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2008 Buckeye Football Season

Bill Lucas;1060208; said:
Oklahoma lost 3 games this season and didn't make it to the final game. How in the hell is that "almost" getting a national championship?

maybe because they had 2 loses during their season??????and were considered by many the best team in the nation at the end of the season, until they lost their 3rd game in a bowl game agasinst WV!!thats why.
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This is coming from an LSU fan so you may or may not want to hear it and I admit I haven't watched all of the OSU games like you guys. But judging off the handful of games I have seen OSU in this year let me tell you what I think.

1.) Your offensive scheme needs to be opened up a lot more. When I watched your QB run last night I was impressed, the kid is fast. So I would probably run more QB draws and sweeps with him, should be still be the starter. I'm not saying run him every play like Tebow but I just think more options for him running would open a lot more in the passing game and even the running game for a good RB like Wells. Also, some (more) swing passes to Wells would kill other teams because of how your offense is set up. With the crossing patterns that you guys are good at and the streaks along the sideline you keep the defensive secondary honest. I think swing passes or even WR screens would hurt other teams early on.

2.) I think the offensive philosophy just needs to change a little. As I stated above. I think the gameplan was if they got up early they were going to control the TOP and run the ball. It may have worked better had the penalties and turnovers not hurt you guys. But I'm going to say this and I'm not trying to be cocky at all. But that may work better in your conference but if you are going to play teams like LSU and FLA when you get to the big dance there has to be a change in the gameplan. You just cannot expect to only come out and run the ball to protect a lead. You have to install new packages and just do some new things. I think your conference just got a hell of a lot better with Rich Rod going to UM. I think that your conference and teams are going to have to get better because he is going to recruit well and change the tempo of the conference and teams will have to adjust accordingly. It's going to be fun to watch.

3.) I know that your team may have been limited in what offense they can run with Boeckman at the helm. So my thoughts may not be "fair" to you guys. But I think your defense was good enough but your offense left a lot to be desired. The sad thing is that you guys had the weapons on offense. Wells is a sensational RB but you have to involve other players.

4.) If OSU does pull in Pryor that's awesome for your team. But I think you would agree that they will then absolutely have to change the schme. You can't fit a square peg into a round hole.

All in all, I think your conference is going to be very fun to watch in the next few years and it is going to change for the better. So good luck to your team and recruiting in the future and maybe we can meet up again. Thanks for coming to N.O and I hope y'all had a good time.
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Death Valley;1060230; said:
4.) If OSU does pull in Pryor that's awesome for your team. But I think you would agree that they will then absolutely have to change the schme. You can't fit a square peg into a round hole.

True, if TP comes we will adjust. This years offense doesn't even come close to resembling last years with Troy Smith. We were more explosive, we had a lot more QB potential with Troys accuracy, legs, and elusiveness. However, that showed to be a bit of a bad thing when we failed to realize there were some questions at the offensive line and thus, Florida busted through.

This flavor of the OSU offense has been built around the idea that Todd didn't have to win games, he just couldn't lose them. Which may have worked last night had it not been for a collection of stupid penalties and a few bad breaks.

I am sure our offense will be different next year, I like Todd but I don't know if I see an offense this limited making it to next year. We have Henton on the bench who's a much more mobile quarterback and I figure during the spring Tressel will have them compete. Boeckman, when he's on, throws a deadly deep ball, but his confidence got rattled during the Illinois game and it just appears he never quite recovered. A lot of that has to do with the offensive gameplanning, I have always been a believer that if you are having problems with your QB's passing confidence you make the passing game easy to rebuild, but what do I know, I am just another Monday morning quarterback.

To the topic of what this team needs? It's pretty easy, we have most of the elements in place, we need a little work on our corners, some defensive change ups to confuse offenses, but we have the coach and the talent to make a serious run in 2008, if we get past USC, look out!
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Gatorubet;1060237; said:
Tell us who is staying first out of your current starters...

Possibly Barton, laurinitis, jenkins, and gholston. And probably the best recruiting class that jim tressel has ever had at ohio state coming in, though i see at least 1 of the 4 coming back, possibly laurinitis!
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1.) Your offensive scheme needs to be opened up a lot more. When I watched your QB run last night I was impressed, the kid is fast. So I would probably run more QB draws and sweeps with him, should be still be the starter. I'm not saying run him every play like Tebow but I just think more options for him running would open a lot more in the passing game and even the running game for a good RB like Wells. Also, some (more) swing passes to Wells would kill other teams because of how your offense is set up. With the crossing patterns that you guys are good at and the streaks along the sideline you keep the defensive secondary honest. I think swing passes or even WR screens would hurt other teams early on.
I believe the left outside run (for 30ish?) was designed, run off WRs and let him slip out. They do this on occasion.

