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2008 tOSU Defense discussion (official thread)

Sportsbuck28;1070353; said:
Just a question here, but how does a defense that finished ranked No. 1 in the country in scoring and total defense and loses only 2 starters have to improve to be labeled "sick, filthy, etc"?

because the last 4 good/great offenses we faced have ripped up us. 2 straight up the gut, and 2 with a combination of attacking the perimeter of our defense and our zone coverage.

There is plenty that can be improved upon........last years defense was no doubt a good defense, but the LSU game certainly exposed some serious weaknesses.
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billmac91;1070368; said:
because the last 4 good/great offenses we faced have ripped up us. 2 straight up the gut, and 2 with a combination of attacking the perimeter of our defense and our zone coverage.

There is plenty that can be improved upon........last years defense was no doubt a good defense, but the LSU game certainly exposed some serious weaknesses.

Bingo. We annihilate poor/so-so offenses, do well against good ones, but get our asses handed to us by great ones. Granted, the LSU game was compounded by turnovers and dipshit mistakes, but we just couldn't stop them for dinking and dunking us to death...
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We have lost a total of 3 games in 2 years! And those losses were to
2 National Champions and Illinois (on a blown call/ ref gambling).
And all 3 losses were team losses(not just the defense failure). :smash:
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Taosman;1070414; said:
We have lost a total of 3 games in 2 years! And those losses were to
2 National Champions and Illinois (on a blown call/ ref gambling).
And all 3 losses were team losses(not just the defense failure). :smash:

While I agree with the premise Taosman that they were team losses, the 2002 silver bullets won games for tOSU even with offensive/coaching mistakes and an very innefective offense (at times) We beat scUM last year giving up a ton of points, Florida played them like a fiddle (although at the very least the defensive coaches were duplicitous in the crime) They could not get the Illini offense off the field for the last 8-9 minutes to give the O another shot, and LSU put up a ton of points on them (not from field goals after the D stopped them in the red-zone either)

The 2007 defense was a good one, but I'm with Mili/Mesa or whoever he is today, in that it did not qualify as sick/filthy/dominating IMHO
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Buckeyecty4;1070787; said:
Yea we lost that game to Illinois because of a bad call in the first 5 minutes of the game:!
I'm not one to argue over past games.. but seriously that was a huge call. If it is made correctly, we get the ball on the 20 yard line after just driving the length of the field on Illinois and punching it into the endzone.. so, instead of it being 7-7, it could've been 14-0.

/ "But we still should've won the game" jibberish
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Sportsbuck28;1070353; said:
Just a question here, but how does a defense that finished ranked No. 1 in the country in scoring and total defense and loses only 2 starters have to improve to be labeled "sick, filthy, etc"?

Pop in the LSU or Illinois tape from 07 or the scUM and UF games from 06 and you tell me.

I could care less what stats they racked up on the sisters of the poor. Good teams have worked the defense two years running. Improvement is needed.
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Sportsbuck28;1070845; said:
LSU? Illinois? Florida?

What are these games you speak of? Ohh.. you must be talking about the games I have blocked from my memory.. :biggrin:

Well as a reminder our D gave up an average of 36.5 ppg in those 4 games. Tough to give any credence to #1 defensive rankings when the good teams do that to you.
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Sportsbuck28;1070353; said:
Just a question here, but how does a defense that finished ranked No. 1 in the country in scoring and total defense and loses only 2 starters have to improve to be labeled "sick, filthy, etc"?

Anyone who calls the 2006/2007 defense "sick" needs to take their scarlet glasses off. Yes, they were great against porous offenses, but weren't very effective against multi-dimensional ones. I hope we will start playing some man coverage next fall. I'm sick of seeing QBs finding holes in our zone defense, considering the lack of pass rush outside of VG. We have to athletes to play man against almost any team in the country. LSU proved how effective man coverage was against us.
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I think it starts up front is why we haven't played well the last couple years against good/great offenses. Look at 2005 with Kudla,Green, Pitcock, and Patterson and compare that with our lines of today. We have not been able to beat other teams at the point of attack in those games mentioned (Illinois, LSU, Florida). This line next year should be more similar to the 2005 defense in that it might be better suited for that run stopping part of a defense. Losing Gholston from a pass rushing aspect hurts, but adding Wilson who was better known for his run stopping abilities will help also. You add that with a 290 pound Cam Heyward, and 3 DT's over 300 and you have a beefy line!

I for one have hated how our defenses under Tressel are notorious for doing the whole "don't give up big play" type of defenses. IMO, we need to play more man and get after people more. A timid defense makes a dead defense....We have the athletes to run with anyone so why not trust them a bit more by letting them play some man while we blitz and get after people?? dinking and dunking drives me crazy, which is why teams liek Purdue will always be dangerous for us (although we did dominate them last year)
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