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2007 tOSU Football Season Discussion (merged)

cincibuck;721710; said:
Hmmmmm. No one is talking about the O line. I haven't had the stomach to go back and look at the BCS game, but what stands out in my mind was that both lines got whacked all night long and that the linebackers disappeared.

Maybe it was loosing Ginn, in which case Bollman's got a good deal of work in front of him.

I think the bucks are stacked at the skill and speed positions, I'm concerned about the heavy lifters up front.

Ummm, seriously? The O-line is the LEAST of my concerns. Listen, our tackles got abused against Florida but throughout the season, this was a very good unit both in the running game and in pass protection. Cordle is a very capable replacement to Datish and I don't yet know who the guard will be to take Downing's spot, but to return three starters of the calibur of Boone, Barton, and Rehring, that is pretty good right there. If you want to worry about something, I would worry more about the vacated defensive tackle spots and the lack of a true, established, big-play WR. Robiskie, Hartline, Small, Dukes, etc. will be a decent, but not explosive WR corps.
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I'm excited to see more man defense....after the narrow escape against UM and the drumming UF put on us, I have no doubt the coaching staff will want to be multi-dimensional

Against solid QB's its imperative you give them different looks and Chad Henne/Chris Leak abused us in zone coverage

I'd like to see a breakdown of last season for man vs. zone coverage..prob something like 90%/10%......Let's get aggressive next year
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kc286496;722720; said:
I'm sorry but I have to go against the grain on this one. I think the reason Mo Wells has been underutilized is simply because he's not that good. That may be painful for some of you to read, but he really reminds me of Lydell Ross. I think he plays a lot smaller than he actually is, doesn't break many tackles, and is completely incapable of running between the tackles in the Big 10. He may be useful with the screen pass in space, but I'd prefer to get the ball to a guy like Saine who has strength AND speed. Mo is a very lackluster player, in my opinion.

i don't agree with the comparison to Lydell Ross at all. Ross was about 30 lbs heavier than Wells is. Wells plays small because he is small. Wells is a lot quicker and more explosive than Ross was. I don't think Wells will ever be a great between the tackles runner but he can be a very good 3rd down/change of pace RB if used properly.
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itownbuckeye;722763; said:
i don't agree with the comparison to Lydell Ross at all. Ross was about 30 lbs heavier than Wells is. Wells plays small because he is small. Wells is a lot quicker and more explosive than Ross was. I don't think Wells will ever be a great between the tackles runner but he can be a very good 3rd down/change of pace RB if used properly.
Yeah, Ross was a big back that looked like a small back. Wells is a fast back that looks like a slow back. Kid is listed as having 4.4 speed. I just don't see it. We'll never see Maurice Wells bust through the line and dust off a secondary. They will catch him because he just doesn't have great football speed. Teddy Ginn had world class track speed but it also carried over onto the football field. His acceloration was second to none. Wells might be a 4.4 runner but not with pads on. He's not very elusive either. He's an easy target for would-be tacklers.
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Saying someone is slow b/c he doesn't compare to Teddy Ginn is a bit absurd. Ross was a monster physically who played small and rarely broke tackles. Mo is a speed back who is physically too small to break many tackles. Both struggled to produce at RB, but I don't think they are very similar at all.

Mo has shown he is quite explosive and elusive when he has had room in space. The problem to me is he's a scat back and does not fit OSU's offense. He needs the ball on the edges, and OSU prefers to pound it between the tackles, where his size is an issue.

OSU did not need to adjust their offense to fit Mo last year, when they had two physical runners in Pitt & Beanie. Unless our brand new recruits step up quickly, I think the offense will have to adjust for Mo occasionally (when Beanie is resting) and design plays around his strengths.
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jwinslow;722798; said:
Saying someone is slow b/c he doesn't compare to Teddy Ginn is a bit absurd. Ross was a monster physically who played small and rarely broke tackles. Mo is a speed back who is physically too small to break many tackles. Both struggled to produce at RB, but I don't think they are very similar at all.

Mo has shown he is quite explosive and elusive when he has had room in space. The problem to me is he's a scat back and does not fit OSU's offense. He needs the ball on the edges, and OSU prefers to pound it between the tackles, where his size is an issue.

OSU did not need to adjust their offense to fit Mo last year, when they had two physical runners in Pitt & Beanie. Unless our brand new recruits step up quickly, I think the offense will have to adjust for Mo occasionally (when Beanie is resting) and design plays around his strengths.

Agreed on all parts about mo wells. He is nothing like ross, and really if he could find a grove in the right offense he could be very productive.
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I haven't even been impressed with Wells even when he has been in space. He is a scat back but his speed and quickness is not that great from what I have seen. You add the fact that he is not a great pass catcher and I can see why Ohio State doesn't design plays with him.
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jwinslow;722798; said:
Saying someone is slow b/c he doesn't compare to Teddy Ginn is a bit absurd. Ross was a monster physically who played small and rarely broke tackles. Mo is a speed back who is physically too small to break many tackles. Both struggled to produce at RB, but I don't think they are very similar at all.

Mo has shown he is quite explosive and elusive when he has had room in space. The problem to me is he's a scat back and does not fit OSU's offense. He needs the ball on the edges, and OSU prefers to pound it between the tackles, where his size is an issue.

OSU did not need to adjust their offense to fit Mo last year, when they had two physical runners in Pitt & Beanie. Unless our brand new recruits step up quickly, I think the offense will have to adjust for Mo occasionally (when Beanie is resting) and design plays around his strengths.

