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SNIPER26;905205; said:
Maybe not you, but for others to make dumbass statements like "Brady's only a 6th rounder, nothing more" really begs the question as to whether they would be saying the same if he were a Buckeye.

if you are referring to me, i have made mention of brady being a 6th rounder several times. it's simply in response to the numerous ttun folks that like to pimp tom brady as the poster boy for ttun's claim of producing top notch qb's. when in reality, he was a 6th round pick and not highly thought of coming out of michigan.
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Breaking News ... Mike Hart has a big mouth! :roll2:

pg. 148 of ESPN Mag (arrived today), inset of the Ohio State preview:

"It bothers the heck out of me, I'm not going to lie, and I've made that known since last year. I want to beat them, and I'm going to beat them."
-- Mike Hart

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Dryden;906000; said:
Breaking News ... Mike Hart has a big mouth! :roll2:

pg. 148 of ESPN Mag (arrived today), inset of the Ohio State preview:

"It bothers the heck out of me, I'm not going to lie, and I've made that known since last year. I want to beat them, and I'm going to beat them."
-- Mike Hart


Maybe he should spend a little more time worrying about the other 11 teams they play before us lest they go back to being the same old ttun and drop a couple games they shouldn't before even getting to tOSU. Fuckin' jackass.

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NFBuck;906002; said:
Maybe he should spend a little more time worrying about the other 11 teams they play before us lest they go back to being the same old ttun and drop a couple games they shouldn't before even getting to tOSU. Fuckin' jackass.


I cannot wait for all the fun when this pole smoker and his two buddies are 0-for-their careers in The Game.
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NFBuck;906002; said:
Maybe he should spend a little more time worrying about the other 11 teams they play before us lest they go back to being the same old ttun and drop a couple games they shouldn't before even getting to tOSU. Fuckin' jackass.


Wait so he's a jackass for saying it bothers him he hasn't beaten Ohio State? What the fuck? Wouldn't that be more of a testamant to what Ohio State has done?
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SNIPER26;906014; said:
Wait so he's a jackass for saying it bothers him he hasn't beaten Ohio State? What the fuck? Wouldn't that be more of a testamant to what Ohio State has done?

He's a jackass for a) being a tsun player and b) running his suck in the way he's done it all along. It's not like he's made one little vanilla comment about never beating OSU bothering him.
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Jaxbuck;906017; said:
He's a jackass for a) being a tsun player and b) running his suck in the way he's done it all along. It's not like he's made one little vanilla comment about never beating OSU bothering him.

I get the first thing, obviously you guys aren't the biggest Michigan fans. But if Chris Wells was 0-3 (obviously is/won't be, work with me here) and saying how badly he wanted to beat Michigan and how much it bothered him, would you be saying the same thing? It's a testament to Ohio State and to the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry how badly Mike wants to win. Not that big of a deal. If the hypothetical Wells situation happened, I'd take that as a compliment because my team would obviously be doing something right.
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SNIPER26;906014; said:
Wait so he's a jackass for saying it bothers him he hasn't beaten Ohio State? What the fuck? Wouldn't that be more of a testamant to what Ohio State has done?

"...I want to beat them, and I'm going to beat them."
-- Mike Hart

I think it's the last part of his comments that gets our attention. Wanting to beat Ohio State, and actually doing it are two different things. He just brings it on himself by saying such stupid comments, even if it turns out to be true in the end. Not that I think it will....
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I have lots of respect for Hart's game on the field.

I have zero respect for his always open mouth, boasting and blasting... and the worst, crying.
I'd take that as a compliment because my team would obviously be doing something right.
The last thing Mr. Hart wants to do is give Ohio State credit.
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SNIPER26;906025; said:
I get the first thing, obviously you guys aren't the biggest Michigan fans. But if Chris Wells was 0-3 (obviously is/won't be, work with me here) and saying how badly he wanted to beat Michigan and how much it bothered him, would you be saying the same thing? It's a testament to Ohio State and to the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry how badly Mike wants to win. Not that big of a deal. If the hypothetical Wells situation happened, I'd take that as a compliment because my team would obviously be doing something right.

again, there's a big difference betwen saying "it bothers me" and shit like "I'm going to beat them" and "they aren't that good" immediately after loss #3 and other such shit. He's run his mouth waaay past a simple comment about being 0-3 bothering him.
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Jaxbuck;906033; said:
again, there's a big difference betwen saying "it bothers me" and shit like "I'm going to beat them" and "they aren't that good" immediately after loss #3 and other such shit. He's run his mouth waaay past a simple comment about being 0-3 bothering him.

Fine, take it for whatever you want. So he thinks Michigan's going to win this year. Big deal. He's not the only one.
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The college preview issue of SI compares Mike Hart to Archie. Archie states that they both have/had great vision and setting up blocks as well as the ability to break arm tackles.......

Too bad the comparison ends on the field as Archie has been nothing but class.....
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SNIPER26;906025; said:
I get the first thing, obviously you guys aren't the biggest Michigan fans. But if Chris Wells was 0-3 (obviously is/won't be, work with me here) and saying how badly he wanted to beat Michigan and how much it bothered him, would you be saying the same thing?

To make the comparison fair, it would also take the prospective 0-3 Buckeye RB to have made several statements of questionable judgment, like Hart has done (with some of them admittedly right after the heat of battle).

Now, even under those matching circumstances, we probably would not be saying the same thing. But this is a Buckeye board, and while many of us may admit to being biased, we don't really want to have that pointed out very often.
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since November 06:

'We definitely would have beaten the Buckeyes,'' Hart said. ''Florida was a great team. I don't know what would've happened. We couldn't even beat USC (in the Rose Bowl). But there's no doubt in my mind we would've beat the Buckeyes.''
On how many TDs he's gonna put up on OSU next year:
"Probably four."

On whether him and Henne are coming back next year:
"Of course. We've got to beat the Buckeyes."

Asked if Michigan would win a rematch:
"Definitely. No question."

On who he's rooting for in the NC:
"Neither. I'm rooting for the Big Ten. That's all I have to say."
I've got one more year left and I'm going to get them next year.
I guarantee if we play them again it would be a whole different game. We should have got them the first time around. We didn't. So if it doesn't happen, that's our faults. You know, but if we played them again, it would be a whole different game. Guarantee that.
There's nothing special about that defense.
REPORTER: Why would it be a whole different game.
MIKE HART: Because the defense played. They don't usually give up big plays. We scored more if we had offensive chances. We both had to take advantage of our opportunities offensively and defensively.
Hart could take a few lessons from Laurinaitis.
Afterwards, Laurinaitis was asked to respond to Hart's comment on the OSU defense.
"You know, that's Mike's opinion," Laurinaitis said. "I don't have anything to say back to him. He's a great running back and a great player. We're just going to enjoy this win."
Or his teammate
REPORTER: Is that the toughest loss of your career, would you say?
CHAD HENNE: It's definitely hard to swallow, but, you know, it's never fun losing to Ohio State. I mean, it's a great rivalry. Great tradition goes with it. But we fought, and Ohio State -- I mean, they just made a lot more bigger plays.
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SNIPER26;906039; said:
Fine, take it for whatever you want. So he thinks Michigan's going to win this year. Big deal. He's not the only one.

Third time now....he's talked trash throughout his career, its not as simple a statement as your trying to spin it to be.

Think David Boston wearing urine and blue.
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