touchdown was the FB man on Freeman, with a perfect throw, great cathc, and remarkable balancing act. The second was man on the TE where someone (tip of the tounge phenomena), where the DB fell down, so the outcome may have been different if he kept his feet, but he didn't. The other TD catch i can remember was the last one and it was zone. Who else scored? Was it Williams from Arkansas? I think I remeber that being man, with USC getting to the corner first.

Either way the coverage didn't work, man or zone.
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osugrad21;1263749; said:
BN$--Heacock Reflects On What Went Wrong In LA

Great read as Coach Heacock breaks down the problems and lack of execution against USC.

Well, I'm not going to subscribe, but if it soundsl like Heacock knows what's broke (and that's my guess since Grad 21 said "great read") then I'm confident they will get it fixed.

The offense - I'm not so sure about.
After reading Jeff Amey's breakdown on O-Zone, and agreeing with almost all of it, I can't say that that side of the ball has identified their own issues.
However, more TP will also equal differnt packages.
Hope Beanie makes it back by the Wisky game.

Hey - is this thread about defense? Sorry.
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Powair7s;1263906; said:
I hope I never see another 2 man rush from our defense ever again. 9 men back in a zone 2 man rush and they score...Did anyone else notice this play?

Yes...I was also screaming at the TV for a timeout. Thaddeus was obviously lost on the play. He was in the middle of getting directions from another teammate as the ball was snapped....
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osugrad21;1248447; said:
Do you understand how difficult it is to pitch a shutout in D-1 football?

1973: 4
1975: 3
1977: 4
1979: 2
1980: 2
1984: 1
1896: 2
1989: 1
1992: 2
1994: 1
1995: 1
1996: 3
1997: 1
1998: 2
2003: 1
2006: 1
2008: 1

32 shutouts since the start of the 1973 season (.075). the opponent was held under 10 points 105 additional times in the same time frame (.319 holding opponents to fewer than 10 points).

but to answer the question, i don't know. do any of us? is it even quantifiable?

this week BYU shut out UCLA and Mich St shut out Florida Atlantic. last week Kansas shut out La Tech, Free Shoes shut out Western Carolina, Virginia shut out Richmond, and Grambling shut out Alcorn State. in week one South Carolina shut out NC State, Auburn shut out LA-Monroe, Boston College shut out Kent State, and the Buckeyes shut out YSU.

11 total shutouts pitched so far this season (.0957). 27 additional teams have been held to fewer than 10 points so far this season (.330 holding opponents to fewer than 10 points)... Auburn is the only team to score fewer than 10 points and still win...

read into that whatever you want...
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Pressure-free zone: Buckeyes pondering why defense couldn't put heat on USC

by Doug Lesmerises Wednesday September 17, 2008, 10:29 PM

Mark Avery/Associated PressOn this first-half play last Saturday, OSU linebacker Marcus Freeman gets pressure on USC quarterback Mark Sanchez, but doesn't prevent Sanchez from launching a pass. The Buckeyes had just one sack in the 35-3 loss.
COLUMBUS -- He didn't get there. Bottom line. He didn't get there. Kurt Coleman stood seven yards from the line of scrimmage at the snap when he started to sprint at USC quarterback Mark Sanchez Saturday night. The safety's failed blitz set off a chain reaction that left OSU linebacker Marcus Freeman tailing USC fullback Stanley Havili down the sideline as the Trojans hit on their first touchdown pass during their 35-3 romp over Ohio State.
It was emblematic of a night when the Trojans rushed fewer players than the Buckeyes, on average, but created a lot more confusion. Sanchez said he knew what the OSU defense would be on that play, and it looked like it.
When presented Wednesday with the idea that USC's defense was more effective in throwing off the Buckeyes than vice-versa, OSU defensive coordinator Jim Heacock brought up that first touchdown, saying "Kurt, did anybody block him? Well, I guess they were confused, right?"

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I was looking at someone's draft board from a year ago, and the top 5-10 DT's were all 6'4'' and shorter other than Allan Branch at 6'5''
Just wanted to ask a question regarding the height of a Defensive tackle. Some people on other boards have been questioning the size of our DT's. Saying that we need a Casey Hampton type DT to clog up the middle.
So my question is why don't we see many 6'8'' 350lbs DT in college Football? Why do players of this size end up on the offensive side of the ball?
Would some one of Steve Rehrig's frame be successful on Defense?
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