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2008 tOSU Defense discussion (official thread)

I'm still concerned about the DT's, I think the DT's were a big part of the problem in both of the last two years, or three losses. Against UF we could not get enough pressure up front rushing four, and played a soft zone giving Leak time to pick us apart. Against the Illini, tOSU could not stop the run (line not keeping the O-linemen off the LB's) Against LSU it was a little of both, unfortunately, I saw the DT's get moved off the ball a lot, and end up on their backs a few times.

Hopefully with this year under their belt they will be much improved. Another year in the S&C program should add some weight to DWorth as well as the others. If the DT's can pick up their games this could be the best Buckeye defense in my memory with all of the speed and experience in the back 7, although some of the DB's could take lessons from the LB's in catching the ball.
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GrizzlyBuck;1068473; said:
I'm still concerned about the DT's, I think the DT's were a big part of the problem in both of the last two years, or three losses. Against UF we could not get enough pressure up front rushing four, and played a soft zone giving Leak time to pick us apart. Against the Illini, tOSU could not stop the run (line not keeping the O-linemen off the LB's) Against LSU it was a little of both, unfortunately, I saw the DT's get moved off the ball a lot, and end up on their backs a few times.
Agreed. Took the words out of my mouth. Hester kept getting a couple of yards after contact with Anderson Russell. Malcom Jenkins had a pretty bad 2nd quarter where he got burned time and again against Doucett.

The expectations of this year's D arise from the assumption that they will keep getting better. We need a lot of improvement from the DB's and the DT's. Otherwise, the defense is going to be in for a long time against O'Dowd and the USC OL.
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ant80;1068522; said:
...Otherwise, the defense is going to be in for a long time against O'Dowd and the USC OL.

I really don't see any reason to be fearful of an OL with 4 new faces. Yeah, they had high 'star' ratings coming out of high-school, but so did Notre Dame's OL. USC's OL will not be as good as they were this year by their second game of the season, and probably not at all.
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rocketman;1068457; said:
I don't really know much about X's and O's but from a scheme perspective how can you get a guy like Rolle, with the unique abilities he has, on the field more often?

I think he will make a serious push at OLB. Homan and Terry are coming off injuries as well.

Is Heyward going to be a DT or DE this coming season?
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DaddyBigBucks;1068528; said:
I really don't see any reason to be fearful of an OL with 4 new faces. Yeah, they had high 'star' ratings coming out of high-school, but so did Notre Dame's OL. USC's OL will not be as good as they were this year by their second game of the season, and probably not at all.

DBB, doubt them at your own peril (:biggrin: wanted to sound overly dramatic) While I agree that they will probably not be as good early (if ever) as they were this year, Petey and his #1 assistant coaches (all six or seven of them) always seem to suprise (not unlike some team who wears S&G for their colors) USC seems to reload and their aggressive tactics on offense could make up for a lack of experience on their O-Line.

Sanchez and their recievers will be ready and who knows one of their stable of RB's may emerge and demand the bulk of the carries.

While mostly just playing devils advocate here, I know I'm not alone in my concern for tOSU's interior D-Line to improve (I believe you yourself have mentioned this, unless that was someone else using your screen name, like BKB :biggrin:)
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Gotta love what we have returning on D!

Rose's two shoulder surgeries explains a lot, as far as his production is concerned. If you can't push off and separate from the OLineman, you are not going to be able to penetrate. With full strength in his shoulders, he should be a different player out there.

I think Gibson is going to erupt and be very hard to keep off the field. With the exception of JL in the middle, I expect the front seven to rotate in and out a lot of players. There is just two much depth and talent to keep these guys off the field.

Can't wait to hear the Spring reports coming out of camp!

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My guess is, we will see some serious improvement out of some returning starters. A guy like Malcom Jenkins, who could have gone pro but decides to come back, is clearly someone who's going to want to work his butt off in the off season to be the best that he can be this season, otherwise why come back for your senior year?
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GrizzlyBuck;1068685; said:
... I know I'm not alone in my concern for tOSU's interior D-Line to improve (I believe you yourself have mentioned this, unless that was someone else using your screen name, like BKB :biggrin:)

Yeah, that was me...

As I've said before, I agree that "bigger and stronger" in the interior of the D-Line is a must. But since they are all young men and we have an outstanding S&C program, I am fairly confident that a decent amount of growth can occur in the off-season. And since at least 2 of them were outstanding high-school wrestlers, I don't doubt that they will continue to hone their technique and improve it as their size and strength improve.

I really don't think there is a lot of disagreement here. Others are expressing concern about a need, and I too am concerned about the same need. But I am just my usual optimistic self. I really think these guys will get it done.
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DaddyBigBucks;1068791; said:
Yeah, that was me...

I really don't think there is a lot of disagreement here. Others are expressing concern about a need, and I too am concerned about the same need. But I am just my usual optimistic self. I really think these guys will get it done.

Just yankin your chain DBB.

I agree that the DT's should be much improved next year.

I'm intrigued by DW, he was thrust into the DT spot undersized and green, and manned it with great intensity and effort. With another year separating him from his knee injury, another off season to get bigger and stronger (with one of the best S&C programs around), and another off season for the coaches (known for developing players) to work on his playing lower with leverage, and I think he could have an all B10 type season, I'm thinking like K Peterson or D Scott type play.

Of the other returnees, I think TD played much of the season dinged up, NA played his first significant minutes as a collegiate, and Dex played his first minutes period. Through just seasoning these three should improve, add the off season of S&C and coaching, plus being pushed by GG, Shaq, Mobley (if he ends up at DT) R Rose, if he moves inside and ditto on Cam, and it is easy to be optimistic that this group goes from being a question to being one of the better, deeper groups of DT's around.

Wow, after previewing this I'm amped about this group now :biggrin:
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I agree.. i dont put much stock in looking at a depth chart and saying "wow, we're loaded, we're gonna be great".. these are the same players who have struggled mightily in back to back title games..

There will need to be improvement in all areas in order for this defense to qualify as "sick, filthy, etc"

I will wait until the SC game is played to cast my opinion on the 08 defense
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Buckeyecty4;1070297; said:
I agree.. i dont put much stock in looking at a depth chart and saying "wow, we're loaded, we're gonna be great".. these are the same players who have struggled mightily in back to back title games..

There will need to be improvement in all areas in order for this defense to qualify as "sick, filthy, etc"

I will wait until the SC game is played to cast my opinion on the 08 defense
Just a question here, but how does a defense that finished ranked No. 1 in the country in scoring and total defense and loses only 2 starters have to improve to be labeled "sick, filthy, etc"?
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