I'll bet Mo Wells is as big or bigger than Archie, and he broke more than a few tackles. There's other ways of braking tackles than by running over or through guys like Beanie will be doing. Pad level, balance, ability to absorb the blow and keep your feet moving (Walter Payton, anyone? Heck, Mike Hart?) all contribute to the not-so-big guys being hard to bring down also. There is also that "want to" factor, and that may be the thing we are not seeing as much in Mo Wells. He looks to make the guy miss, but when the jig is up, he doesn't appear to have that killer instinct.
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kc286496;722742; said:
Ummm, seriously? The O-line is the LEAST of my concerns. Listen, our tackles got abused against Florida but throughout the season, this was a very good unit both in the running game and in pass protection. Cordle is a very capable replacement to Datish and I don't yet know who the guard will be to take Downing's spot, but to return three starters of the calibur of Boone, Barton, and Rehring, that is pretty good right there.

But my point was that Boone and Barton got beat like a drum by the Florida ends. Granted they (the defensive ends) were as good as any in CFB this year, but the Gator ends had as much pt in our backfield as Pittman.

Was it the blocking schemes, inability of the backs to pick up blocking assignments, too much use of 3 back set?

And down by 16 they knew we weren't going to run much and there was no threat of Ginn on a reverse to make them think anything but "crash the party."

Kind of reminded me of 04 when the Bucks couldn't run worth a lick and Zwick was always looking out the ear hole of his helmet.

As for Mo Wells... nice kid. I understand he's a very hard worker, but he's had opportunities to show off and hasn't had much success or luck to show for it. Tressel's loyalty will get him some chances early, but I'm looking for someone who gives OSU some Johnathon Ringer/kid from Northwestern type of play.
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beanie for heisman

i think with the easy schedule in 07 with youngstown state first game i think that beanie will run for 150-200 yards then the akron game is relatively easy and another 150-200 4 him the washington game well u never kno how good they will b but yet another 100-200 so i can see maybe a 1,500-2,000 yrd season for #28

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mc13;731348; said:
i think with the easy schedule in 07 with youngstown state first game i think that beanie will run for 150-200 yards then the akron game is relatively easy and another 150-200 4 him the washington game well u never kno how good they will b but yet another 100-200 so i can see maybe a 1,500-2,000 yrd season for #28

Here you go. You forgot these: I , and , . A , for . You w , e , I .
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IronBuckI;731765; said:
Here you go. You forgot these: I , and , . A , for . You w , e , I .
He locked all his punctuation in the car, so he couldn't use it. It's in there with the realistic predictions, which are also missing. I don't think Wells is getting 30 carries a game, every game, all season, which is about what he'd need to even approach 2,000 yards.
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HailToMichigan;731797; said:
He locked all his punctuation in the car, so he couldn't use it. It's in there with the realistic predictions, which are also missing. I don't think Wells is getting 30 carries a game, every game, all season, which is about what he'd need to even approach 2,000 yards.

Ya, a 2,000 yd season is a rediculous prediction imo. The kid is gonna be good, but he'll still be a sophomore, and is largely unproven on the field. He's shown some moments of brilliance, but we don't know for sure how he'll adjust to being the starter.
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Sorry I didn't use proper punctuation for you professor i didn't realize that this was english (oops English class) and I think that if the passing game isn't very sharp that he may get up to 25-30 carries a game Clarett had 1100 some yards as a fresman and didnt play in like 4 games and when he did play he played hurt so I can see it happening LJ did it, yes it was his senior year but Beanie reminds me of him only he hits the hole quicker
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2007 Early Top 5

1. USC- The obvious choice, USC returns the majority of their defense including All-American candidates Keith Rivers and Rey Muauluga at linebacker. On offense USC returns most except at WR, where Smith and Jarrett both are gone, but USC recruits awfully well at WR and shouldn't have huge problem replacing them. But it all comes down to QB John David Booty, USC will only go as far as he will take them.

2. LSU- Yes, I know they lose a lottery pick at QB in Jamarcus Russell but Matt Flynn won't need to be Jamarcus Russell he just has to make the right decisions and put it in the hands of the talented members of the LSU WR corp, specifically Early Doucet. Don't worry about the defense, LSU has a tradition of tenacious Defenses and don't expect that to change this year.

3. Florida- The defending National Champs look like they could make another run for the title in 07. Losing Chris Leak hurts, but Tim Tebow chould perform well enough to make this team formidable. The teams weakness is defense, they lose a lot of star power on that side of the ball and that could be the downfall of Florida. Ultimately I think the winner of the LSU-Florida game will earn a trip to New Orleans for the big game.

4. Ohio State- After a less than perfect end to last season Ohio State will not be as strong on offense like last year's juggernaut. Losing starters at each skill position, some may think Ohio State is rated too high but the new QB could surprise some when attempting to replace Heisman Trophy winner Troy Smith. Look for running back, Chris Wells to be the focal point of the offense. The defense will be strong, it returns All-American linebacker James Laurinaitis and may other All-American candidates.

5. Michigan- After a two disappointing losses to end the 2006 season the Wolverines look to end their season in a different place. Returning the majority of the offense helps, especially Heisman hopeful Mike Hart and OL Jake Long. The defense takes a hit by losing many starters including all three linebackers and two All-American DL. Defense will be a weakspot but don't expect them to flop, remeber the last Big Ten team that lost most starters on defense? A win over Ohio State seems like it would please the Michigan players.
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