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2007 tOSU Football Season Discussion (merged)

NightmaresDad;717078; said:
From waht I've seen, Henton doesn't have neat Smoth's arm, but actually looked like a better, faster runner to me.

That I kinda disagree with...Henton has a big arm, and throws the deep ball really well from the video I have watched. I think it was the highlights from his playoff run last year that really showcased his arm strength.
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wadc45;717126; said:
That I kinda disagree with...Henton has a big arm, and throws the deep ball really well from the video I have watched. I think it was the highlights from his playoff run last year that really showcased his arm strength.

Well, I guess what I saw is I didn't particularly like his throwing motion - more of a slinging style. Can be very strong but not as accurate. I guess that's what I was trying to say.
But he looked FAST and could CUT when he took off with the ball, for sure.
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Watching this team gets its new identitiy is going to be a lot of fun. JT will play to the strengths of the team. Right now, we really don't know what that will be for 2007. I expect us to go away from the spread a little more and get back to the power running game. Either way, it's going to be fun to see what the coaches come up with and who steps up.
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he doesn't have to be wonderful you know? as long as he doens't turn it over and completes around 50% of his passes he should be fine. I would think we 3 returning o-lineman, a bruising fullback, and beanie we should be a run first type of offense.
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Ok so I think it is time for the breakdown of next years defense:

DE - We are going to have 2 guys that could and probably will be game changers and quite a bit of depth.

Gholston - We have all see what he can do. Another offseason from him and he will be even better. I think he gets to double digits in sacks and he will open up the guy playing opposite of him to get one on one. I think he needs to work on his rush defense somewhat, but overall I think he is ready to step up. Could be an all-american canidate, and with a good year next year could be our next early departure to the NFL.

Wilson - I love the potential of him. He is one of those long rangy, speedy DE that UF sent at us. He hasnt had a season where he was the main guy, but he has gotten a ton of meaningful snaps. I think with Gholston getting a ton of attention he could have a breakout year.

Ryan Williams - I was hearing good things about him b4 his injury. Lets hope he can get healthy and have a breakout year next year.

Barrow - I know there was some talk about him moving inside, but I think he sticks outside and has a good season as a backup to the first two guys mentioned.

Dublin - He was one of my favorite players on film last season and I think he could make an impact next season if needed.

Thomas - He needs a redshirt so I don't look for him to contribute.

DT's - This is where some people have panicked, but I don't see the reason to. I mean yes it hurts that we lost our top 3 guys to the nfl and 2 guys that could of made an impact next year are kicked off the team and Adallah hasnt been able to step up, but I think we will be fine.

Todd Denlinger - I think he has the potential to be one of the very best we have ever seen here. He has been behind the 3 guys that are leaving, but he has found time to see the field and was only a redshirt frosh. I think he has a huge year next year. I thought that the safety he had early in the season was just a pinch of what to expect out of him.

Worthington - I think if he can adjust and stay low he could be a beast in the middle. The reports are he keeps getting bigger, so he should be able to beat up on some of the interior lineman. Also he is going to cause major problems for QB's trying to throw over the middle with his 6'7'' frame.

Adallah - It is now or never for him. All reports are that he has just plain and simply struggled to make an impact. Lets just hope that he has a huge offseason and the light goes on, b/c he has the overall s ize, just not the strength. Alot of people don't even consider him, but he is part of the scholarship players so I think he deserves consideration.

Rob Rose - I think he is the wildcard here. We have seen him come off the edge and be a force. Now he continues to get bigger and bigger and will move down. His quickness off the ball is going to cause major problems for the lineman and I think he will make a huge impact inside.

Dexter Larimore - I think he is going to be a Tim Anderson clone. He was state champion wrestler so he understands leverage. I just think that he might need some more time to get bigger, but he is going to have his chance to make a splash next year.

LB's - Have I said how loaded we are here. We basically return all of our starters. We return the best LB in the country, and two that improved a ton from the beginning to end of the season.

Animal Jr. - I think the only problem was stregth wise and the abilility to read plays and be there just a little faster. You could see his improvment in this area over the season. I think next year he is going to see lots of attention much like the Big Kat did after his early career success. I think the fact that we have him in the middle is going to help out the DT's in that the lineman will be paying a lot of attention to the MLB. He is also great in pass coverage. Can't wait to see him bigger and faster next year. I think he will be the captain of the defense.

Freeman - He struggled at times this season. Played in passing situations, but seemed to be taken out of running plays. I think he struggled early in the season just due to the injury and just getting some game reps. I think that he will take a huge step next year. I thought he played very well down the stretch of the season and seemed to make soem big hits in the NC game.

