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2008 Buckeye Football Season

What next years team needs to do to play for title!

First starting of, todd boeckman shouldnt start(im my opion we have more talent). I believe if we land pryor we should start him, if not Henton would be a good option. On the other hand if laurnitis, jenkins, or gholston stay that would be huge(doubt it), but even if we dont our team will be older with a lot of experience. If terrelle pryor plays, the USC game is probably make or break our team, if we win that game i dont see illinois, michigan, or anyone else stopping us(the key to us winning these games are great defence, running wells, playing some option plays, and making use of our very good and upcoming future great recievers). IF we do that we cannot lose!(lol, from We Are Marshall) even though they went 2-8!! I also believe Brandon saine will be a big factor and using Llamar Thomas as a freshman with huge talent, possibly kick/punt returner would benefit us a great deal! Whats everyone elses opinion?
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You can't win a national championship with a true freshman starting at quarterback, no matter how athletically gifted.

Maybe a 2-QB system ala 2006 Florida, but a team starting a true freshman at quarterback has never won a NC, and I don't expect that to change anytime soon.
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ChrisWells28;1060137; said:
First starting of, todd boeckman shouldnt start(im my opion we have more talent). I believe if we land pryor we should start him, if not Henton would be a good option. On the other hand if laurnitis, jenkins, or gholston stay that would be huge(doubt it), but even if we dont our team will be older with a lot of experience. If terrelle pryor plays, the USC game is probably make or break our team, if we win that game i dont see illinois, michigan, or anyone else stopping us(the key to us winning these games are great defence, running wells, playing some option plays, and making use of our very good and upcoming future great recievers). IF we do that we cannot lose!(lol, from We Are Marshall) even though they went 2-8!! I also believe Brandon saine will be a big factor and using Llamar Thomas as a freshman with huge talent, possibly kick/punt returner would benefit us a great deal! Whats everyone elses opinion?

Yeah, I'm pretty concernced about Boeckman, but maybe by next year he will be more stable; with that said, however, I think Henton has a good chance to battle with Boeckman and possibly Pryor too (if he comes). After seeing the last game, I saw one sign of great hope and that was Wells.
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Sportsbuck28;1060140; said:
You can't win a national championship with a true freshman starting at quarterback, no matter how athletically gifted.

Maybe a 2-QB system ala 2006 Florida, but a team starting a true freshman at quarterback has never won a NC, and I don't expect that to change anytime soon.

Sam Bradfor and Oklahoma almost did and i think pryor is much better, But you are right 2-QB system would be better Henton/Pryor!
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ChrisWells28;1060137; said:
First starting of, todd boeckman shouldnt start(im my opion we have more talent). I believe if we land pryor we should start him, if not Henton would be a good option. On the other hand if laurnitis, jenkins, or gholston stay that would be huge(doubt it), but even if we dont our team will be older with a lot of experience. If terrelle pryor plays, the USC game is probably make or break our team, if we win that game i dont see illinois, michigan, or anyone else stopping us(the key to us winning these games are great defence, running wells, playing some option plays, and making use of our very good and upcoming future great recievers). IF we do that we cannot lose!(lol, from We Are Marshall) even though they went 2-8!! I also believe Brandon saine will be a big factor and using Llamar Thomas as a freshman with huge talent, possibly kick/punt returner would benefit us a great deal! Whats everyone elses opinion?

Granted, I have less time in watching Boeckman than y'all, but its seems to me that if the coaches who see the talent in practice every day think that he should start, why in the world would you think the coaches so dim as to go with Boeckman when others could execute the offense better?

Either trust the coaches or - get new coaches. In that analysis, it seems to fall on the side of supporting the decisions of Tress & company.
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I think part of what happened last night was that we had not faced the same level of competition as LSU. They were already used to adjusting on the fly when faced with big athletic teams changing things up on them. We did not play as many big athletic teams and when punched in the mouth (again) the players and coaches seemed to take a while to decide what to do and how to do it.

Next year with USC on the schedule and an even better Illini (if they find an adequate replacement for Mendenhall) and a healthy scUM and Wisky, plus a pretty talented PSU we should be better prepared to face adversity.

I agree that in order to compete for NC's (mainly win them) we either need a QB with escapability or TB to gain a little better internal clock and pocket presence when plays break down.

It was a great "rebuilding year" for the Buckeyes and lots of potential for the future. Our last few NC games not-withstanding it is still a great time to be a Buckeye fan.
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Gatorubet;1060160; said:
Granted, I have less time in watching Boeckman than y'all, but its seems to me that if the coaches who see the talent in practice every day think that he should start, why in the world would you think the coaches so dim as to go with Boeckman when others could execute the offense better?

Either trust the coaches or - get new coaches. In that analysis, it seems to fall on the side of supporting the decisions of Tress & company.

you cant really say we had other options, when henton was suspended most of the year and shoenf......whatever is not better than boeckman!
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OH10;1060167; said:
I'm shocked at how down people are on Boeckman. He did not play bad last night.

i dont know, down 14 inside lsu territory he throws a pick, fumbles the ball once(luckyly bounces back to him), scrambles when sees anyone 5 feet from him?? He wasent that bad, but he definetly could have made some better throws a couple times!
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ChrisWells28;1060157; said:
Sam Bradfor and Oklahoma almost did and i think pryor is much better, But you are right 2-QB system would be better Henton/Pryor!

Bradford was a redshirt freshman and took some time to get comfortable this season... one year makes a huge difference as far as getting adjusted to the speed and mental aspects of college football.
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As unfortunate as the game was, I do believe the Bucks can get some redemption at the Coliseum on Sep. 13th.

If we go undefeated next season, I think that we are going to have to blow some teams out to get confidence back from the pollsters. If 2008 is like 2007 though, who knows?
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ChrisWells28;1060157; said:
Sam Bradfor and Oklahoma almost did and i think pryor is much better, But you are right 2-QB system would be better Henton/Pryor!

Oklahoma lost 3 games this season and didn't make it to the final game. How in the hell is that "almost" getting a national championship?
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