2008 Heisman List Post Them
Here is my list
1. Chris Beanie Wells
2. Chase Daniels
3. Pat White
4. Sam Bradford
5. Todd Boeckman
6. Tim Tebow
7. Juice Williams
8. Matt Grothe
9. Knowshon Moreno
10. Michael Crabtree
My list is pretty different because Wide receivers imo don't receive as much Heisman attention as do Quarterbacks and Running backs. Which explains why I put Michael Crabtree at the bottom.
Other Potential Heisman Canidates
Rudy Carpenter, Colt McCoy(Hate Longhorns), Percy Harvin, Jake Locker(was seriously impressed when I went to Washington to watch the Bucks kick some ass), Todd Reesing(really breathed some air into the Kansas Jay hawks program), Ian Johnson(im expecting a break out year for him in the WAC since it will be his last.)
Feel free to post your list's and other potential candidates who don't make your top ten... or in whatever order you want.