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2007 tOSU Football Season Discussion (merged)

crazybuckfan40;715736; said:
I thought Wisky lost both of their safties, QB, OT and some other guys, but maybe I was wrong.

As for Michigan I don't see a very dominant defense up there at all. Very good offense, but no defense, could cause them to struggle if Henne or Oline have bad days which they have shown to do at times...

According to the Capital Bowl media guide, on defense they lose not only their starting safeties -- but 5 safeties in the 3-deep. It looks like there is a lone returning 3rd-string freshman FS. Ouch. They also lose Zalewski (MLB) and Monty (DE). I think their run-D will still be stout, but their pass D -- especially attacking the safeties could be ugly.

depth chart on page 13
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23Skidoo;715805; said:
According to the Capital Bowl media guide, on defense they lose not only their starting safeties -- but 5 safeties in the 3-deep. It looks like there is a lone returning 3rd-string freshman FS. Ouch. They also lose Zalewski (MLB) and Monty (DE). I think their run-D will still be stout, but their pass D -- especially attacking the safeties could be ugly.

depth chart on page 13

Well, I've seen 19 starters in several different spots. Here is an excerpt from Matt Hayes with SportingNews.com who has Wisky as his preseason #2 for next season. This was posted yesterday:

2. Wisconsin: Why the Badgers? Let's begin with 19 starters returning from a team that won a school-record 12 games. Yeah, the Crawl Ball style is ugly, but let's not dismiss the fact that the Badgers have beaten two very good SEC teams (Auburn, Arkansas) in the last two Capital One Bowls. That's more than Ohio State and Michigan can say. This team is ready to take the next step under rising young coach Bret Bielema.
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kc286496;715821; said:
Well, I've seen 19 starters in several different spots. Here is an excerpt from Matt Hayes with SportingNews.com who has Wisky as his preseason #2 for next season. This was posted yesterday:

2. Wisconsin: Why the Badgers? Let's begin with 19 starters returning from a team that won a school-record 12 games. Yeah, the Crawl Ball style is ugly, but let's not dismiss the fact that the Badgers have beaten two very good SEC teams (Auburn, Arkansas) in the last two Capital One Bowls. That's more than Ohio State and Michigan can say. This team is ready to take the next step under rising young coach Bret Bielema.

Well, I'll take 2 BCS bowls including an NC game over 2 capital one bowls. Douchebag.
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kc286496;715821; said:
Well, I've seen 19 starters in several different spots. Here is an excerpt from Matt Hayes with SportingNews.com who has Wisky as his preseason #2 for next season. This was posted yesterday:

2. Wisconsin: Why the Badgers? Let's begin with 19 starters returning from a team that won a school-record 12 games. Yeah, the Crawl Ball style is ugly, but let's not dismiss the fact that the Badgers have beaten two very good SEC teams (Auburn, Arkansas) in the last two Capital One Bowls. That's more than Ohio State and Michigan can say. This team is ready to take the next step under rising young coach Bret Bielema.

IMO, the talking heads have never been a good source of information. But it also depends on what you consider "starting positions." Either way, they do have a lot coming back -- and I could easily see Donovan being great for them, especially with nearly the entire offense returning (Thomas is the only major loss).
The only weakness I really see is that safety spot... but it looks to be a glaring weakness.
Personally, I don't think the Badgers can live up to the hype of a #2 team.
But they'll be a force, and should be in the run for the B10 next year.
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OregonBuckeye;715847; said:
Well, I'll take 2 BCS bowls including an NC game over 2 capital one bowls. Douchebag.

Yeah, that was kind of a silly comment by him considering Ohio State and Michigan have only played one SEC team combined in our last four collective bowl games! Capital One game victories are on par with beating Oklahoma State in the Alamo Bowl as far as I'm concerned. Nonetheless, Wisky should be for real next year.

What happened to the buzz on Connor Smith? Last year's recruiting threads were all up on his jock, even moreso than when Alex Boone came in. I've seen few o-linemen enter OSU with such hype. When's his onfield debut expected?
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23Skidoo;715868; said:
The only weakness I really see is that safety spot... but it looks to be a glaring weakness.

Well, I remember a certain team in Columbus, OH that had NINE starters to replace on defense. I don't think Wisky recruits the athletes that we do, but I wouldn't be too worried about finding a serviceable safety or two. That's a big time program up there that is oft overlooked because of their location. I'm sure if you hopped on their boards, they probably can name a half dozen safeties that we have never heard of, just like they have never heard of Dexter Larimore or Doug Worthington who are candidates to fill our glaring DT shortage.
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kc286496;715877; said:
Well, I remember a certain team in Columbus, OH that had NINE starters to replace on defense. I don't think Wisky recruits the athletes that we do, but I wouldn't be too worried about finding a serviceable safety or two. That's a big time program up there that is oft overlooked because of their location. I'm sure if you hopped on their boards, they probably can name a half dozen safeties that we have never heard of, just like they have never heard of Dexter Larimore or Doug Worthington who are candidates to fill our glaring DT shortage.

I really don't think that's an apt comparison. The "replacing 9 starters" was always a weak argument if you actually followed the program, considering how much time Richardson, Gholston, Mitchell, Jenkins, Laurinaitis, Kerr and others had seen on the field here and elsewhere.
But it's completely bogus in this case. If you actually go to the link I provided, they're not just losing their starting safeties... they're losing their top 5 safeties. The only guy on that depth chart who is not a senior, is a freshman 3rd-string FS. That's desolate...
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The "19 starters" number probably includes kicker, punter, return guys, and don't forget the waterboy.
Thankfully we have them in the 'Shoe next year.

I watched their bowl game, and the way to stop Hill is to make him run sideways and take away the cutback - he doesn't have the speed to get the corner.

I wonder if we'll see Ogelsby get some PT next year?
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Next QB It will be one of three
Boeckman, Schoenhoft, Henton will compete to replace Smith
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Ken Gordon

GLENDALE, Ariz. He hasn't played a down at Ohio State, but Antonio Henton already is leading the Buckeyes in bravado.
Sitting in the University of Phoenix Stadium stands Jan. 5, the redshirt freshman quarterback made a bold prediction about the future of the position.
Heisman Trophy winner Troy Smith and backup Justin Zwick both are done, and Henton is one of three players who will compete for the starting job in 2007. "I think if I win the job and I have four years (to start), there?s no doubt that I (will) be the next Heisman winner at Ohio State," he said.

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A LOOK AHEAD - The offense
Boeckman early favorite to be QB

Sunday, January 14, 2007 Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus- Todd Boeckman is older than Troy Smith. Born June 8, 1984, he came into the world 42 days ahead of the Heisman Trophy winner. So if Boeckman is Ohio State's starting quarterback on Sept. 1 against Youngstown State as a 23-year old junior, maturity shouldn't be a problem.

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