The broadcasters touched on the weakness however, he's not overly elusive. He has good straight-line speed but does not bring much agility to the table.
2.) I think the offensive philosophy just needs to change a little. As I stated above. I think the gameplan was if they got up early they were going to control the TOP and run the ball. It may have worked better had the penalties and turnovers not hurt you guys. But I'm going to say this and I'm not trying to be cocky at all. But that may work better in your conference but if you are going to play teams like LSU and FLA when you get to the big dance there has to be a change in the gameplan. You just cannot expect to only come out and run the ball to protect a lead. You have to install new packages and just do some new things. I think your conference just got a hell of a lot better with Rich Rod going to UM. I think that your conference and teams are going to have to get better because he is going to recruit well and change the tempo of the conference and teams will have to adjust accordingly. It's going to be fun to watch.
I think they tried to diversify a bit, and LSU was up to the task. I agree there could be a few more looks. Certainly nothing like what LSU trotted out, tip of the cap.
3.) I know that your team may have been limited in what offense they can run with Boeckman at the helm. So my thoughts may not be "fair" to you guys. But I think your defense was good enough but your offense left a lot to be desired. The sad thing is that you guys had the weapons on offense. Wells is a sensational RB but you have to involve other players.
What OSU lacks this year is a game-breaking speed WR. They have had the luxury of guys like Holmes & Ginn, as well as spying Smith, to open up the field. Ray Small arrived here with tremendous hype but has yet to put it together, outside of a few plays.
4.) If OSU does pull in Pryor that's awesome for your team. But I think you would agree that they will then absolutely have to change the schme. You can't fit a square peg into a round hole.
This happens with or without Pryor. Henton is very similar to (young) Troy with what he brings to the table. The scheme has been changed dramatically with all 3 qbs.
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Possibly Barton, laurinitis, jenkins, and gholston. And probably the best recruiting class that jim tressel has ever had at ohio state coming in, though i see at least 1 of the 4 coming back, possibly laurinitis!
Barton graduated, I'm assuming you mean Boone. Gholston is long gone. Laur & Jenks want to return, but will have heavy pressure pushing them out.

So Gator/Death, if OSU only loses Barton, Grant, Gholston... how do you like our chances? Especially adding guys like Posey, Pryor*, etc?
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ChrisWells28;1060236; said:
Death Valley how do you think we will fare against an early #1 USC by some espn guys???

How do I think you fare? I think your team is able to blow USC out of the water. Let's not forget they are losing great defensive talent. Your team is capable of stopping the run and does a good job in the secondary. This is if you keep most of your starters on D.

USC is not going to be as tough next year so I would probably put money on your team. The main thing you are going to have to do is stop Mcknight and rattle Sanchez which I think you can do.

But if there is anything this game is going to do it is make your team stronger and they will adjust, I have no doubt about that. I think next year OSU is going to be the best team out of the last three years because I think there will be some new wrinkles on offense and a still very good defense which all spells trouble for USC. I know you guys were expecting that this year after the Florida loss but trust me, your team is going to be better next year. After another young and great recruiting class, some of those young players are impact players and will contribute next year. It's going to be fun to watch your team next year.

I would say that if you keep the majority of your playmakers on defense I would take OSU 28-USC 17.
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Death Valley;1060265; said:
How do I think you fare? I think your team is able to blow USC out of the water. Let's not forget they are losing great defensive talent. Your team is capable of stopping the run and does a good job in the secondary. This is if you keep most of your starters on D.

USC is not going to be as tough next year so I would probably put money on your team. The main thing you are going to have to do is stop Mcknight and rattle Sanchez which I think you can do.

But if there is anything this game is going to do it is make your team stronger and they will adjust, I have no doubt about that. I think next year OSU is going to be the best team out of the last three years because I think there will be some new wrinkles on offense and a still very good defense which all spells trouble for USC. I know you guys were expecting that this year after the Florida loss but trust me, your team is going to be better next year. After another young and great recruiting class, some of those young players are impact players and will contribute next year. It's going to be fun to watch your team next year.

