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2008 Buckeye Football Season

Death Valley;1060265; said:
How do I think you fare? I think your team is able to blow USC out of the water. Let's not forget they are losing great defensive talent. Your team is capable of stopping the run and does a good job in the secondary. This is if you keep most of your starters on D.

USC is not going to be as tough next year so I would probably put money on your team. The main thing you are going to have to do is stop Mcknight and rattle Sanchez which I think you can do.

But if there is anything this game is going to do it is make your team stronger and they will adjust, I have no doubt about that. I think next year OSU is going to be the best team out of the last three years because I think there will be some new wrinkles on offense and a still very good defense which all spells trouble for USC. I know you guys were expecting that this year after the Florida loss but trust me, your team is going to be better next year. After another young and great recruiting class, some of those young players are impact players and will contribute next year. It's going to be fun to watch your team next year.

I would say that if you keep the majority of your playmakers on defense I would take OSU 28-USC 17.

Thanks alot for posting death Valley, its really appriciated.But i just wanted to ask how did you feel when beanie took it to the house?
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aurorabuckeye13;1060317; said:
I don't think Mustain will be a factor next year unless Sanchez gets hurt. I believe Sanchez was the former top ranked player in the country and Pete recruited him. I think its his job to lose, and I and many others around the nation think he will be the guy come the 2008 season.

I do agree with you that Sanchez is the better player overall I was just unimpressed by him this year in his performance. It could be different, but the reason I said Mustain is he is an unknown commodity in the USC setting. I have a fear of the unknown, I mean serioiusly, I look up movie spoilers if the movie starts to get too intense for me.
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Deathvalley- Great posts all around, and thanks for the great attitue about our potential in the 2008-2009 season! Good luck to you in the upcoming season as well.

I also believe Gholston is the only one to leave (maybe Jenkins??). However saying we're going to beat USC by a wide margin sounds foolish to me. I believe USC is going to have a lot of underclassmen leave for the NFL (especially on defense), but you know USC has great great talent. You look at USC and they have talent on the offensive side of the ball everywhere. Sanchez won't be ready to play against OSU IMO, but if he manages the game against us they should be fine. They have talented recievers everywhere over there, and the kind of athletic ability that IMO will give us big time fits. We have the talent to beat them (probably even more battle tested than they will be), but USC is use to winning ball games like these were as we have struggled the past 2-3 years to win the big time ball games. We better beat USC next year if we want a shot at the NC again though and I believe we can and I believe we will. I am extremely excited about our team next year, but that USC game is going to define our season. We win, we'll be considered a top tier team again. However, if we lose badly (a close loss might validate us as well) we're in BIG TIME trouble as far as our chances in the BCS bowls.

With the talent we have coming in next year to go along with the talent coming back we should really be a top 5 ball team. The line loses 1, and the running game should be BRUTAL. I feel bad for TCU because we're going to fuck their cookies up. A lot of frustration will be taken out on them IMO. What we need more of is athletic ability from the reciever position. I like the Brians/Ray Small, but they for whatever reason lack that gamebreaker threat ability. Posey, and lamar Thomas will help add much needed speed for our offense. If we get Pryor (and with mallett transfering it looks bleek) we can add a demension to our offense that college football hasn't seen since Vince Young.
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Those calling for Boeckman to be replaced by anyone on this team are just an embarrassment to the Buckeye Nation!
He had a terrific first season as a starting Big Ten and BCS championship game QB. And he will just get better.
Henton or whomever would have to be really extraordinary to pass him.

And those calling for Heacock's head are just as embarrassing.
Heacock's defense was the #1 defense in the country and carried this team.

What is wrong with you people? :smash:
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Taosman;1060374; said:
Those calling for Boeckman to be replaced by anyone on this team are just an embarrassment to the Buckeye Nation!
He had a terrific first season as a starting Big Ten and BCS championship game QB. And he will just get better.
Henton or whomever would have to be really extraordinary to pass him.

I don't know if anyone is calling for Boeckman to be replaced, but there's no reason they shouldn't open competition for qb in the spring. Todd can be deadly accurate but he also doesn't handle pressure well.
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Taosman;1060374; said:
Those calling for Boeckman to be replaced by anyone on this team are just an embarrassment to the Buckeye Nation!
He had a terrific first season as a starting Big Ten and BCS championship game QB. And he will just get better.
Henton or whomever would have to be really extraordinary to pass him.

And those calling for Heacock's head are just as embarrassing.
Heacock's defense was the #1 defense in the country and carried this team.

What is wrong with you people? :smash:

Agreed. hOWEVER, we have to make some major adjustments to our philospy going into these big games. Second year in a row the opposing coaches have had our defense confused and on their heels.

We were aggressive in bringing the blitz last night, but never felt they played with a swagger or confidence LSU did.

In any event, Heacock would sure be huge shoes to fill, as he was named Assistant Coach of the Year.
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Am I wrong to be worried about how our defense will stand up to USC next year? We seem to have a problem with spread offense...and USC and Michigan will both be using that next year. Illinois seems to be making the transition too. USC is the main game I'm worried about though, although seeing how Rich Rod coaches UofM will be interesting.
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USC & Michigan will look nothing alike, scheme-wise. ILL & Mich, a little more similar.