Terry - He came on midway thru the season. He is more of a run stuffer at the LB position, but we are going to need him to be able to cover the pass as well. I think he will have a good offseason and will also be a captain of the defense.

Larry Grant - I still have a sour taste in my mouth from that Late hit penalty in the NC. I really hope that he can have a good offseason and continue to adjust to the D-I game, b/c I think he can have a pretty good senior season here.

Spitler - Kid seems to be a special teams demon and when in the game in mop up duty he is always around the ball. I have always wondered if he could gain enough weight to move down to DE, especially being behind Animal Jr. Either way I think he will make an impact on ST, but he has a very good player in front of him.

Homan - He played some this season and always seems to be around the ball. Just wonder how much time he sees due to the guys ahead of him.

Thad Gibson - He ballooned up 32 lbs in the season and still has the offseason to get bigger. It might be hard to keep him off the field if he has picked up the scheme. He is going to be a freak before he leaves here.

Tyler Moeller - I still think he is going to need anohter year to add weight, but I also think he is going to be a ST demon next year.

Mark Johnson - I have nothing here with the shoulder injury and no reports, but lets he provides more depth. I also think he is another canidate that could someday move to put his hand down.

Brian Rolle and Hines - I think we sign both of these guys and think they both redshirt, unless they play on Steams.

CB's - We all know about Jenkins. It is going to be the guy opposite him and the nickel guy.

Jenkins - He is a great cover guy and plays very good against the run. He can shut down the other teams number one guy. He also has a great chance to be done after next season as well.

Washington - I thought he made nice progress over the season. He will really need to step up and have a big year next year opposite of Jenkins.

Amos - He could step up and overtake Washington if he put his game all together. He played some this year and I really loved what I saw when he was out there. Either way I think that he will play the nickel and we could see a situation like this year where Washington moved to the nickel back and Amos to the outside, as Washinton is better in run support.

Kurt Coleman - I also think that he is going to see time next year. He is a guy that could possibly get a look at safety if Russell struggles from his injury and JamO or ever else struggles. THe kid can hit and cover. Should be interesting to see his role next year.

Underwood and Lane - Both need to step up. Lane makes plays on Steams and Underwood has struggled in mop up time when he has been in there. There has been talk and one time or other about leaving the team or
transferring. We shall see.

Chekwa - I think this kid has lots of potential, just needs more time in the weight room. He could see the field some next year.

Evege Torrence Scott - I see a redshirt from Evege and Scott unless they can't be kept off the field, but Torrence could see time on O or we could see any of them on steams.

S's - I think this is where the run defense really had a problem this year. We didnt have that support like we did with Whitner.

JamO - There was a time during the season where I thought the light had went on an he was ready to take his game to the next level. Then he struggled some and then the NC it was obvious he was not playing at 100% and struggled some. I think another offseason will help him out tremendously and am hopeful he steps his game up and helps out in the run game.

ARuss - I am very hopeful that he can come back fully healthy from his injury. He can really play and was our most impressive safety early in the season last year b4 his injury. If he comes back healthy he will be a very good player next year.

Nick patterson - Still can't believe how bad he struggled. He never saw the field after his early season struggles and the staff didnt have confidence in him to play in the NC game even with JamO banged up. If the writing is in the wall with guys passing him he could also consider a transfer.

Aaron Gant - I hated that the staff had to burn his redshirt, but the staff must of liked what they saw enough to burn the redshirt. Gant is huge and I think he could possibly see some pt next year.

Scwartz - I think he is going to be a good one. He redshirted this year and should see some time on steams next year.

Wright, Clifford, Pentello, Oliver - I am hopeful on Wright...I think the chance of one or two of these guys not redshirting is pretty high. I think Clifford could possibly make the move to WR, and I think that one of th eother 3 will see some time on steams. Either way we have some very good young safeties that should help out the depth at safety.

Overall we are going to be thin at some positions (DT, CB, S) but I think that we have the potential with Jenkins, Gholston, and Animal Jr. being cornerstones of the defense to be a very very good defense next year. We are going to be able to bring great pressure off the edge with Gholston and Wilson. With some quick and big guys pushing the middle. Great experience at lb and a great corner. We are going to need some young guys to step up but that is why we always have good teams is that there are always guys waiting in the wings to step up. Overall I think our pass defense will continue to be very good and I think that our run defense will also be great. Our DCordinators struggled in the NC game, but I think they will regroup as well and coach this defense up very good.
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My starting line-up..

