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2007 tOSU Football Season Discussion (merged)

I think the use of a fullback will appear next year.
Even used as a (the horror) runner!
Just look at who we have left at running back/fullback. :shake:
If Beanie gets hurt or has recurring fumble problems.............................
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I would love to see the FB position get more touches, hell, any touches. Also, Mo Wells needs worked into this offense. I thought going into the NC game that he might be a sleeper on screens or swing passes to get him out in the open, even though I haven't seen this since he's been here.
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WoodyWorshiper;719757; said:
I would love to see the FB position get more touches, hell, any touches. Also, Mo Wells needs worked into this offense. I thought going into the NC game that he might be a sleeper on screens or swing passes to get him out in the open, even though I haven't seen this since he's been here.
Yeah, I agree (Re Wells, I don't care if the FB gets touches so much). I guess with guys like Ted and Gonzo out there the need to get MoWells on the edge in space wasn't as pronounced. Mo probably isn't the "playmaker" Ted is, but I would like to see what he can do with a running start. Didn't take long for some folks to forget just how great a get MoW was out of HS.
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Taosman;720810; said:
2007 offense?
I'm already stocking up on Tums! :sick1:

Because of the effect that all of Beanie's "sick runs" are going to have on you? You know what I'm stocking up on? Alcohol, because I will need a depressant to quell my excitement at watching the next wave of Bucks grow into the stars of tomorrow. A little optimism would be nice, it helps to keep the bandwagon moving.
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everyweek we always see things like "man get maurice in space on a screen pass or check off and he'll go NUTS".. I wonder why they NEVER do this? maybe next year like ya'll said since we don't have Teddy, Pittman, and Gonzo we'll start to do this??

I think we need to do the straight ahead and off tackle stuff with Beanie, and then the stretch plays with MoW. Go back to last years North Western game and look at Maurice find that hole and cut it back. Grant it the blocking was perfect, but still I think he's best when changing directions quickly and cutting back. He's very unutilized and we need him next year. Hopefully the coaches figure out whats a good way to put #34 into our offense.
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Hmmmmm. No one is talking about the O line. I haven't had the stomach to go back and look at the BCS game, but what stands out in my mind was that both lines got whacked all night long and that the linebackers disappeared.

Maybe it was loosing Ginn, in which case Bollman's got a good deal of work in front of him.

I think the bucks are stacked at the skill and speed positions, I'm concerned about the heavy lifters up front.
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I hope that Butch Reynolds can work some more magic with the "O" in general.
We will need it!

Even if he does make guys faster, we will need some frosh runners to step up and that's asking a lot of guys who won't even be in for spring practice.

The offensive line will be good enough.

I think it's best to temper our enthusiasm at least till spring!

Is Scott the only frosh coming in early?
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My advice for those getting ready for 2007.......stock up on Tums, and grow those nails out. :wink2:

The 2007 team is going to be a skeleton of it's 2006 predecessor, both schematically and personell wise. I envision Tressel relying heavily on what should be a very strong defense, and special teams. As he allows the offense to take form, and a QB (the most important person in a JT offense) to get his feet wet, he'll pretty much be relying on those other 2 aspects. Those who are wanting a flashy kind of offense might as well hang it up, especially early on next season. Wells is going to really make a name for himself nationally this season, and I think he could realistically go over 1500 yards. The TE will be much more heavily involved in next years scheme, because we'll be going out of more 2 TE sets, and Tress will be building confidence for his QB with the quick hitters. This is also an area where I think that Mo Wells could shine. I could picture him with 30+ catches next season out of the backfield (swing passes), and out of the slot. Ray Small will emerge as the next flashy weapon on offense, and the combo of Hartline and Robo will give us a quietly potent receiver tandem. Most of the damage done next season via the pass will be done within 15-20 yards from the LOS.

Defensively we are going to be very good. Tressel knows this, and will play to this strength. So, this will lead to many games being frustratingly close........and the Buckeyes squeaking out some games that they could have lost.

In the end, I think that this team could end up sneaking up on pundits and be right there in the thick of things at the Michigan game. They won't be flashy, but they will be a more physical, in your face, kind of team. Quite frankly with me being a defense kind of guy and all, I love this style of football. Time will tell, but I think we could either lose 3-4 games next season........or win the whole damn thing. It will really depend on if we can win those close ones.........because lord knows there will be some in 2007. :biggrin:
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bukIpower;721673; said:
everyweek we always see things like "man get maurice in space on a screen pass or check off and he'll go NUTS".. I wonder why they NEVER do this? maybe next year like ya'll said since we don't have Teddy, Pittman, and Gonzo we'll start to do this??

I think we need to do the straight ahead and off tackle stuff with Beanie, and then the stretch plays with MoW. Go back to last years North Western game and look at Maurice find that hole and cut it back. Grant it the blocking was perfect, but still I think he's best when changing directions quickly and cutting back. He's very unutilized and we need him next year. Hopefully the coaches figure out whats a good way to put #34 into our offense.
I'm sorry but I have to go against the grain on this one. I think the reason Mo Wells has been underutilized is simply because he's not that good. That may be painful for some of you to read, but he really reminds me of Lydell Ross. I think he plays a lot smaller than he actually is, doesn't break many tackles, and is completely incapable of running between the tackles in the Big 10. He may be useful with the screen pass in space, but I'd prefer to get the ball to a guy like Saine who has strength AND speed. Mo is a very lackluster player, in my opinion.
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daddyphatsacs;722663; said:
My advice for those getting ready for 2007.......stock up on Tums, and grow those nails out. :wink2:

The 2007 team is going to be a skeleton of it's 2006 predecessor, both schematically and personell wise. I envision Tressel relying heavily on what should be a very strong defense, and special teams. As he allows the offense to take form, and a QB (the most important person in a JT offense) to get his feet wet, he'll pretty much be relying on those other 2 aspects. Those who are wanting a flashy kind of offense might as well hang it up, especially early on next season. Wells is going to really make a name for himself nationally this season, and I think he could realistically go over 1500 yards. The TE will be much more heavily involved in next years scheme, because we'll be going out of more 2 TE sets, and Tress will be building confidence for his QB with the quick hitters. This is also an area where I think that Mo Wells could shine. I could picture him with 30+ catches next season out of the backfield (swing passes), and out of the slot. Ray Small will emerge as the next flashy weapon on offense, and the combo of Hartline and Robo will give us a quietly potent receiver tandem. Most of the damage done next season via the pass will be done within 15-20 yards from the LOS.

Defensively we are going to be very good. Tressel knows this, and will play to this strength. So, this will lead to many games being frustratingly close........and the Buckeyes squeaking out some games that they could have lost.

In the end, I think that this team could end up sneaking up on pundits and be right there in the thick of things at the Michigan game. They won't be flashy, but they will be a more physical, in your face, kind of team. Quite frankly with me being a defense kind of guy and all, I love this style of football. Time will tell, but I think we could either lose 3-4 games next season........or win the whole damn thing. It will really depend on if we can win those close ones.........because lord knows there will be some in 2007. :biggrin:

VERY WELL SAID. I have said all along that I think we are probably a two-loss team next year, maybe three. @PSU, vs. Wisky, and @scUM are no picnics. I think we probably win one of those three games. If we win two of them, that will be a great season and put us in the hunt for a share of the Big 10 and a potential BCS game. But I am more prepared for a Capital One type bowl game. The offense won't stretch the field like the '06 team. Back to old school Tressel-ball for awhile--which is good. I don't EVER want to see Tressel go for it on 4th and 1, deep in his own territory, down 10 points, right before the half. That is a Charlie Weis move and not the Tressel we have come to love.
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