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2007 tOSU Football Season Discussion (merged)

OSUBasketballJunkie;717033; said:

Interesting to see Lesmerises push for Ballard as a starter because of a return to a run-heavy offense. I think he just looked at Jake's ht/wt and figured he'd be an extra blocker when Jake doesn't have those blocking skills but has the hands. To me, he is Nicol + 2 inches. Neither excel at blocking or catching but are very good in what they are asked to do in this O.

Also, how about the 2005 freshman class having potentially 9 of its players in the nickel?
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crazybuckfan40;717907; said:
I don't see where everyone is getting the Clifford at CB talk. From all reports at camp time he did not have the hips to play corner. If those 2 guys were to start I think that they would be flip flopped. Clifford at S and Coleman at CB.

I just don't see Washington and Amos both being passed up.
Unless we're going to start playing more man to man, all of the sudden, hips won't be a problem. Boundary corners over the past few years weren't considered to be "natural" corners by many. Fox and Everett did outstanding on the boundary, despite what some considered to be swivel deficient hips. Smith was a walk-on and beat out the more heralded Washington and Amos. I'll need to see more from either of those guys before assuming that they're ready to take the position. I do agree that the Clifford talk is a little premature, considering we haven't seen him in a scarlet and gray uniform yet.
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IronBuckI;718100; said:
Unless we're going to start playing more man to man, all of the sudden, hips won't be a problem. Boundary corners over the past few years weren't considered to be "natural" corners by many. Fox and Everett did outstanding on the boundary, despite what some considered to be swivel deficient hips. Smith was a walk-on and beat out the more heralded Washington and Amos. I'll need to see more from either of those guys before assuming that they're ready to take the position. I do agree that the Clifford talk is a little premature, considering we haven't seen him in a scarlet and gray uniform yet.

You bring up a very valid point, but Fox and Everett still played their fair share of man and did well at it. Even with not the greatest of hips from them two they were not as tall and not hurting their ability to turn and run. This is the exact reason you don't see the guys 6'2'' playing corner. Also Clifford is like a centerfielder back there and gets to the ball from his safety position allowing him to make plays.

As for Washington and Amos being passed up by Smith, Smith turned himself into an NFL 4th, 5th or 6th round pick, so there is no shame especially with Washington and Amos only being RShirt frosh. They both had good moments this year.

I also agree the clifford talk is premature...
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The national signing day for seniors in high school is February 8th I believe...

Also I hate that zone stuff we play about 80 % of the time. I wish it would be more like 50-40-10 (Man, Zone, Zone blitz) I think we don't use our speed or athletism to full extent.

I mean what the hell is the purpose of having a speed coach if we play zone nearly all the time? I realize we don't want to give up the big play which is fine because I wouldn't wanna get beat either however I could play zone if they wanted me to? I could drop 5 yards and sit in a zone!

With Washington/Amos/Jenkins/O'neal/Russel. This could be one of our faster secondaries we've had in a while, and speed wise should be a upgrade from last year (experience, and physicality we'll just have to wait and see).

As far as linebackers go this group need to work on tackling in space because too many times we missed tackles. I guess we've been spoiled with Carp, Hawk, Schlegal, Grant, Wilhelm and co. JL did awesome this year but IMO he might have missed the most tackles (maybe freeman also). I think besides JL the other two spots should be open to the two best tacklers at the linebacker spot.

On a side not we REALLY need Maurice Wells to step up, but I also will say that the coaches need to put him in a position to suceed. Go BUCKS!!
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Tonight my wife had a number of visiting Harvard profs over for dinner. One made the mistake of telling me that her husband enjoyed watching Ohio State lose "because he graduated from Michigan".

When I said, "We don't say that word in this house", she was amazed.

When I said, "We call them either TSUN, for the school up north because its not really a university, or SCUM, well because the UM stands for their name", she was completely gobsmacked.

When I said, "Ask your husband who won The Game and whether that or the bowl loss hurt more," I felt catharsis.

For the rest of the night, we had a lovely night with them. They were really nice people who are doing really important work with the underprivileged here. A real pleasure to know folks like that.

Oh, and yes, when I took a group photo of them, it was in front of a print from the Columbus Museum of Art. It seemed like the right thing to do.

Oh, and yes, I do so look forward to next year once again.
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bukIpower;718182; said:
The national signing day for seniors in high school is February 8th I believe...

Also I hate that zone stuff we play about 80 % of the time. I wish it would be more like 50-40-10 (Man, Zone, Zone blitz) I think we don't use our speed or athletism to full extent.

I mean what the hell is the purpose of having a speed coach if we play zone nearly all the time? I realize we don't want to give up the big play which is fine because I wouldn't wanna get beat either however I could play zone if they wanted me to? I could drop 5 yards and sit in a zone!

With Washington/Amos/Jenkins/O'neal/Russel. This could be one of our faster secondaries we've had in a while, and speed wise should be a upgrade from last year (experience, and physicality we'll just have to wait and see).

As far as linebackers go this group need to work on tackling in space because too many times we missed tackles. I guess we've been spoiled with Carp, Hawk, Schlegal, Grant, Wilhelm and co. JL did awesome this year but IMO he might have missed the most tackles (maybe freeman also). I think besides JL the other two spots should be open to the two best tacklers at the linebacker spot.

On a side not we REALLY need Maurice Wells to step up, but I also will say that the coaches need to put him in a position to suceed. Go BUCKS!!

I agree at times I would like to see more man, but I don't have a problem with the scheme as it has worked for us over the past couple years. Also we switch up the zone and sometimes we press on the outside and sometimes we lay off and play soft. I think a lot of the problem is the staff not having confidence in the safeties to match up one on one with some of the other teams WR's. Look at what our WR's do when other teams put LB's on them or safeties. They toast them. I think we see more man when we are in the nickel as we bring in the 3rd corner to cover.

Also when in man you are more apt to give up big runs from the QB's if they get outside the pocket and CB's and safties are running with the WR's.

With all that aside I agree about the lb's.
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bukIpower;718182; said:
On a side not we REALLY need Maurice Wells to step up, but I also will say that the coaches need to put him in a position to suceed. Go BUCKS!!

Are you literally suggesting his poisition is changed to WR, or do you just mean we should pass more to him out of the backfield?
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Im not really worried about our offense, the way i see it our offense can go two ways....we can go back to the old ohio state/tressel ball type of football with a bruising run heavy offense, swarming defense, and heavy emphasis on the special teams....or on the other hand we could keep the spread offense with Henton taking Smith's spot, Small for Ginn, etc.....either way i think we have a very good chance :)
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FWIW, I see us doing pretty GD well next year. I really don't see JT starting Henton at QB. If you look at his history he's adjusted his offenses to the talent he's had. He won NC's (if I'm not mistaken) at YSU with completely different offenses. Next year we'll have a balanced power Tresselball offense, not primarily a spread attack, and I'm completely ok with that. The defense should be better than ok and we'll pound them with Beanie and take our shots deep when they're available.

Steve, as brilliant as I found your "not in this house" comment, in mine we refer to scUM by name, but only in the context of "a taking of a Michigan". :biggrin:
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