RB-Beanie, Wells, Saine, Herron


IMO thats a very stellar line-up... especially on defense. I like the size of the secondary with everyone over 200 pounds, and DT position could be a glaring weakness but I tihnk the quickness of that front will make up for it.
On offense I"ve said it before as long as the QB isn't forced to do too much we should be ok. Just give the ball to Beanie and the other backs and put the game in the offensive lines hands...Could you imagine that offense with Ginn/Gonzo/Pittman though? oh dear lord I wish they would stay! I wish those players best of luck though! GO BUCKS things look good for 07' I think!! (especially considering how our first 3 games play out)
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Restocking OSU's middle

Monday, January 15, 2007

Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter

Columbus -- They know they'll miss the odd props he used in his captain's speeches, the way he'd sometimes pick out his hair into a huge afro and how he brought his grandmother to an interview session before the national title game.
But defensive coordinator Jim Heacock said the Ohio State Buckeyes won't really know how much they'll miss graduating All-American defensive tackle Quinn Pitcock until the games start next fall.

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bukIpower;717626; said:
My starting line-up..

RB-Beanie, Wells, Saine, Herron


IMO thats a very stellar line-up... especially on defense. I like the size of the secondary with everyone over 200 pounds, and DT position could be a glaring weakness but I tihnk the quickness of that front will make up for it.
On offense I"ve said it before as long as the QB isn't forced to do too much we should be ok. Just give the ball to Beanie and the other backs and put the game in the offensive lines hands...Could you imagine that offense with Ginn/Gonzo/Pittman though? oh dear lord I wish they would stay! I wish those players best of luck though! GO BUCKS things look good for 07' I think!! (especially considering how our first 3 games play out)

I think I agree with everything, besides I think Skinner will get the nod where you have Mitchum and I think that Worthington will be the starting DT. Also wouldnt be suprised to see Amos get the nod as the starting CB opposite Jenkins.
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Wow he has Clifford starting at corner and Coleman starting at safety.

EDIT: Here is my lineup for the D next year.

DE - Lawrence Wilson (Barely gets the nod over Rob Rose. Lawrence showed great potential this year and really turned it on at the end of the season.)
In limited time he ended up with 14 tackles, 5 TFL, 3 sacks, and 2 FF.
DE - Vernon Gholston
Vernon had a breakout year with 49 tackles, 15 TFL, 8.5 sacks and an interception. I look for him to get 10+ sacks in 2007.
DT - Todd Delinger
Probably the only sure fire starter at DT for '07. He impressed in the spring game recording a safety, and has looked great in practice according to insiders. He had 4 tackles and 2 TFL as the 4th string DT last season.
DT - Doug Worthington
This position is probably the biggest toss up for '07. Worthington is a huge specimen at 6'7" and appears to have recovered from his serious knee injury. He played in 7 games this year and ended up with 3 tackles.

SAM - Curtis Terry (Although I think Gibson will give him a run for this spot)
We played mostly nickel this year and Terry ended up with only 17 tackles and 3.5 TFL. He is a physical specimen that will probably get a chance on Sundays when hes done playing.
MIKE - James Laurinaitis
Won a defensive player of the year award as a true sophomore and ended up with 115 tackles, 8.5 TFL, 4 sacks, 5 interceptions, and 3 FF.
WILL - Marcus Freeman
Inconsistent but had his moments. Will need to really turn it on if he doesnt want to be replaced by some of the younger linebackers. Ended up with 71 tackles, 2.5 TFL, 1 sack, 2 INT, and 6 pass breakups.

CB - Malcom Jenkins
Will be the premier corner in the country next year, and has a chance to leave school as one of the best ever to come to OSU. Registered 55 tackles, 4.5 TFL, and 4 INT.
CB - Donald Washington III
Has great size and speed. Should probably be considered as a returning starter with how much time he played this year. Ended up with 41 tackles.
S - Anderson Russel
Was having a great year before tearing his ACL. Will contend for All Big Ten honors if he is 100% healthy. Had 16 tackles and a pick before ending his season.
S - Jamario O'Neal
This should be considered by default. He is probably the most likely to be replaced in '07, but who is going to replace him? Clifford, Coleman, and maybe a surprise player like Gant will keep the pressure on him. Had 30 tackles and a pick.

This is what I think the lineup will be at the start of the '07 season.

I expect Gibson, Homan, and Rose to be starting or at least playing half the time by the end of the season.
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scarletngrey11;717895; said:
Wow he has Clifford starting at corner and Coleman starting at safety.

I don't see where everyone is getting the Clifford at CB talk. From all reports at camp time he did not have the hips to play corner. If those 2 guys were to start I think that they would be flip flopped. Clifford at S and Coleman at CB.

I just don't see Washington and Amos both being passed up.
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