USC has a bevy of tall WRs (other than RoJo) & a QB with Quinn-like mobility. McKnight does not make a spread option offense (like the other two schools) by himself. They will be a big challenge for OSU, but for VERY different reasons.
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I'm a Bollman fan and all... but, I wouldn't mind getting another offensive mind. Maybe do some switching around of titles with Associate Head Coach, Assistant Head Coach, Offensive Coordinator, whatever. Crowton was great at BYU, he is a smart offensive mastermind. He relly did a great job foe Miles.

I wouldn't mind looking into Walt Harris again. Or someone that adds a little bit of a different element.
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starBUCKS;1060438; said:
I'm a Bollman fan and all... but, I wouldn't mind getting another offensive mind. Maybe do some switching around of titles with Associate Head Coach, Assistant Head Coach, Offensive Coordinator, whatever. Crowton was great at BYU, he is a smart offensive mastermind. He relly did a great job foe Miles.

I wouldn't mind looking into Walt Harris again. Or someone that adds a little bit of a different element.

Agreed. Someone who could bring something fresh would be a welcomed addition to 2008.
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sandgk;1060471; said:
Pass on that.

Adopt, dependent on the different element being brought to the table.

Norm Chowesque Elements. These other teams are not more talented than us. It all comes down to play calling and execution. Of course penalties don't help... but, that's yesterday's news. Some of those unbalnced lines and trickery getting the tight end involved last night were awesome by Crowton. He caught the #1 defense in the country with their pants down on those. Sure we had a few untraditional plays, but not enough in the aresnal IMO. I'm not suggesting switching to the Spread or West Coast Offense... just, 20% more sizzle.
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ChrisWells28;1060347; said:
Thanks alot for posting death Valley, its really appriciated.But i just wanted to ask how did you feel when beanie took it to the house?

Well when he took it to the house, I was busy cursing at Pittman whom should have made the play but took a horrible angle. But it's nothing I hadn't seen before. I was just waiting for LSU to shift the momentum in their favor and it eventually happened although a little too close to the half for my liking. I was hoping it had happened sooner.

I knew what to expect with your RB, he is very talented so I wasn't shocked. If there is one thing LSU had this year it is resolve. They know how to "buckle down" and accomplish the task at hand. There were quite a few comebacks throughout the year and even last year so they gained a lot of experience in these situations. It's all part of the game.

I was pretty mad when it happened though.:biggrin: I think my exact word was FUCK!!! (can I say that here?)
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bukIpower;1060350; said:
Deathvalley- Great posts all around, and thanks for the great attitue about our potential in the 2008-2009 season! Good luck to you in the upcoming season as well.

I also believe Gholston is the only one to leave (maybe Jenkins??). However saying we're going to beat USC by a wide margin sounds foolish to me. I believe USC is going to have a lot of underclassmen leave for the NFL (especially on defense), but you know USC has great great talent. You look at USC and they have talent on the offensive side of the ball everywhere. Sanchez won't be ready to play against OSU IMO, but if he manages the game against us they should be fine. They have talented recievers everywhere over there, and the kind of athletic ability that IMO will give us big time fits. We have the talent to beat them (probably even more battle tested than they will be), but USC is use to winning ball games like these were as we have struggled the past 2-3 years to win the big time ball games. We better beat USC next year if we want a shot at the NC again though and I believe we can and I believe we will. I am extremely excited about our team next year, but that USC game is going to define our season. We win, we'll be considered a top tier team again. However, if we lose badly (a close loss might validate us as well) we're in BIG TIME trouble as far as our chances in the BCS bowls.

With the talent we have coming in next year to go along with the talent coming back we should really be a top 5 ball team. The line loses 1, and the running game should be BRUTAL. I feel bad for TCU because we're going to fuck their cookies up. A lot of frustration will be taken out on them IMO. What we need more of is athletic ability from the reciever position. I like the Brians/Ray Small, but they for whatever reason lack that gamebreaker threat ability. Posey, and lamar Thomas will help add much needed speed for our offense. If we get Pryor (and with mallett transfering it looks bleek) we can add a demension to our offense that college football hasn't seen since Vince Young.

Well I said 28-17 which isn't a blowout, well I guess it is to them. I just look at the two teams and what they are going to/maybe lose and put that together. It's possible I will come back after all these kids declare and change that though. But yes, that game is going to define your season basically. I think you have a shot though if a couple things change scheme-wise...and you don't turn the ball over.
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Death Valley;1060497; said:
Well I said 28-17 which isn't a blowout, well I guess it is to them. I just look at the two teams and what they are going to/maybe lose and put that together. It's possible I will come back after all these kids declare and change that though. But yes, that game is going to define your season basically. I think you have a shot though if a couple things change scheme-wise...and you don't turn the ball over.

To me, that's really the key. Whether people want to give any positives to Illinois or not, they were in that game until one critical turn over and then they just gave up. USC is a great program, I live in the heart of USC land, including the laughs and flashes of lights I got for having my OSU sticker and license plate frame today on my way home from those with the USC flags that suddenly appeared on the cars this week for some reason. But they are beatable, I saw Michigan in the game with them last year for the half then in the second half they just sort of rolled over, Illinois gave up, if the Bucks can play 60 minutes and actually defend like they know how they can easily give SC a run for their money, will they win? Who knows, but Tressel has a whole off season to prepare and it's not like USC has a whole season of tape to look at like they did with the Illini.
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