I would say that if you keep the majority of your playmakers on defense I would take OSU 28-USC 17.

For some reason it won't let me edit my last post so I just wanted to say. Last night you guys "shot yourselves in the foot" with the turnovers and penalties. I know Tressel is a great coach and going into a game with USC he will have the team ready. But no matter what level you are on, if it be high school, college or the NFL. The majority of the time you must win the turnover battle in games where the talent is even. The penalties hurt and put you in bad situations at times, but the turnovers killed your team.
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For some reason it won't let me edit my last post so I just wanted to say. Last night you guys "shot yourselves in the foot" with the turnovers and penalties. I know Tressel is a great coach and going into a game with USC he will have the team ready. But no matter what level you are on, if it be high school, college or the NFL. The majority of the time you must win the turnover battle in games where the talent is even. The penalties hurt and put you in bad situations at times, but the turnovers killed your team.
No question about it.

The punt block was a 7-14 point swing. Not recovering LSU's two fumbles were big, as were the INT return (eerily similar to what won the game vs Aub) and aKILi Highsmith's huge hit on Boeckman. They never showed a great angle, but it looked like he had Hartline coming across the middle.

LSU was playing a little bit tight at that point. Score there, and the game gets very interesting.
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jwinslow;1060247; said:
Barton graduated, I'm assuming you mean Boone. Gholston is long gone. Laur & Jenks want to return, but will have heavy pressure pushing them out.

So Gator/Death, if OSU only loses Barton, Grant, Gholston... how do you like our chances? Especially adding guys like Posey, Pryor*, etc?

Well adding someone like Pryor is huge for your team. 1.) It makes the game with UM that much easier :)2.) It instantly adds a few wins to your schedule even though he is a freshman.

I think one thing that is overlooked in the whole SEC vs. Big 10 conference jibber jabber is this. While yes, the SEC may or may not have more speed depening on who you ask. The Big 10 is known for it's power running and hard nose football. Where does this philosophy come from? The trenches, the Oline and Dline. So if there are any positions I wouldn't be worried about losing if I was OSU it would be on the OL and DL because you guys can plug and play those positions. So I don't think the loss of any OL and DL will hurt too badly because your team recruits those very well and churns them out to the NFL like clockwork. Yes Gholston is a freak of nature and a very good CFB player, if there is an area that you can mask next year should it be a weakness it is DE because you have good LB's and secondary. So the loss will not hurt as much as you may think, of course IMO. This is all assuming that Laur & Jenks should stay.
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My true feelings about 08......
- Gholston will be the only player to leave early
- Boeckman will be the starter at QB......ALL YEAR
- We will have the number one ranked defense in the country for a second straight yearand win decisively over the Trojans
- The Michigan game will be closer than most think but the Buckeyes will pull it off and finish undefeated with a third straight outright Big Ten title
- The Buckeyes will meet another SEC team in Georgia in the BCS National Championship Game
- Beanie will take a nice little trip to New York to cap off his final season with Ohio State
- We will go into the coliseum on sep. 13
- Devier Posey, Mike Adams, and Lamaar Thomas will make the most impact out of all the incoming freshmen
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The only two things that scare me about USC next year (As of now) are McKnight and Mitch Mustain. Mustain is an unknown, but he has the talent if he ever gets rid of the crybaby attitude he had at Arkansas. If their LB (58) stays which he said he will, he seemed tough, but was relatively unimpressed with tthe line in comparison to LSU's. A lot can happen between now and then but I think we can win it, and if we do that will pace our season I believe.

If they win that'll be a good enough wedding present for me. :)
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GoodLifeSean;1060295; said:
The only two things that scare me about USC next year (As of now) are McKnight and Mitch Mustain. Mustain is an unknown, but he has the talent if he ever gets rid of the crybaby attitude he had at Arkansas. If their LB (58) stays which he said he will, he seemed tough, but was relatively unimpressed with tthe line in comparison to LSU's. A lot can happen between now and then but I think we can win it, and if we do that will pace our season I believe.

If they win that'll be a good enough wedding present for me. :)

I don't think Mustain will be a factor next year unless Sanchez gets hurt. I believe Sanchez was the former top ranked player in the country and Pete recruited him. I think its his job to lose, and I and many others around the nation think he will be the guy come the 2008 season.
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